Source code for pyatomdb.atomdb

The atomdb module contains several routines for interfacing with the AtomDB
database to extract useful physical quantities, line lists, write new fits
files and more. It is currently a dump of everything I've done with AtomDB.
This should all be considered unstable and possibly susceptible to being
wrong. It will be fixed, including moving many routines out of this library,
as time goes on.

Version 0.1 - initial release
Adam Foster July 17th 2015

Version 0.2 - added PI reading routines and get_data online enhancements.
Adam Foster August 17th 2015

Version 0.3 - added RRC generation routines
Adam Foster August 28th 2015

import os, datetime, numpy, re, time, getpass
import urllib.request, urllib.error, urllib.parse
from . import util, apec, const, atomic, spectrum

import as pyfits
from scipy import stats, integrate

[docs] def write_filemap(d, filemap, atomdbroot=''): """ Write filemap to file Parameters ---------- d : dict Dictionary with filemap data in it. Structure defined as return value from read_filemap. filemap : str Name of filemap file to read. If zero length, use "$ATOMDB/filemap" atomdbroot : str Replace any $ATOMDB in the file names with this. If not provided, use "ATOMDB" environment variable instead Returns ------- none """ # # filemap - name of filemap file to writeto # # open file for writing a=open(filemap, 'w') # cycle through all the "misc" files for i in range(0, len(d['misc'])): # search for the atomdbroot substring, if it's present, replace with # $ATOMDB. If atomdbroot not set, use ATOMDB environment variable instead # If that's not set, do nothing. if len(atomdbroot) > 0: d['misc'][i] = re.sub(atomdbroot,'$ATOMDB',d['misc'][i]) else: # see if the ATOMDB environment variable is set if 'ATOMDB' in list(os.environ.keys()): try: d['misc'][i] = d['misc'][i].decode('ascii') except: pass print(os.environ['ATOMDB']) print('$ATOMDB') print(d['misc'][i]) d['misc'][i] = re.sub(os.environ['ATOMDB'],'$ATOMDB',d['misc'][i].decode('ascii')) a.write('%2i %2i %2i ' % (d['misc_type'][i], 0, -1)+\ d['misc'][i].decode('ascii')+'\n') tlist = ['ir','lv','la','ec','pc','dr','em','pi','ai','ci'] for i in range(0, len(d['Z'])): for t in range(1, len(tlist)+1): tt = tlist[t-1] if d[tt][i] != '': # search for the atomdbroot substring, if it's present, replace with # $ATOMDB. If atomdbroot not set, use ATOMDB environment variable instead # If that's not set, do nothing. if len(atomdbroot) > 0: d[tt][i] = re.sub(atomdbroot,'$ATOMDB',d[tt][i]) else: # see if the ATOMDB environment variable is set if 'ATOMDB' in list(os.environ.keys()): d[tt][i] = re.sub(os.environ['ATOMDB'],'$ATOMDB',d[tt][i].decode('ascii')) y = t if t>=10: y+=10 if len(d[tt][i].decode('ascii')) > 0: a.write('%2i %2i %2i ' % (y, d['Z'][i], d['z1'][i])+\ d[tt][i].decode('ascii')+'\n') a.close() return
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _extract_n(conf_str): # to get the maximum n from the configuration string, e.g. "1s2 3p1", n=3 #split by ' ' tmp = re.split(' ',conf_str) n_out = -1 for i in tmp: n_tmp = int('^[0-9]+', i).group(0)) if n_tmp > n_out: n_out = n_tmp return n_out #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #def read_filemap(filemap=False, atomdbroot=False): #""" #Reads AtomDB filemap data into dictionary #Parameters #---------- #filemap : str #Name of filemap file to read. If zero length, use "$ATOMDB/filemap" #atomdbroot : str #Replace any $ATOMDB in the file names with this. If not provided, #use "ATOMDB" environment variable instead #Returns #------- #dict #dictionary listing all the filenames for each different datatype. #Files separated into "misctypes" for abundance and bremsstrahlung files, #and 'ionfiles', which are then split by element, ion, and datatype, e.g. #ret['ionfiles'][6][5]['lv'] contains the energy level (lv) data for #carbon V. #""" #if not(atomdbroot): #try: #atomdbroot = os.environ['ATOMDB'] #except KeyError: #print '*** ERROR: atomdbroot not set, use environment variable ATOMDB or '+\ #'pass atomdbroot to read_filemap' #return False #if not(filemap): #filemap = atomdbroot+'/filemap' #if not os.path.exists(filemap): #print "*** ERROR: Filemap %s does not exist, cannot fetch file" %(filemap) #return False #f = open(filemap,'r') #filedtype = numpy.dtype({'names':['Z','z1','ec','lv','ir','pc','dr',\ #'la','em','pi','ai'],\ #'formats':[int, int, '|S160','|S160','|S160',\ #'|S160','|S160','|S160','|S160',\ #'|S160','|S160','|S160']}) #miscdtype = numpy.dtype({'names':['misc_type','file'],\ #'formats':[int, '|S160']}) #ret = {} #ret['ionfiles'] = numpy.zeros(0, dtype=filedtype) #ret['miscfiles'] = numpy.zeros(0, dtype=miscdtype) #for i in f: #splt = i.split() #fname = re.sub('\$ATOMDB',atomdbroot,splt[3]) #Z_tmp = int(splt[1]) #z1_tmp = int(splt[2]) #if Z_tmp < 1: ## in this case, we have a "misc" datatype, not corresponding to a particular ion #misc_type = int(splt[0]) #misc_file = fname #ret['miscfiles'] = numpy.append(ret['miscfiles'], numpy.array((misc_type, misc_file),\ #dtype=miscdtype)) #else: #j = numpy.where((ret['ionfiles']['Z']==Z_tmp) & \ #(ret['ionfiles']['z1']==z1_tmp))[0] #if len(j)==0: #j = len(ret['ionfiles']) #ret['ionfiles'] = numpy.append(ret['ionfiles'], numpy.zeros(1,\ #dtype=filedtype)) #ret['ionfiles']['Z'][j]=Z_tmp #ret['ionfiles']['z1'][j]=z1_tmp #else: #j = j[0] #if int(splt[0]) == 1: #ret['ionfiles']['ir'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 2: #ret['ionfiles']['lv'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 3: #ret['ionfiles']['la'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 4: #ret['ionfiles']['ec'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 5: #ret['ionfiles']['pc'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 6: #ret['ionfiles']['dr'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 7: #ret['ionfiles']['em'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 8: #ret['ionfiles']['pi'][j] = fname #if int(splt[0]) == 9: #ret['ionfiles']['ai'][j] = fname ## if int(splt[0]) == 10: ## cilist[j] = fname # ret={} # ret['Z'] = numpy.array(Z) # ret['z1'] = numpy.array(z1) # ret['ec'] = numpy.array(eclist, dtype='|S160') # ret['lv'] = numpy.array(lvlist, dtype='|S160') # ret['ir'] = numpy.array(irlist, dtype='|S160') # ret['pc'] = numpy.array(pclist, dtype='|S160') # ret['dr'] = numpy.array(drlist, dtype='|S160') # ret['la'] = numpy.array(lalist, dtype='|S160') # ret['em'] = numpy.array(emlist, dtype='|S160') # ret['pi'] = numpy.array(pilist, dtype='|S160') # ret['ai'] = numpy.array(ailist, dtype='|S160') # ret['ci'] = numpy.array(cilist, dtype='|S160') # ret['misc'] = numpy.array(misc, dtype='|S160') # ret['misc_type'] = numpy.array(misc_type) # return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ci_younger(Te, c): """ Calculates Collisional Ionization Rates from Younger formula Parameters ---------- Te : array(float) Temperatures in Kelvin c : the ionrec_par from the transition in the AtomDB IR file Returns ------- array(float) returns ionization rate in cm^3 s^-1 """ KBOLTZ = 8.617385e-8 #keV/K T_eV = 1.e3*KBOLTZ*Te x = c[0]/T_eV ci = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) ite = numpy.where(x <= 1000.0)[0] f1_val = _f1_fcn(x[ite]) ci[ite] = (numpy.exp(-x[ite])/x[ite])* \ ( c[1]*( 1 - x[ite]*f1_val ) +\ c[2]*( 1 + x[ite] - x[ite]*(x[ite]+2)*f1_val )+\ c[3]*f1_val + \ c[4]*x[ite]*_f2_fcn(x[ite]) ) ci *= 6.69e-07/(T_eV*numpy.sqrt(T_eV)) return ci #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ea_mazzotta(Te, c, par_type): """Te is an array in Kelvin c is the ionrec_par par_type is the number denoting the type of the parameter returns excitation-autoionization rate in cm^3 s^-1""" KBOLTZ = 8.617385e-8 #keV/K T_eV = 1.e3*KBOLTZ*Te ea = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) if par_type == 61: # 1985A&AS...60..425A (Arnaud & Rothenflug) # Note: c[1] = b/Zeff^2 in Arnaud & Rothenflug y = c[0]/T_eV for iy in range(len(y)): if (y[iy] < 50.0): # otherwise, rate is effectively zero yf1 = y[iy]*_f1_fcn(y[iy]) G = 2.22*_f1_fcn(y[iy]) + 0.67*(1 - yf1) + 0.49*yf1 + 1.2*y[iy]*(1 - yf1) ea[iy] = c[2] * c[1] * 1.92e-07 * numpy.exp(-y[iy]) * G/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[iy]) elif par_type == 62: # 1985A&AS...60..425A (Arnaud & Rothenflug) I_ea = c[0] a = c[1] b = c[2] y = I_ea/T_eV for iy in range(len(y)): if (y[iy] < 50.0): f1_val = _f1_fcn(y[iy]) ea[iy] = 6.69e7 * a * (I_ea/sqrt(T_eV[iy])) * exp(-y[iy]) * \ (1.0 + b*f1_val - c[3]*y[iy]*f1_val - \ c[4]*0.5*(y[iy] - y[iy]*y[iy] + y[iy]*y[iy]*y[iy]*f1_val)) elif par_type == 63: # 1998A&AS..133..403M (Mazzotta etal 1998) */ y=c[0]/T_eV for iy in range(len(y)): if (y[iy] < 50.0): f1_val = _f1_fcn(y[iy]); ea[iy] = (6.69e7/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[iy]))*numpy.exp(-y[iy])*1.e-16*\ (c[1]+\ c[2]*(1-y[iy]*f1_val)+\ c[3]*(1-y[iy]*(1-y[iy]*f1_val))+\ c[4]*(1-0.5*(y[iy] - y[iy]*y[iy] + y[iy]*y[iy]*y[iy]*f1_val))+\ c[5]*f1_val) return ea #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _rr_verner(Te, c): tt0=numpy.sqrt(Te/c[2]) tt1=numpy.sqrt(Te/c[3]) rr = c[0]/( (tt0) * ((tt0+1)**(1-c[1])) * ((1+tt1)** (1+c[1]))) return rr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _ea_mazzotta_iron(T_eV, c): ret = numpy.zeros(len(T_eV), dtype = float) for i in range(len(T_eV)): y = c[0]/T_eV[i] if (y < 50.0): f1_val = _f1_fcn(numpy.array([y])) ea = (6.69e7/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[i]))* numpy.exp(-y) * 1.0e-16 * \ (c[1]+\ c[2]*(1-y*f1_val)+\ c[3]*(1-y*(1-y*f1_val)) +\ c[4]*(1-0.5*(y - y*y + y*y*y*f1_val)) +\ c[5]*f1_val) else: ea = 0.0 ret[i] = ea return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _rr_shull(Te, c): KBOLTZ = 8.617385e-8 #keV/K rr = c[0]* (Te/1e4)**(-c[1]) return rr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _f1_fcn(x): # /* Analytic approx. to f_1(x) = exp(x) \int_1^{\infty} (exp(-xt)/t) dt */ # /* Commented-out version from */ # /* Arnaud \& Rothenflug, 1985 A&A, Appendix B, p. 436 */ # /* Version used from Mazzotta's original code. */ result=numpy.zeros(len(x), dtype=float) a=numpy.array( [-0.57721566,0.99999193,-0.24991055, 0.05519968,-0.00976004,0.00107857]) b=numpy.array( [8.5733287401,18.0590169730,8.6347608925,0.2677737343, 9.5733223454,25.6329561486,21.0996530827,3.9584969228]) if sum(x < 0.0 )>0 : errmess("_f1_fcn","Negative values of x not allowed") i = numpy.where(x < 1.0)[0] if len(i) > 0: result[i]=(a[0]+a[1]*x[i]+a[2]*x[i]*x[i] + a[3]* x[i]**3 + a[4]*x[i]**4 + a[5]*x[i]**5-numpy.log(x[i]))*numpy.exp(x[i]) i = numpy.where((1.0 < x) & (x<1e9))[0] if len(i) > 0: result[i]=(x[i]**4+b[0]*x[i]**3+b[1]*x[i]**2+b[2]*x[i]+b[3])/ \ (x[i]**4+b[4]*x[i]**3+b[5]*x[i]**2+b[6]*x[i]+b[7])/x[i] i = numpy.where((x>=1e9))[0] result[i]=1.0/x[i] return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _f2_fcn(x): # Analytic approximation to */ # f_2(x) = exp(x) \int_1^{\infty} (log(t) exp(-xt)/t) dt */ # Taken from Arnaud \& Rothenflug, 1985 A&A, Appendix B, p. 436 */ pc= numpy.array([1.0000e0 ,2.1658e2 ,2.0336e4 ,1.0911e6 ,3.7114e7 , 8.3963e8 ,1.2889e10,1.3449e11,9.4002e11,4.2571e12, 1.1743e13,1.7549e13,1.0806e13,4.9776e11,0.0000e0]) qc= numpy.array([1.0000e0 ,2.1958e2 ,2.0984e4 ,1.1517e6 ,4.0349e7 , 9.4900e8 ,1.5345e10,1.7182e11,1.3249e12,6.9071e12, 2.3531e13,4.9432e13,5.7760e13,3.0225e13,3.3641e12]) result = numpy.zeros(len(x)) ix = numpy.where(x > 0.27)[0] for iix in ix: p=0.0 q=0.0 xp = 1 for i in range(0,15): p = p+pc[i]/xp q = q+qc[i]/xp xp = x[iix]*xp result[iix]=((p/q)/x[iix])/x[iix] ix = numpy.where(x <= 0.27)[0] for iix in ix: result[iix]=(((numpy.log(x[iix])*numpy.log(x[iix]))/2.0)+(0.57722*numpy.log(x[iix])))+1.0 return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _dr_mazzotta(Te, c): T_eV = 1.e3*const.KBOLTZ*Te dr = (c[0]/(T_eV**1.5))*(c[5]*numpy.exp(-c[1]/T_eV) +\ c[6]*numpy.exp(-c[2]/T_eV) +\ c[7]*numpy.exp(-c[3]/T_eV) +\ c[8]*numpy.exp(-c[4]/T_eV)) return dr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _dr_badnell(Te, c): """ Convert data from Badnell constants into a DR Rate Parameters ---------- Te : float or array(float) Electron temperature[s] in K c : array Constants from DR rates. Stored as alternating pairs in AtomDB, so c1,e1,c2,e2,c3,e3 etc in the IONREC_PAR column Returns ------- float DR rate in cm^3 s-1 References ---------- See """ Te_in, wasvec = util.make_vec(Te) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_in)) for i in range(len(c)//2): if c[2*i] != 0.0: ret += c[2*i] * numpy.exp(-c[2*i+1]/Te_in) ret *= Te_in**-1.5 if wasvec==False: ret=ret[0] return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _rr_badnell(Te, c): """ Convert data from Badnell constants into a RR Rate Parameters ---------- Te : float or array(float) Electron temperature[s] in K c : array Constants from DR rates. Stored as alternating pairs in AtomDB, so c1,e1,c2,e2,c3,e3 etc in the IONREC_PAR column Returns ------- float RR rate in cm^3 s-1 References ---------- See """ Te_in, wasvec = util.make_vec(Te) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_in)) A = c[0] B = c[1] T0 = c[2] T1=c[3] C = c[4] T2 = c[5] if C != 0: B += C*numpy.exp(-T2/Te_in) ret = A/ ((Te_in/T0)**0.5*\ (1+(Te_in/T0)**0.5)**(1-B) *\ (1+(Te_in/T1)**0.5)**(1+B)) if wasvec==False: ret=ret[0] return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addline(xbins, yvals, wv, amp, dx): # create the cdf cdf = stats.norm(wv,dx).cdf(xbins) vec = (cdf[1:]-cdf[:-1])*amp # tmpsumyin = sum(yvals) # print "sum(yin)", tmpsumyin # print vec return vec yvals = yvals + vec # print sum(vec), amp, sum(yvals), sum(yvals)-sum(vec) # zzz=raw_input() return yvals #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _addline2(xbins, wv, amp, dx): # create the cdf cdf = stats.norm(wv,dx).cdf(xbins) vec = (cdf[1:]-cdf[:-1])*amp # yvals = yvals + vec return vec #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_precalc_ionfrac(ionbalfile, Z, te, z1=-1): """ Reads the ionization fraction of a given ion at a given Te from an ionbalfile Assumes ionization equilibrium Parameters ---------- ionbalfile : str location of ionization balance file Z : int atomic number of element (e.g. 6 for carbon) te : float electron temperature (in K) z1 : int if provided, z+1 of ion (e.g. 5 for O V). If omitted, returns ionization fraction for all ions of element Returns ------- ionization fraction of ion or, if not specified, of all ions at Te """ dat = __get_ionbal(ionbalfile, Z) it = numpy.argmin(abs(dat['te']-te)) if z1==-1: z1 = list(range(0,Z+1)) else: z1=z1-1 frac = dat['frac'][it,z1] return frac #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __get_ionbal(ionbalfile, element, ion=-1): # ionbalfile : string, location of ionization balance file # element : int, Z of element (e.g. 6 for carbon) # ion : if provided, z+1 of ion (e.g. 5 for O V, 3 for Ne III) # if omitted, returns ionization balance for all ions of element # # returns dictionary with keys: # ['te'] : float array, electron temperature # ['dens'] : float array, electron densities # ['time'] : float array, elapsed times, if in original file # ['frac'] : float array, fractional abundance of ion # : if ion not set, returns ['frac'][te,z] # check ion makes sense for the given element if ion ==0: print('ion should be in range 1 to Z, in this case '+repr(Z)) print('return whole element ionization balance in stead') if ion > element + 1: print('ion should be in range 1 to Z, in this case '+repr(Z)) print('ERROR, returning -1') return -1 a=get_data(1,1,'IONBAL') # find data type #for i in a[1].header: #print(i) if a[1].header['HDUCLASS']=='ION_BAL': # find index for correct ion i = 0 z_element = a[1].data.field('z_element')[0] # find the correct column index for the element for j in range(1, element): if j in z_element: i = i + j+1 # if ion specified, find the column for the ion if ion <= 0: i = i+numpy.arange(element+1) else: i = i + ion-1 out = a[1].data.field('x_ionpop')[:,i] # prepare return dictionary ret={} ret['frac'] = out ret['te'] = a[1].data.field('temperature') ret['dens'] = a[1].data.field('density') else: i = 0 z_element = a[1].data.field('element')[0] z_element = numpy.array(z_element) if a[1].data.field('NZ')[0]==1: j = a[1].data.field('indx')[0] else: j = numpy.where(z_element==element)[0][0] j = a[1].data.field('indx')[0][j] # for j in range(1, element): # if j in z_element: i = i + j+1 if ion <= 0: i = j+numpy.arange(element+1) else: i = j + ion-1 out = a[1].data.field('Ionbal')[:,i] ret={} ret['frac'] = out ret['te'] = a[1].data.field('temperature') ret['dens'] = a[1].data.field('density') if "Time" in a[1].data.names: ret['time'] = a[1].data.field('time') return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_filemap_file(ftype, Z, z1, fmapfile="$ATOMDB/filemap",\ atomdbroot="$ATOMDB", quiet=False, misc=False): """ Find the correct file from the database for atomic data of type ftype for ion with nuclear charge Z and ioncharge+1 = z1 Parameters ---------- ftype : str * 'ir' = ionization & recombination data * 'lv' = energy levels * 'la' = wavelength and transition probabilities (lambda & a-values) * 'ec' = electron collision rates * 'pc' = proton collision rates * 'dr' = dielectronic recombination satellite line information * 'ai' = autoionization rate data * 'pi' = XSTAR photoionization data * 'em' = emission feature data (currently unused) Z : int Element atomic number (=6 for C+4) z1 : int Ion charge +1 (=5 for C+4) fmapfile : str Specific filemap to use. Otherwise defaults to atomdbroot+'/filemap' atomdbroot : str Location of ATOMDB database. Defaults to ATOMDB environment variable. all $ATOMDB in the filemap will be expanded to this value quiet : bool If true, suppress warnings about files not being present for certain ions misc : bool If requesting "misc" data, i.e. the Bremsstrahlung inputs, use this. This is for non ion-specific data, therefore Z,z1 are ignored. types are: 10 or 'abund': elemental abundances 11 or 'hbrems': Hummer bremstrahlung gaunt factor coefficients 13 or 'rbrems': Relativistic bremstrahlung gaunt factor coefficients Returns ------- str The filename for the relevant file, with all $ATOMDB expanded. If no file exists, returns zero length string. """ fmap=read_filemap(filemap=fmapfile, atomdbroot=atomdbroot) if misc: # looking for type 10,11 or 13 data if ftype.lower() in ['10','11','13','abund','hbrems','rbrems']: if ftype.lower() in ['abund','hbrems','rbrems']: if ftype.lower() == 'abund': ftype_misc = 10 if ftype.lower() == 'hbrems': ftype_misc = 11 if ftype.lower() == 'rbrems': ftype_misc = 13 else: ftype_misc = int(ftype) i = numpy.where(fmap['misc_type']==ftype_misc)[0] if len(i)==0: print("Error: file type: %i not found in filemap %s" %(ftype,fmapfile)) ret = '' else: ret = fmap['misc'][i[0]] else: if not ftype.lower() in ['eigen','ionbal']: print("Error: unknown file type: %s not recognized" %(ftype)) ret = '' else: i = numpy.where((fmap['Z']==Z)&(fmap['z1']==z1))[0] ret='' if len(i)==0: if not quiet : print("WARNING: there is no data for the ion "+\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1)) ret='' if len(i)>1: print("ERROR: there are multiple entries for the ion "+\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1)) ret='' if len(i)==1: i=i[0] ftypel = ftype.lower() if not ftypel in list(fmap.keys()): print("Error: invalid file type: "+ftype) ret = '' else: ret = fmap[ftypel][i] if len(ret)==0: if not quiet : print("WARNING: no data of type "+ftype+" exists for ion "+\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1)) # convert from binary string to text filename try: return ret.decode() except AttributeError: return ret
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def make_level_descriptor(lv): # cfgstr = lv['elec_config'] # #check if L & S are not -1, to determine if a term symbol can be made # lsymb = 'spdfghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz' # if lv['lev_deg'] % 2 != 0: # Jsym = "%i" % ((lv['lev_deg']-1.0)/2.0) # else: # Jsym = "%i/%1i" % (lv['lev_deg']-1,2) # if ((lv['s_quan']==-1) | (lv['l_quan']==-1)): # # jj coupling # LSsym='' # else: # LSsym= "^{%i}%s" % ((2*lv['s_quan'])+1,lsymb[lv['l_quan']].upper()) # ret = cfgstr+' '+LSsym+"_{"+Jsym+"}" # return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_ionpot(Z, z1, settings=False, datacache=False): """ Get the ionization potential of an ion in eV Parameters ---------- Z : int The atomic number of the element z1 : int The ion charge + 1 of the ion settings : dict See description in get_data datacache : dict Used for caching the data. See description in get_data Returns ------- float The ionization potential of the ion in eV. """ # # Version 0.1 Initial Release # Adam Foster 25 Sep 2015 # irdat = get_data(Z,z1,'IR', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) ionpot = irdat[1].header['IONPOT'] return ionpot
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_level_details(level, Z=-1, z1=-1, filename='', \ # filemap='', atomdbroot=''): # """Function returns the details in the level file for the specified # level. LV file can be specified by filename, or by filemap, Z, z1""" # if filename=='': # # get the filename from the other variables # if Z < 0: # print("Error in get_level_details: must specify filename or "+\ # "Z, z1 and filemap") # return -1 # if z1 < 0: # print("Error in get_level_details: must specify filename or "+\ # "Z, z1 and filemap") # return -1 # if filemap =='': # print("Error in get_level_details: must specify filename or "+\ # "Z, z1 and filemap") # return -1 # filename = get_filemap_file(filemap, 'LV', Z, z1,\ # atomdbroot=atomdbroot) # # open the file # lvdat = # ret = {} # ret['elec_config'] = lvdat[1].data.field('elec_config')[level-1] # ret['energy'] = lvdat[1].data.field('energy')[level-1] # ret['e_error'] = lvdat[1].data.field('e_error')[level-1] # ret['n_quan'] = lvdat[1].data.field('n_quan')[level-1] # ret['l_quan'] = lvdat[1].data.field('l_quan')[level-1] # ret['s_quan'] = lvdat[1].data.field('s_quan')[level-1] # ret['lev_deg'] = lvdat[1].data.field('lev_deg')[level-1] # ret['phot_type'] = lvdat[1].data.field('phot_type')[level-1] # ret['phot_par'] = lvdat[1].data.field('phot_par')[level-1] # ret['energy_ref'] = lvdat[1].data.field('energy_ref')[level-1] # ret['phot_ref'] = lvdat[1].data.field('phot_ref')[level-1] # ret['string'] = "%s, E=%.4f, S=%.1f, L=%i, lev_deg=%i, ref=%s"%\ # (lvdat[1].data.field('elec_config')[level-1],\ # lvdat[1].data.field('energy')[level-1],\ # lvdat[1].data.field('s_quan')[level-1],\ # lvdat[1].data.field('l_quan')[level-1],\ # lvdat[1].data.field('lev_deg')[level-1],\ # lvdat[1].data.field('energy_ref')[level-1]) # return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_abundance(abundfile=False, abundset='AG89', element=[-1],\ datacache=False, settings = False, show=False): """ Get the elemental abundances, relative to H (H=1.0) Parameters ---------- abundfile : string special abundance file, if not using the default from filemap abundset : string Abundance set. To list those available, set to one that doesn't exist (suggest "list"). Available: Allen Allen, C. W. Astrophysical Quantities, 3rd Ed., 1973 (London: Athlone Press) AG89 Anders, E. and Grevesse, N. 1989, Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 53, 197 GA88 Grevesse, N, and Anders, E.1988, Cosmic abundances of matter, ed. C. J. Waddington, AIP Conference, Minneapolis, MN Feldman Feldman, U., Mandelbaum, P., Seely, J.L., Doschek, G.A.,Gursky H., 1992, ApJSS, 81,387 Default is AG89 element : list of int Elements to find abundance for. If not specified, return all. datacache : dict See get_data settings : settings See get_data show : bool If set to true, print available abundances and their references to the screen. Returns ------- dict abundances in dictionary, i.e : {1: 1.0,\n 2: 0.097723722095581111,\n 3: 1.4454397707459272e-11,\n 4: 1.4125375446227541e-11,\n 5: 3.9810717055349735e-10,\n 6: 0.00036307805477010178,...\n """ if not abundfile: abunddata = get_data(False, False, 'abund', \ datacache=datacache,\ settings = settings) else: abunddata = if show: print("Available abundance options:") for d in abunddata[1].data: print( "%10s : %s"%(d['Source'], d['Reference'])) if element[0]==-1: element = list(range(1,31)) ind = numpy.where(abunddata[1].data.field('Source')==abundset)[0] if len(ind)==0: print("Invalid Abundance Set chosen: select from: ") if 'Reference' in abunddata[1].data.names: for d in abunddata[1].data: print(" %10s : %s"%(d['Source'], d['Reference'])) else: for d in abunddata[1].data: print(" %10s"%(d['Source'])) return -1 ret = {} for Z in element: elsymb = atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z) try: ret[Z]=10**(abunddata[1].data.field(elsymb)[ind[0]])/1e12 except KeyError: # case element doesn't exists ret[Z] = 0.0 return ret
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_emissivity(linefile, elem, ion, upper, lower, kT=[-1], \ # hdu = [-1], kTunits='keV'): # a = # # find the blocks of interest # if ((kT[0] != -1) & (hdu[0] != -1)): # print("Error in get_emissivity: provide either the hdu numbers "+\ # "(starting from 2) or the temperatures") # return -1 # interpKt = False # if (kT[-1] != -1): # interpKt = True # hdulist = [] # if kTunits.lower() == "k": # kT_keV = numpy.array(kT)*const.KBOLTZ # elif kTunits.lower()== "kev": # kT_keV = numpy.array(kT) # else: # print("Error in get_emissivity: kTunits must be K or keV") # return -1 # ikT_min = numpy.where(a[1].data.field('kT') >= min(kT_keV))[0] # ikT_max = numpy.where(a[1].data.field('kT') <= max(kT_keV))[0] # if ((len(ikT_min)==0) | (ikT_min[0] == 0)): # print("Error in get_emissivity: kT=%e out of range %e:%e keV" %\ # (min(kT_keV), a[1].data.field('kT')[0], \ # a[1].data.field('kT')[-1])) # return -1 # if ((len(ikT_max)==0) | (ikT_max[-1] == len(a[1].data.field('kT'))-1)): # print("Error in get_emissivity: kT=%e out of range %e:%e keV" %\ # (max(kT_kev), a[1].data.field('kT')[0], \ # a[1].data.field('kT')[-1])) # return -1 # ikT = numpy.arange(ikT_min[0]-1, ikT_max[-1]+2) # elif (hdu[0] != -1): # ikT = numpy.array(hdu)-2 # kT_keV = a[1].data.field('kT')[ikT] # else: # ikT = numpy.arange(len(a[1].data.field('kT')), dtype=int) # kT_keV = a[1].data.field('kT')[ikT] # # ok. Get the numbers # emiss_grid = numpy.zeros(len(ikT), dtype=float) # for iemiss, i in enumerate(ikT): # ii = i+2 # j = numpy.where((a[ii].data.field('element')==elem) &\ # (a[ii].data.field('ion')==ion) &\ # (a[ii].data.field('upperlev')==upper) &\ # (a[ii].data.field('lowerlev')==lower))[0] # if len(j) > 0: # emiss_grid[iemiss] = a[ii].data.field('epsilon')[j[0]] # # ok, now get the numbers on a nice grid # if (interpKt): # emiss = numpy.interp(kT_keV, a[1].data.field('kT')[ikT], emiss_grid) # else: # emiss = emiss_grid # return kT_keV, emiss #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __interp_rate(Te, npar, Te_grid,ionrec_par): from scipy.interpolate import interp1d Te_log = numpy.log(Te) Te_grid_log = numpy.log(Te_grid[:npar]) ionrec_par_log = numpy.log(ionrec_par[:npar]) #print Te_grid_log #print ionrec_par_log tmp = interp1d(Te_grid_log, ionrec_par_log, kind='cubic') #print Te_log ret = numpy.exp(tmp(Te_log)) # print Te_grid, ionrec_par #print ret # zzz=raw_input() return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_ion_lines(linefile, Z, z1, fullinfo=False): # a = # kT = a[1].data.field('kT') # nlines = numpy.zeros(len(kT), dtype=int) # for ikT in range(len(kT)): # iikT = ikT + 2 # j = numpy.where((a[iikT].data.field("element") == Z) &\ # (a[iikT].data.field("ion") == z1))[0] # nlines[ikT] = len(j) # if (fullinfo): # print("kT = %.2e, nlines = %i" % (kT[ikT], nlines[ikT])) # if nlines[ikT] > 0: # for jj in j: # print("%5i: %10f %.4e" % (jj, \ # a[iikT].data.field('lambda')[jj], \ # a[iikT].data.field('epsilon')[jj])) # return nlines #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # def get_line_emissivity( Z, z1, upind, loind, \ # linefile="$ATOMDB/apec_line.fits",\ # ion_drv=False, elem_drv=False, use_nei=False,\ # use_nei_raw=False): # """ # Get the emissivity of a line as fn of temperature from APEC line file # Parameters # ---------- # Z : int # Atomic number of element of line # z1 : int # Ion charge +1 of ion # upind : int # Upper level of transition # loind : int # Lower level of transition # linefile : str # line emissivity file. defaults to $ATOMDB/apec_line.fits # ion_drv : int # if set, return only the contribution from driving ion ion_drv. This is # useful for non-equilibrium plasma calculations, and requires an # nei_line file to be specified in linefile # elem_drv : int # same as ion_drv, but specified driving element. Currently this setting # is pointless, as all transitions have the same driving element as element. # use_nei : bool # This can be useful when trying to get line emissivities which fall # below the 1e-20 cut off. Applying this flag, the NEI file will be used # by default and an ionization balance applied. This should give the # same results as normal for strong emissivities, but go to a lower # emissivity before being set to zero. Use with caution... # use_nei_raw : bool # Return the emissivities by driving ion. This changes the epsilon returned # to no longer be a single array, but a dict where e.g. epsilon[5] is an # array of the spectrum with driving ion 5 (e.g. C V or similar) # Returns # ------- # dict # dictionary with the following data in it: # ['kT'] : array(float) # the electron temperatures, in keV # ['dens'] : array(float) # the electron densities, in cm^-3 # ['time'] : array(float) # the time (for old-style NEI files only, typically all zeros in # current files) # ['epsilon'] : array(float) # the emissivity in ph cm^3 s^-1 # """ # # # # Version 0.1 - Initial Release # # Adam Foster 25 Sep 2015 # # Version 0.2 - Added use_nei # # Adam Foster 28 Apr 2017 # # # if use_nei | use_nei_raw: # if linefile=="$ATOMDB/apec_line.fits": # linefile = "$ATOMDB/apec_nei_line.fits" # a = # kT = a[1].data.field('kT') # dens = a[1].data.field('eDensity') # time = a[1].data.field('time') # if use_nei_raw: # epsilon={} # else: # epsilon = numpy.zeros(len(kT), dtype=float) # datacache={} # for ikT in range(len(kT)): # iikT = ikT + 2 # aa=a[iikT].data # if use_nei: # j = aa[(aa["element"] == Z) &\ # (aa["ion"] == z1) &\ # (aa["UpperLev"] == upind) & # (aa["LowerLev"] == loind)] # if len(j) == 0: continue # ionbal = apec.solve_ionbal_eigen(Z,kT[ikT],teunit='keV', datacache=datacache) # for jj in j: # epsilon[ikT]+= jj['Epsilon']* ionbal[jj['Ion_drv']-1] # elif use_nei_raw: # j = aa[(aa["element"] == Z) &\ # (aa["ion"] == z1) &\ # (aa["UpperLev"] == upind) & # (aa["LowerLev"] == loind)] # for jj in j: # if not jj['Ion_drv'] in epsilon.keys(): # epsilon[jj['Ion_drv']] = numpy.zeros(len(kT), dtype=float) # epsilon[jj['Ion_drv']][ikT]= jj['Epsilon'] # else: # if ion_drv: # j = aa[(aa["element"] == Z) &\ # (aa["ion"] == z1) &\ # (aa["ion_drv"] == ion_drv) &\ # (aa["UpperLev"] == upind) &\ # (aa["LowerLev"] == loind)] # else: # j = aa[(aa["element"] == Z) &\ # (aa["ion"] == z1) &\ # (aa["UpperLev"] == upind) & # (aa["LowerLev"] == loind)] # if len(j) > 0: # epsilon[ikT] += sum(j["Epsilon"]) # ret = {} # ret['kT'] = kT # ret['dens'] = dens # ret['time'] = time # ret['epsilon'] = epsilon # return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __get_burgess_tully_transition_type(lolev, uplev, Aval): ll=lolev['l_quan'] lu=uplev['l_quan'] sl=lolev['s_quan'] su=uplev['s_quan'] degl=lolev['lev_deg'] degu=uplev['lev_deg'] dE = (uplev['energy']-lolev['energy'])/13.6058 if Aval==0: S=0.0 else: if dE<1e-10: dE=1e-10 S = 3.73491e-10*degu*Aval/(dE**3) FIN = dE*S/(3.0*degl) FBIG = 0.01 FZERO = 1e-4 if su==sl: if (abs(lu-ll)<=1) & (FIN>=FBIG): ret = 1 else: ret = 2 else: if ((FIN>FZERO) & (FIN < FBIG)): ret = 4 else: ret = 3 return ret #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_burgess_tully_extrap(bttype, lolev, uplev, Aval, Tarr, om, TTarg): from scipy import interpolate dE = (uplev['energy']-lolev['energy'])/13.6058 Tarr_ryd = (Tarr*const.KBOLTZ*1000)/13.6058 TTarg_ryd = (TTarg*const.KBOLTZ*1000)/13.6058 if dE<1e-10: dE=1e-10 C = 1.5 e = 1.0 if bttype ==1: x = 1 - numpy.log(C)/(numpy.log((Tarr_ryd/dE) +C)) x = numpy.append(0,x) x = numpy.append(x,1) y = om/(numpy.log((Tarr_ryd/dE)+1)) y = numpy.append(0,y) S = 3.73491e-10*uplev['lev_deg']*Aval/(dE**3) FIN = dE*S/(3.0*lolev['lev_deg']) y = numpy.append(y, 4*lolev['lev_deg']*FIN/dE) xtarg = 1 - numpy.log(C)/(numpy.log((TTarg_ryd/dE) +C)) elif bttype ==2: x = (Tarr_ryd/dE) /((Tarr_ryd/dE)+C) x = numpy.append(0,x) x = numpy.append(x,1) y = om y0 = 0 y1 = 0 y = numpy.append(y0,y) y = numpy.append(y,y1) xtarg = (TTarg_ryd/dE) /((TTarg_ryd/dE)+C) elif bttype ==3: x = (Tarr_ryd/dE) /((Tarr_ryd/dE)+C) x = numpy.append(0,x) x = numpy.append(x,1) y = ((Tarr_ryd/dE)+1)*om y = numpy.append(y[0],y) y = numpy.append(y,0) xtarg = (TTarg_ryd/dE) /((TTarg_ryd/dE)+C) elif bttype ==4: x = 1 - numpy.log(C)/(numpy.log((Tarr_ryd/dE) +C)) x = numpy.append(0,x) x = numpy.append(x,1) y = om/(numpy.log( (Tarr_ryd/dE)+C)) y = numpy.append(0,y) S = 3.73491e-10*uplev['lev_deg']*Aval/(dE**3) FIN = dE*S/(3.0*lolev['lev_deg']) y = numpy.append(y, 4*lolev['lev_deg']*FIN/dE) xtarg = 1 - numpy.log(C)/(numpy.log((TTarg_ryd/dE) +C)) # now ytarg = numpy.interp(xtarg,x,y) if bttype ==1: upsout = ytarg*(numpy.log((TTarg_ryd/dE)+C)) elif bttype ==2: upsout = ytarg elif bttype ==3: upsout = ytarg/(TTarg_ryd/dE+1) elif bttype ==4: upsout = ytarg * numpy.log((TTarg_ryd/dE)+C) if numpy.isscalar(upsout): if upsout < 0: upsout = 0.0 else: upsout[upsout < 0] = 0.0 return upsout #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _get_bt_approx(om, Tin, Tout, uplev, lolev, levdat,ladat): # Tin, Tout in K # om is effective collision strength # print " In BT" i = numpy.where((ladat[1].data['upper_lev']==uplev) & \ (ladat[1].data['lower_lev']==lolev))[0] if len(i)==0: Aval = 0.0 else: Aval = ladat[1].data['einstein_a'][i[0]] # find the type: bttype = __get_burgess_tully_transition_type(levdat[1].data[lolev-1],\ levdat[1].data[uplev-1],\ Aval) # do the extrappolation etc btval = _get_burgess_tully_extrap(bttype, \ levdat[1].data[lolev-1], \ levdat[1].data[uplev-1], \ Aval, \ Tin, \ om, \ Tout) # print bttype, btval # print Tin, om return btval #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_maxwell_rates(coll_type, min_T, max_T, Tarr, \ om, dE, T, Z, degl, degu, quiet=False, \ levdat=False, ladat=False, \ lolev=False, uplev=False, \ force_extrap=False, did_extrap=False, \ datacache=False, return_upsilon=False): from scipy.special import expn from scipy import interpolate xs = numpy.array([0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00]) xs9 = numpy.array([0.00, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375, 0.50, 0.675, 0.80, 0.925, 1.00]) # print Tarr, om, coll_type calc_type = -1 chi = dE / (const.KBOLTZ*T) # print "chi",chi if dE != 0.0: chi_inv = (const.KBOLTZ*T) / dE else: chi_inv = 1e6 logT = numpy.log10(T) st = 0 if ((ladat!=False) & (force_extrap==True)): fill_value=numpy.nan else: fill_value=0.0 # if ((min(T) < min_T) | (max(T) > max_T)): # if not quiet: # print "WARNING: one of T is outside of valid range %e to %e K" %(min_T, max_T) # print " T=", T, "coll_type = ", coll_type # return False; # print "Coll_type=%i"%(coll_type) # zzz=raw_input("URGH") if (coll_type == const.BURGESSTULLY): expint_2 = expn(1,chi)*numpy.exp(chi) upsilon = om[0] +\ om[1]*chi*expint_2 +\ om[2]*chi*(1-chi*expint_2) +\ om[3]*(chi/2.0)*(1-chi*(1-chi*expint_2)) +\ om[4]*expint_2 calc_type = E_UPSILON elif coll_type in [const.CHIANTI_1,\ const.CHIANTI_2,\ const.CHIANTI_3,\ const.CHIANTI_4,\ const.CHIANTI_5,\ const.CHIANTI_6]: c = om[0] # print "CHIANTI6", om, c, chi if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_1): st = 1 - (numpy.log(c)/numpy.log(chi_inv+c)) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_2): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_3): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_4): st = 1 - (numpy.log(c)/numpy.log(chi_inv+c)) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_5): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_6): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) # upsilon = interpolate.interp1d(xs, om[1:6], kind='linear', \ # bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)(st) y2 = _prep_spline_atomdb(xs, om[1:6], 5) upsilon = _calc_spline_atomdb(xs, om[1:6], y2, 5, st) # upsilon = interpolate.interp1d(xs, om[1:6], kind='linear', \ # bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)(st) if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_1): upsilon *= numpy.log(chi_inv + const.M_E) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_2): pass elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_3): upsilon /= (chi_inv+1) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_4): upsilon *= numpy.log(chi_inv + c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_5): upsilon /= chi_inv elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_6): upsilon = 10.0**upsilon if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI_6): calc_type = const.P_UPSILON else: calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif coll_type in [const.CHIANTI4_1,\ const.CHIANTI4_2,\ const.CHIANTI4_3,\ const.CHIANTI4_4,\ const.CHIANTI4_5,\ const.CHIANTI4_6]: c = om[1] if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_1): st = 1 - (numpy.log(c)/numpy.log(chi_inv+c)) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_2): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_3): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_4): st = 1 - (numpy.log(c)/numpy.log(chi_inv+c)) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_5): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_6): st = chi_inv/(chi_inv+c) # print xs # print om[2:2+om[0]] # print st # print "COLL_TYPE: %i"%(coll_type) # print "om[0]= ", om[0] if int(om[0]) == 5: # upsilon = interpolate.interp1d(xs, om[2:2+om[0]], kind='cubic',\ # bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)(st) y2 = _prep_spline_atomdb(xs, om[2:2+int(om[0])], 5) upsilon = _calc_spline_atomdb(xs, om[2:2+int(om[0])], y2, 5, st) elif int(om[0])== 9: upsilon = interpolate.interp1d(xs9, om[2:2+int(om[0])], kind='cubic',\ bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.0)(st) y2 = _prep_spline_atomdb(xs9, om[2:2+int(om[0])], 9) stvec, isstvec = util.make_vec(st) upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(stvec)) for ist, st in enumerate(stvec): upsilon[ist] = _calc_spline_atomdb(xs9, om[2:2+int(om[0])], y2, 9, st) if isstvec==False: upsilon = upsilon[0] if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_1): upsilon *= numpy.log(chi_inv + const.M_E) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_2): pass elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_3): upsilon /= (chi_inv+1) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_4): upsilon *= numpy.log(chi_inv + c) elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_5): upsilon /= chi_inv elif (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_6): upsilon = 10.0**upsilon if (coll_type == const.CHIANTI4_6): calc_type = const.P_UPSILON else: calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.SGC_1): # S-type transitions, He-like upsilon = _calc_sampson_s(om, Z, T) calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.SGC_2): # P-type transitions, He-like upsilon = _calc_sampson_p(om, Z, T) calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.SGC_3): # S-type transitions, H-like upsilon = _calc_sampson_h(om, Z, T) calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.KATO_NAKAZAKI_1): upsilon = __calc_kato(1, om, Z, T) calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.KATO_NAKAZAKI_2): upsilon = __calc_kato(2, om, Z, T) calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif (coll_type == const.PROTON_BT): a = om[0] b = om[1] c = om[2] # /* 0.8 for the np/ne ratio, */ if ((logT > om[3]) & ( logT < om[4])): rate_coeff=0.8*(10**(a + b*(logT) + c*logT*logT) ) calc_type = const.P_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_UPSILON) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_UPSILON + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_UPSILON it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) upsilon[:]=numpy.nan if len(it) > 0: if sum(om<0)>0: om[om<0]=0.0 tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]+1e-30), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp)-1e-30 # fix the nans inan = numpy.isnan(upsilon) if sum(inan)>0: if force_extrap: upsilon[inan]=_get_bt_approx(om[:N_interp], Tarr[:N_interp], T[inan], uplev, lolev, levdat,ladat) did_extrap=True else: upsilon[inan]= 0.0 calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_I_UPSILON) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_I_UPSILON + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_I_UPSILON it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: if sum(om<0)>0: om[om<0]=0.0 tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]+1e-30), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp)-1e-30 calc_type = const.EI_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_UPS_OPEN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_UPS_OPEN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_UPS_OPEN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) upsilon[:]=numpy.nan if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) # fix the nans inan = numpy.isnan(upsilon) if sum(inan)>0: if force_extrap: upsilon[inan]=_get_bt_approx(om[:N_interp], Tarr[:N_interp], T[inan], uplev, lolev, levdat,ladat) did_extrap=True else: upsilon[inan]= 0.0 calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MIN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MIN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MIN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) upsilon[:]=numpy.nan if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) # fix the nans inan = numpy.isnan(upsilon) if sum(inan)>0: # do the BT extrappolations if force_extrap: upsilon[inan]=_get_bt_approx(om[:N_interp], Tarr[:N_interp], T[inan], uplev, lolev, levdat,ladat) did_extrap=True else: upsilon[inan]= 0.0 calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MAX) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MAX + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_UPS_INC_MAX it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) upsilon[:]=numpy.nan if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) # fix the nans inan = numpy.isnan(upsilon) if sum(inan)>0: # do the BT extrappolations if force_extrap: upsilon[inan]=_get_bt_approx(om[:N_interp], Tarr[:N_interp], T[inan], uplev, lolev, levdat,ladat) did_extrap=True else: upsilon[inan]= 0.0 calc_type = const.E_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_UPSILON) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_UPSILON + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_UPSILON upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_UPS_OPEN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_UPS_OPEN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_UPS_OPEN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MIN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MIN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MIN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MAX) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MAX + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_UPS_INC_MAX it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] upsilon = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) upsilon[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_UPSILON elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_RATE_COEFF) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_RATE_COEFF it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.E_RATE_COEFF rate_coeff = __interpol_huntd(N_interp, Tarr, om, T) calc_type = const.E_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_RATE_OPEN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_RATE_OPEN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.E_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MIN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MIN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.E_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MAX) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_E_RATE_INC_MAX it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = E_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_RATE_COEFF) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_RATE_COEFF if force_extrap: fill_value = 'extrapolate' else: fill_value= 0.0 rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if sum(om<0)>0: om[om<0]=0.0 tmpfn = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]+1e-30), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T)) rate_coeff=numpy.exp(tmpfn)-1e-30 rate_coeff[rate_coeff<0]=0.0 # inan = numpy.isnan(rate_coefft) # this is for values outside the range # if sum(inan)>0: # if force_extrap: # for iit in range(len(inan)): # if T[iit] < min(Tarr[:N_interp]): # if T[iit] in Tarr[:N_interp]: # rate_coeff[iit]=om[Tarr[:N_interp]==T[iit]] # else: # rate_coeff[iit]=numpy.exp(tmpfn(numpy.log(T[iit])))-1e-30 # else: # rate_coeff[inan]=0.0 calc_type = const.P_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_RATE_OPEN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_RATE_OPEN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MIN) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MIN it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_RATE_COEFF elif ((coll_type >= const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MAX) & \ (coll_type <= const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_UPS)): N_interp = coll_type - const.INTERP_P_RATE_INC_MAX it = numpy.where((T>=min(Tarr[:N_interp])) &\ (T<=max(Tarr[:N_interp])))[0] rate_coeff = numpy.zeros(len(T),dtype=float) if (T > min_T) : rate_coeff = __interpol_huntd(N_interp, Tarr, om, T) if len(it) > 0: tmp = interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(Tarr[:N_interp]), \ numpy.log(om[:N_interp]), \ bounds_error=False, \ fill_value=fill_value)(numpy.log(T[it])) rate_coeff[it] = numpy.exp(tmp) calc_type = const.P_RATE_COEFF if (calc_type == -1): print("ERROR: undefined collision type %i" %(coll_type)) return False #print "upsilon:", upsilon #------------------------------------ if (calc_type == const.E_UPSILON): #negative upsilon is unphysical upsilon[upsilon < 0] = 0.0 if return_upsilon==True: return(upsilon) exc_rate = numpy.zeros(len(chi), dtype=float) dex_rate = numpy.zeros(len(chi), dtype=float) # print numpy.exp(-chi) # print numpy.sqrt(T) for i in range(len(chi)): if (chi[i] < const.MAX_CHI): exc_rate[i] = const.UPSILON_COLL_COEFF * upsilon[i] * \ numpy.exp(-chi[i]) / (numpy.sqrt(T[i])*degl) dex_rate[i] = const.UPSILON_COLL_COEFF * upsilon[i] / (numpy.sqrt(T[i])*degu) if (calc_type == const.EI_UPSILON): #negative upsilon is unphysical upsilon[upsilon < 0] = 0.0 exc_rate = numpy.zeros(len(chi), dtype=float) dex_rate = numpy.zeros(len(chi), dtype=float) # print numpy.exp(-chi) # print numpy.sqrt(T) # this is the same as the electron-impact version, but with extra factor of pi for i in range(len(chi)): if (chi[i] < const.MAX_CHI): exc_rate[i] = const.UPSILON_COLL_COEFF * upsilon[i] * \ numpy.exp(-chi[i]) / (numpy.pi* numpy.sqrt(T[i])*degl) if (calc_type == const.P_UPSILON): upsilon[upsilon < 0] = 0.0 exc_rate = numpy.zeros(len(upsilon), dtype=float) dex_rate = numpy.zeros(len(upsilon), dtype=float) print("Can't calculate collision strength for protons.") if ((calc_type == const.P_RATE_COEFF)|(calc_type == const.E_RATE_COEFF)): #rate_coeff=numpy.zeros(len(chi), dtype=float) rate_coeff[rate_coeff < 0] = 0.0 exc_rate = rate_coeff dex_rate = rate_coeff*numpy.exp(chi)*(degl*1.0/degu) # print "exc_rate:", exc_rate # zzz=raw_input() if sum(numpy.isnan(numpy.asarray(exc_rate)))>0: print("ERROR: calculated excitation rate an NaN") print(coll_type, min_T, max_T, Tarr, om, dE, T, Z, degl, degu) if sum(numpy.isnan(numpy.asarray(dex_rate)))>0: print("ERROR: calculated excitation rate an NaN") print(coll_type, min_T, max_T, Tarr, om, dE, T, Z, degl, degu) if force_extrap: return exc_rate, dex_rate, did_extrap else: return exc_rate, dex_rate #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_sampson_s(om, Z,Te): from scipy.special import expn # /* These routines come from Sampson, Goett, & Clark, ADNDT 29, 467 */ result=0.0 Z2gamma=0.0 Z2gamma_e=0.0 dE = om[0] a1_gam = om[1] a1e_gam= om[2] z2s_h = om[3] a2 = om[4] c0 = om[5] c1 = om[6] c2 = om[7] a2e = om[8] cere = om[9] cere1 = om[10] re = int(om[11]) s = om[12] se = om[13] kT = const.KBOLTZ*Te y = dE/kT a1 = a2+1.0 a1y = a1*y E1y = expn(1,y) Ery = expn(1,a1y) Er1y= expn(2,a1y) term = c1*Ery + c2*Er1y/a1 if ((a1_gam != 0.0) & (term > 0)): Z2gamma = c0 + 1.333*z2s_h*E1y*numpy.exp(y) + y*numpy.exp(a1y)*term else: Z2gamma = c0 + 1.333*z2s_h*E1y*numpy.exp(y) a1 = a2e+1 a1y = a1*y Ery = expn(re,a1y) Er1y = expn(re+1,a1y) term = cere*Ery/(a1**(re-1)) + cere1*Er1y/(a1**re) if ((a1e_gam != 0.0) & (term > 0)): Z2gamma_e = y*numpy.exp(a1y)*term else: Z2gamma_e = 0.0 Zeff = Z - s Zeff_e = Z - se result = a1_gam*Z2gamma/(Zeff*Zeff) + a1e_gam*Z2gamma_e/(Zeff_e*Zeff_e) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_sampson_p(om, Z, Te): from scipy.special import expn dE = om[0] a = om[1] z2s = om[2] c0 = om[3] cr = om[4] cr1 = om[5] r = int(om[6]) s = om[7] kT = const.KBOLTZ*Te y = dE/kT a1 = a+1 a1y = a1*y E1y = expn(1,y) Ery = expn(r,a1y) Er1y= expn(r+1,a1y) term = (cr*Ery/(a1**(r-1)) + cr1*Er1y/(a1**r)) if (term > 0): Z2gamma = c0 + 1.333*z2s*E1y*numpy.exp(y) + y*numpy.exp(a1y)*term else: Z2gamma = c0 + 1.333*z2s*E1y*numpy.exp(y) Zeff = Z - s result = Z2gamma / (Zeff*Zeff) return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_sampson_h(om, Z, Te): from scipy.special import expn dE = om[0] z2s = om[1] a = om[2] c0 = om[3] c1 = om[4] c2 = om[5] c_sw = om[6] Zeff2 = float(Z*Z) kT = const.KBOLTZ*Te y = dE/kT a1 = a+1 a1y = a1*y E1y = expn(1,y) Ery = expn(1,a1y) Er1y = expn(2,a1y) term = (c1*Ery + c2*Er1y/a1) if (term > 0): result = c0 + 1.333*z2s*E1y*numpy.exp(y) + y*numpy.exp(a1y)*term else: result = c0 + 1.333*z2s*E1y*numpy.exp(y) result *= 2*c_sw/Zeff2 return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __calc_kato(coll_type, par, Z, Te): from scipy.special import expn # This fit comes from Kato & Nakazaki, 1989, adbatomic Data and Nuclear # Data Tables 42, 2, 313 dE = par[0] # in keV A = par[1] B = par[2] C = par[3] D = par[4] E = par[5] P = par[6] Q = par[7] X1 = par[8] kT = const.KBOLTZ*Te; y = dE/kT; if (coll_type==1): # Simple case (eq 6, in above reference) E1y = expn(1,y) term1 = A/y + C + (D/2)*(1-y) term2 = B - C*y + (D/2)*y*y + E/y result = y*(term1 + numpy.exp(y)*E1y*term2) elif (coll_type==2): # More complex case (eq 10-12 in above reference) E1Xy = expn(1,X1*y) term3 = numpy.exp(y*(1-X1)) term1 = A/y + C/X1 + (D/2)*(1/(X1*X1) - y/X1) + (E/y)*numpy.log(X1) term2 = numpy.exp(y*X1)*E1Xy*(B - C*y + D*y*y/2 + E/y) ups_nr = y*term3*( term1 + term2 ) ups_r = P*((1 + 1/y) - term3*(X1 + 1/y)) + Q*(1-term3) result = ups_nr + ups_r return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _interpolate_ionrec_rate(cidat,Te, force_extrap=False): from scipy import interpolate ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) # if ((Te > cidat['max_temp']) |\ # (Te < cidat['min_temp'])): # print "Te outside of CI data range: Te = %e, Te_min=%e, Te_max=%e" %\ # (Te, cidat['min_temp'], cidat['max_temp']) # return 0.0 #real numbers. if ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_IONREC)): N_interp = cidat['par_type'] - const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF elif ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_IONREC)): N_interp = cidat['par_type'] - const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN elif ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_IONREC)): N_interp = cidat['par_type'] - const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN elif ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_IONREC)): N_interp = cidat['par_type'] - const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN else: print("interpolate_rate failed -- very odd.") return 0.0 # do interpolation tmpci = cidat['ionrec_par'][:N_interp] tmpci[tmpci<0] = 0.0 # try: ci_in = numpy.double(cidat['temperature'][:N_interp]) tmpci = numpy.double(tmpci) tmp = numpy.exp(interpolate.interp1d(numpy.log(ci_in), \ numpy.log(tmpci+1e-30), \ kind=1, bounds_error=False,\ fill_value=numpy.nan)(numpy.log(Te)))-1e-30 # let's deal with the near misses nantest = numpy.isnan(tmp) for i in range(len(nantest)): if nantest[i]: if ((Te[i] > 0.99*(cidat['min_temp']))&\ (Te[i] <= (cidat['min_temp']))): tmp[i] = cidat['ionrec_par'][0] if ((Te[i] < 1.01*(cidat['max_temp']))&\ (Te[i] >= (cidat['max_temp']))): tmp[i] = cidat['ionrec_par'][N_interp-1] if force_extrap: nantest = numpy.isnan(tmp) for i in range(len(nantest)): if (Te[i] > cidat['max_temp']): tmp[i]= tmp[N_interp-1] * (Te[N_interp-1]/Te[i])**1.5 # set other "nan" to zero tmp[numpy.isnan(tmp)] = 0.0 return tmp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te, extrap=False, ionpot=False): from scipy import interpolate ci = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) ci[(Te< cidat['min_temp']) | \ (Te> cidat['max_temp'])]= numpy.nan ici = numpy.where((Te<= cidat['max_temp']) & \ (Te>= cidat['min_temp']))[0] # if ((Te < cidat['min_temp'])|\ # (Te > cidat['max_temp'])): # print " CI data is invalid at this temperature, Te=%e, Em_min = %e, Te_max=%e" %\ # (Te, cidat['min_temp'],cidat['max_temp']) # # ci = 0.0 # return ci # See Arnaud \& Rothenflug, 1985 A&ASS 60, 425 if len(ici) > 0: if (cidat['par_type'] == const.CI_YOUNGER): T_eV = 1.e3*const.KBOLTZ*Te[ici] x = cidat['ionrec_par'][0]/T_eV i = numpy.where(x <=30.0)[0] if len(i) > 0: f1_val = _f1_fcn(x[i]) ci[ici[i]] = (numpy.exp(-x[i])/x[i])*\ ( cidat['ionrec_par'][1]*( 1 - x[i]*f1_val ) + cidat['ionrec_par'][2]*( 1 + x[i] - x[i]*(x[i]+2)*f1_val )+ cidat['ionrec_par'][3]*f1_val + cidat['ionrec_par'][4]*x[i]*_f2_fcn(x[i]) ) ci[ici] *= 6.69e-07/(T_eV*numpy.sqrt(T_eV)) elif (((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_IONREC))): ci[ici] = _interpolate_ionrec_rate(cidat,Te[ici]) elif ((cidat['par_type']> const.CI_DERE) &\ (cidat['par_type']<= const.CI_DERE+20)): npts = cidat['par_type']-const.CI_DERE ci[ici] = _calc_ci_dere(Te[ici], ionpot, cidat['Temperature'][:npts], \ cidat['ionrec_par'][:npts]) else: print("Unknown CI type: %i"%(cidat['par_type'])) # now see if extrappolation is required: if extrap: # get Te, coeff for the 2 lowest points. ilow = numpy.where(Te<cidat['min_temp'])[0] if len(ilow) > 0: # calculate the value at Te_min Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) cimin = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_min, ionpot=ionpot) # if log of this is < 46.0, this is a small number, just repeat this if numpy.log(cimin[0])<46.0: ci[ilow]=cimin # otherwise, calculate the value at a range of near-minimum temperatures, # and use to construct a good second derivative. else: tetmp = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(Te_min), numpy.log10(Te_min)+1,4) citmp=_calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, tetmp, ionpot=ionpot) tetmpl = numpy.log(tetmp) citmpl = numpy.log(citmp) dci = (citmpl[1:]-citmpl[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:]-tetmpl[:-1]) ddci = (dci[1:]-dci[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:-1]-tetmpl[:-2]) dddci = (ddci[1:]-ddci[:-1])/(tetmpl[2:-1]-tetmpl[1:-2]) a=dddci[0]/6.0 b=-3.0*a*tetmpl[0] c=dci[0]-(3*a*tetmpl[0]**2+2*b*tetmpl[0]) d = citmp[0]-(a*tetmpl[0]**3+b*tetmpl[0]**2+c*tetmpl[0]) cinew= a * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**3 +\ b * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**2 +\ c * numpy.log(Te[ilow]) +\ d ci[ilow]=cinew # Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) # cimin = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_min) # ci[ilow]=cimin[0]*(Te_min[0]/Te[ilow])**-4.5 # calculate the value at "max_temp" ihigh = numpy.where(Te>cidat['max_temp'])[0] if len(ihigh) > 0: Te_max = numpy.array([cidat['max_temp']]) cimax = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_max, ionpot=ionpot) ci[ihigh]=cimax[0]*(Te_max[0]/Te[ihigh])**0.5 return ci #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_ci_dere(Te, ionpot, Tscal, Upsscal): """ Calculate the collisional ionization rates using the Dere 2007 method Parameters ---------- Te : float or array(float) Electron temperature (K) ionpot : float Ionization potential (eV) Tscal : array(float) scaled temperatures Upsscal : array(float) scaled upsilons Returns ------- float or array(float) Ionization rate in cm^3 s^-1 References ---------- 2007A&A...466..771D """ from scipy import interpolate from scipy.special import exp1 tin, wasvec = util.make_vec(Te) tinscal = tin*const.KBOLTZ*1000/ionpot f = 2.0 xin = (1 - numpy.log10(f) / numpy.log10(tinscal+f)) xdat = Tscal ydat = Upsscal tck = interpolate.splrep(xdat,ydat) yout = interpolate.splev(xin,tck) R = tinscal**(-0.5) * ionpot**(-1.5) * exp1(1/tinscal)*yout if not wasvec: R=R[0] return R #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_ionrec_rr(cidat, Te, extrap=False): from scipy import interpolate # if ((Te < cidat['min_temp']) |(Te > cidat['max_temp'])): # print " RR data is invalid at this temperature, Te=%e, Em_min = %e, Te_max=%e" %\ # (Te, cidat['min_temp'],cidat['max_temp']) # rr = 0.0 # return rr rr = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) irr = numpy.where((Te >= cidat['min_temp']) & \ (Te <= cidat['max_temp']))[0] # Shull & Van Steenberg 1982; 1982ApJS...48...95S if (cidat['par_type'] == const.RR_SHULL): rr[irr] = cidat['ionrec_par'][0]* (Te[irr]/1.e4)**(-1*cidat['ionrec_par'][1]) # Verner & Ferland 1996; 1996ApJS..103..467V */ elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.RR_VERNER): tt0=numpy.sqrt(Te[irr]/cidat['ionrec_par'][2]) tt1=numpy.sqrt(Te[irr]/cidat['ionrec_par'][3]) rr[irr] = cidat['ionrec_par'][0]/\ ( tt0* (tt0+1)**( 1-cidat['ionrec_par'][1]) * \ (1+tt1)**(1+cidat['ionrec_par'][1]) ) # Arnaud & Raymond 1992; 1992ApJ...398..394A */ elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.RR_ARNRAY): rr[irr] = cidat['ionrec_par'][0]*\ (Te[irr]/1.e4)**(-1*(cidat['ionrec_par'][1]+\ cidat['ionrec_par'][2]*numpy.log10(Te[irr]/1.e4))) # Badnell elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.RR_BADNELL): rr[irr] = _rr_badnell(Te[irr],cidat['ionrec_par']) # Now handle 4 different interpolation cases. */ elif (((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_IONREC))): rr[irr] = _interpolate_ionrec_rate(cidat,Te[irr]) else: print("calc_ionrec_rate: RR Recombination type %i not recognized" %(cidat['par_type'])) if extrap: ilow = numpy.where(Te<cidat['min_temp'])[0] if len(ilow) > 0: # calculate the value at Te_min Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) cimin = _calc_ionrec_rr(cidat, Te_min) # if log of this is < 46.0, this is a small number, just repeat this if numpy.log(cimin[0])<46.0: rr[ilow]=cimin # otherwise, calculate the value at a range of near-minimum temperatures, # and use to construct a good second derivative. else: tetmp = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(Te_min), numpy.log10(Te_min)+1,4) citmp=_calc_ionrec_rr(cidat, tetmp) tetmpl = numpy.log(tetmp) citmpl = numpy.log(citmp) dci = (citmpl[1:]-citmpl[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:]-tetmpl[:-1]) ddci = (dci[1:]-dci[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:-1]-tetmpl[:-2]) dddci = (ddci[1:]-ddci[:-1])/(tetmpl[2:-1]-tetmpl[1:-2]) a=dddci[0]/6.0 b=-3.0*a*tetmpl[0] c=dci[0]-(3*a*tetmpl[0]**2+2*b*tetmpl[0]) d = citmp[0]-(a*tetmpl[0]**3+b*tetmpl[0]**2+c*tetmpl[0]) cinew= a * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**3 +\ b * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**2 +\ c * numpy.log(Te[ilow]) +\ d rr[ilow]=cinew # if len(ilow) > 0: # citmp=numpy.log(cidat['ionrec_par'][:4]) # tetmp=numpy.log(cidat['temperature'][:4]) # if citmp[0]< 46.0: # rr[ilow]=cidat['ionrec_par'][0] # else: # dci = (citmp[1:]-citmp[:-1])/(tetmp[1:]-tetmp[:-1]) # ddci = (dci[1:]-dci[:-1])/(tetmp[1:-1]-tetmp[:-2]) # dddci = (ddci[1:]-ddci[:-1])/(tetmp[2:-1]-tetmp[1:-2]) # # a=dddci[0]/6.0 # b=-3.0*a*tetmp[0] # c=dci[0]-(3*a*tetmp[0]**2+2*b*tetmp[0]) # d = citmp[0]-(a*tetmp[0]**3+b*tetmp[0]**2+c*tetmp[0]) # # cinew= a * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**3 +\ # b * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**2 +\ # c * numpy.log(Te[ilow]) +\ # d # rr[ilow] = numpy.exp(cinew) # # calculate the value at "max_temp" ihigh = numpy.where(Te>cidat['max_temp'])[0] if len(ihigh) > 0: Te_max = numpy.array([cidat['max_temp']]) rrmax = _calc_ionrec_rr(cidat, Te_max) rr[ihigh]=rrmax[0]*(Te_max[0]/Te[ihigh])**1.5 return rr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_ionrec_dr(cidat, Te, extrap=False): from scipy import interpolate """ Calculate the DR rate at temperature Te for a transition cidat Parameters ---------- cidat: array A line from the IR file with the data on the transition to be calcualted Te: array(float) Electron temperature of interest (in K) extrap : bool Whether to perform extrappolation or not Returns ------- float The DR rate in cm^3 s^-1 """ dr = numpy.zeros(len(Te)) # set values outside range to NAN idr = numpy.where((Te >= cidat['min_temp']) & (Te <= cidat['max_temp']))[0] dr[:] = numpy.nan dr[idr] = 0.0 if len(idr) > 0: # Mazzotta if (cidat['par_type'] == const.DR_MAZZOTTA): T_eV = 1.e3*const.KBOLTZ*Te[idr] dr[idr] = (cidat['ionrec_par'][0]/(T_eV**1.5)) * \ (cidat['ionrec_par'][5]*numpy.exp(-cidat['ionrec_par'][1]/T_eV) +\ cidat['ionrec_par'][6]*numpy.exp(-cidat['ionrec_par'][2]/T_eV) +\ cidat['ionrec_par'][7]*numpy.exp(-cidat['ionrec_par'][3]/T_eV) +\ cidat['ionrec_par'][8]*numpy.exp(-cidat['ionrec_par'][4]/T_eV)) elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.DR_BADNELL): dr[idr] = _dr_badnell(Te[idr], cidat['ionrec_par']) elif (((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_IONREC))| ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX) & (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_IONREC))): dr[idr] = _interpolate_ionrec_rate(cidat,Te[idr]) else: print("calc_ionrec_rate: DR Recombination type %i not recognized" %(cidat['par_type'])) # now extrappolate if required if extrap: ilow = numpy.where(Te<cidat['min_temp'])[0] if len(ilow) > 0: # calculate the value at Te_min Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) cimin = _calc_ionrec_dr(cidat, Te_min) # if log of this is < 46.0, this is a small number, just repeat this if numpy.log(cimin[0])<46.0: dr[ilow]=cimin # otherwise, calculate the value at a range of near-minimum temperatures, # and use to construct a good second derivative. else: tetmp = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(Te_min[0]), numpy.log10(Te_min[0])+1,4) citmp=_calc_ionrec_dr(cidat, tetmp) tetmpl = numpy.log(tetmp) citmpl = numpy.log(citmp) dci = (citmpl[1:]-citmpl[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:]-tetmpl[:-1]) ddci = (dci[1:]-dci[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:-1]-tetmpl[:-2]) dddci = (ddci[1:]-ddci[:-1])/(tetmpl[2:-1]-tetmpl[1:-2]) a=dddci[0]/6.0 b=-3.0*a*tetmpl[0] c=dci[0]-(3*a*tetmpl[0]**2+2*b*tetmpl[0]) d = citmp[0]-(a*tetmpl[0]**3+b*tetmpl[0]**2+c*tetmpl[0]) cinew= a * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**3 +\ b * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**2 +\ c * numpy.log(Te[ilow]) +\ d dr[ilow]=cinew # Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) # cimin = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_min) # ci[ilow]=cimin[0]*(Te_min[0]/Te[ilow])**-4.5 # calculate the value at "max_temp" ihigh = numpy.where(Te>cidat['max_temp'])[0] if len(ihigh) > 0: Te_max = numpy.array([cidat['max_temp']]) cimax = _calc_ionrec_dr(cidat, Te_max) dr[ihigh]=cimax[0]*(Te_max[0]/Te[ihigh])**1.5 return dr #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_ionrec_ea(cidat, Te, extrap=False): from scipy import interpolate ea = numpy.zeros(len(Te)) # set values outside range to NAN iea = numpy.where((Te >= cidat['min_temp']) & (Te <= cidat['max_temp']))[0] ea[:] = numpy.nan ea[iea] = 0.0 # if ((Te < cidat['min_temp']) |(Te > cidat['max_temp'])): # print " EA data is invalid at this temperature, Te=%e, Te_min = %e, Te_max=%e" %\ # (Te, cidat['min_temp'],cidat['max_temp']) # ea = 0.0 # return ea T_eV = 1.e3*const.KBOLTZ*Te # 1985A&AS...60..425A (Arnaud & Rothenflug) if (cidat['par_type'] == const.EA_ARNROTH_LITHIUM): # Note: c[1] = b/Zeff^2 in Arnaud & Rothenflug y = cidat['ionrec_par'][0]/T_eV[iea] i = numpy.where(y<50.0)[0] if len(i)>0:# otherwise, rate is effectively zero yf1 = y[i]*_f1_fcn(y[i]) G = 2.22*_f1_fcn(y[i]) + 0.67*(1 - yf1) + 0.49*yf1 + 1.2*y[i]*(1 - yf1) ea[i] = cidat['ionrec_par'][2] * cidat['ionrec_par'][1] * \ 1.92e-07 * numpy.exp(-y[i]) * G/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[iea[i]]) # 1985A&AS...60..425A (Arnaud & Rothenflug) s elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.EA_ARNROTH): I_ea = cidat['ionrec_par'][0] # in eV a = cidat['ionrec_par'][1] b = cidat['ionrec_par'][2] y = I_ea/T_eV[iea] i = numpy.where(y < 50.0)[0] if len(y) > 0: f1_val = _f1_fcn(y[i]) ea[iea[i]] = 6.69e7 * a * (I_ea/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[iea[i]])) * numpy.exp(-y[i]) *\ (1.0 + b*f1_val - cidat['ionrec_par'][3]*y[i]*f1_val -\ cidat['ionrec_par'][4]*0.5*(y[i] - y[i]*y[i] + y[i]*y[i]*y[i]*f1_val)) # 1998A&AS..133..403M (Mazzotta etal 1998) elif (cidat['par_type'] == const.EA_MAZZOTTA_IRON): y=cidat['ionrec_par'][0]/T_eV[iea] i = numpy.where(y < 50.0)[0] if len(i)>0: f1_val = _f1_fcn(y[i]) ea[iea[i]] = (6.69e7/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[iea[i]]))*numpy.exp(-y[i])*1.e-16*\ (cidat['ionrec_par'][1]+\ cidat['ionrec_par'][2]*(1-y[i]*f1_val)+\ cidat['ionrec_par'][3]*(1-y[i]*(1-y[i]*f1_val))+\ cidat['ionrec_par'][4]*(1-0.5*(y[i] - y[i]*y[i] + y[i]*y[i]*y[i]*f1_val))+\ cidat['ionrec_par'][5]*f1_val) # Now handle 4 different interpolation cases. */ elif (((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF) & \ (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_COEFF + const.MAX_IONREC))|\ ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN) & \ (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_OPEN + const.MAX_IONREC))|\ ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN) & \ (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MIN + const.MAX_IONREC))|\ ((cidat['par_type'] >= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX) & \ (cidat['par_type'] <= const.INTERP_IONREC_RATE_INC_MAX + const.MAX_IONREC))): ea[iea] = _interpolate_ionrec_rate(cidat, Te[iea]) else: print("calc_ionrec_rate: EA type %i not recognized" %(cidat['par_type'])) # now extrappolate if required if extrap: ilow = numpy.where(Te<cidat['min_temp'])[0] ilow = numpy.where(Te<cidat['min_temp'])[0] if len(ilow) > 0: # calculate the value at Te_min Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) cimin = _calc_ionrec_ea(cidat, Te_min) # if log of this is < 46.0, this is a small number, just repeat this if numpy.log(cimin[0])<46.0: ea[ilow]=cimin # otherwise, calculate the value at a range of near-minimum temperatures, # and use to construct a good second derivative. else: tetmp = numpy.logspace(numpy.log10(Te_min), numpy.log10(Te_min)+1,4) citmp=_calc_ionrec_ea(cidat, tetmp) tetmpl = numpy.log(tetmp) citmpl = numpy.log(citmp) dci = (citmpl[1:]-citmpl[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:]-tetmpl[:-1]) ddci = (dci[1:]-dci[:-1])/(tetmpl[1:-1]-tetmpl[:-2]) dddci = (ddci[1:]-ddci[:-1])/(tetmpl[2:-1]-tetmpl[1:-2]) a=dddci[0]/6.0 b=-3.0*a*tetmpl[0] c=dci[0]-(3*a*tetmpl[0]**2+2*b*tetmpl[0]) d = citmp[0]-(a*tetmpl[0]**3+b*tetmpl[0]**2+c*tetmpl[0]) cinew= a * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**3 +\ b * numpy.log(Te[ilow])**2 +\ c * numpy.log(Te[ilow]) +\ d ea[ilow]=cinew # Te_min = numpy.array([cidat['min_temp']]) # cimin = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_min) # ci[ilow]=cimin[0]*(Te_min[0]/Te[ilow])**-4.5 # calculate the value at "max_temp" ihigh = numpy.where(Te>cidat['max_temp'])[0] if len(ihigh) > 0: Te_max = numpy.array([cidat['max_temp']]) cimax = _calc_ionrec_ea(cidat, Te_max) ea[ihigh]=cimax[0]*(Te_max[0]/Te[ihigh])**0.5 return ea #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_ionrec_rate(Te_in, irdat_in=False, lvdat_in=False, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatp1_in=False, ionpot=False, separate=False,\ Z=-1, z1=-1, settings=False, datacache=False,\ extrap=True): """ Get the ionization and recombination rates at temperture(s) Te from ionization and recombination rate data file irdat. Parameters ---------- Te_in : float or arr(float) electron temperature in K (default), eV, or keV irdat_in : HDUList ionization and recombination rate data, if already open lvdat_in : HDUList level data for ion with lower charge (i.e. ionizing ion or recombined ion) Te_unit : {'K' , 'keV' , 'eV'} temperature unit lvdatp1_in : HDUList level data for the ion with higher charge (i.e ionized or recombining ion) ionpot : float ionization potential of ion (eV). separate : bool if set, return DR, RR, EA and CI rates seperately. (DR = dielectronic recombination, RR = radiative recombination, EA = excitaiton autoionization, CI = collisional ionization) Note that EA & CI are not stored separately in all cases, so may return zeros for EA as the data is incorporated into CI rates. Z : int Element charge to get rates for (ignores "irdat_in") z1 : int Ion charge +1 to get rates for (ignores "irdat_in") e.g. Z=6,z1=4 for C IV (C 3+) settings : dict See description in read_data datacache : dict See description in read_data extrap : bool Extrappolate rates to Te ranges which are off the provided scale Returns ------- float, float: (ionization rate coeff., recombination rate coeff.) in cm^3 s^-1 *unless* separate is set, in which case: float, float, float, float: (CI, EA, RR, DR rate coeffs) in cm^3 s^-1 Note that these assume low density & to get the real rates you need to multiply by N_e N_ion. """ # Version 0.1 Initial Release # Adam Foster 31st August 2015 # # input checking # check if Te is iterable Te = Te_in * 1.0 isiter=True try: _ = (e for e in Te) except TypeError: isiter=False Te = numpy.array([Te]) # check units of Te if Te_unit.lower()=='k': pass elif Te_unit.lower()=='ev': Te /=const.KBOLTZ Te *=1000.0 elif Te_unit.lower()=='kev': Te /=const.KBOLTZ else: print("ERROR: units should be k, eV or keV") return -1 # check IR data # see the type of the IR data if (z1>=0) &( Z>=0): irdat = get_data(Z,z1, 'IR',settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif isinstance(irdat_in, str): #string (assumed filename) irdat = elif type(irdat_in)==pyfits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList: # already opened IR file irdat = irdat_in else: print("ERROR: unable to process irdat as supplied.") return -1 if (z1>=0) &( Z>=0): lvdat = get_data(Z,z1, 'LV',settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif isinstance(lvdat_in, str): #string (assumed filename) lvdat = elif type(lvdat_in)==pyfits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList: # already opened IR file lvdat = lvdat_in else: print("ERROR: unable to process lvdat as supplied.") return -1 if (z1>=0) &( Z>=0): lvdatp1 = get_data(Z,z1+1, 'LV',settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif isinstance(lvdatp1_in, str): #string (assumed filename) lvdatp1 = elif type(lvdatp1_in)==pyfits.hdu.hdulist.HDUList: # already opened IR file lvdatp1 = lvdatp1_in else: lvdatp1 = False # -- OK, so now inputs should be *largely* settled -- * ciret = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) earet = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) rrret = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) drret = numpy.zeros(len(Te), dtype=float) try: ionpot = irdat[1].header['IONPOT'] except KeyError: ionpot = False # Start with the CI data ici = numpy.where(irdat[1].data['TR_TYPE']=='CI')[0] for i in ici: tmp=get_maxwell_rate(Te, irdat, i, lvdat, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatap1=lvdatp1, ionpot = False,\ force_extrap=extrap) ciret += tmp iea = numpy.where(irdat[1].data['TR_TYPE']=='EA')[0] for i in iea: tmp=get_maxwell_rate(Te, irdat, i, lvdat, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatap1=lvdatp1, ionpot = False,\ force_extrap=extrap) earet += tmp irr = numpy.where(irdat[1].data['TR_TYPE']=='RR')[0] for i in irr: tmp=get_maxwell_rate(Te, irdat, i, lvdat, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatap1=lvdatp1, ionpot = False,\ force_extrap=extrap) rrret += tmp idr = numpy.where(irdat[1].data['TR_TYPE']=='DR')[0] for i in idr: tmp=get_maxwell_rate(Te, irdat, i, lvdat, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatap1=lvdatp1, ionpot = False,\ force_extrap=extrap) drret += tmp # convert back to scalars if required if not isiter: ciret = ciret[0] earet = earet[0] rrret = rrret[0] drret = drret[0] # return the requested data if separate: return ciret, earet, rrret, drret else: return ciret+ earet, rrret+ drret
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_maxwell_rate(Te, colldata=False, index=-1, lvdata=False, Te_unit='K', \ lvdatap1=False, ionpot = False, \ force_extrap=False, silent=True,\ finallev=False, initlev=False,\ Z=-1, z1=-1, dtype=False, exconly=False,\ datacache=False, settings=False, ladat=False): """ Get the maxwellian rate for a transition from a file, typically for ionization, recombination or excitation. Parameters ---------- Te : float electron temperature(s), in K by default colldata : HDUList If provided, the HDUList for the collisional data index : int The line in the HDUList to do the calculation for. Indexed from 0. lvdata : HDUList the hdulist for the energy level file (as returned by'file')) Te_unit : {'K' , 'eV' , 'keV'} Units of temperature grid. lvdatap1 : HDUList The level data for the recombining or ionized data. ionpot : float The ionization potential in eV (required for some calculations, if not provided, it will be looked up) force_extrap : bool Force extrappolation to occur for rates outside the nominal range of the input data silent : bool Turn off notifications finallev : int Instead of specifying the index, can use upperlev, lowerlev instead. initlev : int Instead of specifying the index, can use upperlev, lowerlev instead Z : int Instead of providing colldata, can provide Z & z1. Z is the atomic number of the element. z1 : int Instead of providing colldata, can provide Z & z1. z1 is the ion charge +1 for the initial ion dtype : str data type. One of:\n 'EC' : electron impact excitation\n 'PC' : proton impact excitation\n 'CI' : collisional ionization\n 'EA' : excitation-autoionization\n 'XI' : excluded ionization\n 'XR' : excluded recombination\n 'RR' : radiative recombination\n 'DR' : dielectronic recombination exconly : bool For collisional excitation, return only the excitation rate, not the de-excitation rate. settings : dict See description in read_data datacache : dict See description in read_data Returns ------- float or array(float) Maxwellian rate coefficient, in units of cm^3 s^-1 For collisional excitation (proton or electron) returns excitation, dexcitation rates Examples -------- >>> Te = numpy.logspace(4,9,20) >>> # (1) Get excitation rates for row 12 of an Fe XVII file >>> colldata = pyatomdb.atomdb.get_data(26,17,'EC') >>> exc, dex = get_maxwell_rate(Te, colldata=colldata, index=12) >>> # (2) Get excitation rates for row 12 of an Fe XVII file >>> exc, dex = get_maxwell_rate(Te, Z=26,z1=17, index=12) >>> (3) Get excitation rates for transitions from level 1 to 15 of FE XVII >>> exc, dex = get_maxwell_rate(Te, Z=26, z1=17, dtype='EC', finallev=15, initlev=1) """ # Note interface update 03-Apr-2016 isiter=True try: _ = (e for e in Te) except TypeError: isiter=False Te_arr = numpy.array([Te]) else: Te_arr = Te # Te_arr = numpy.array(Te) if Te_unit.lower()=='ev': Te_arr = Te_arr*1000/const.KBOLTZ elif Te_unit.lower() == 'kev': Te_arr = Te_arr/const.KBOLTZ elif Te_unit.lower() == 'k': Te_arr = 1.0* Te_arr else: print('ERROR: Unknown Te_unit "%s": should be "K" or "keV"' % (Te_unit)) return False # CHECK THE INPUTS # 1: the collional excitation data if colldata: if Z>=0 | z1 >=0: print('ERROR: specified colldata, Z and z1. Either specify colldata or Z, z1 & dtype') return False # set the dtype if dtype==False: if colldata[1].header['HDUCLAS1']=='COLL_STR': dtype='EC' # get the Z, z1 if dtype=='EC': Z=colldata[1].header['ELEMENT'] z1=colldata[1].header['ION_STAT']+1 else: # Check we have Z & z1 & dtype specified if ((dtype != False) & (Z>0) & (z1>0)): # we should have data... if dtype in ['CI','EA','XI']: colldata = get_data(Z,z1,'IR', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif dtype in ['RR','DR','XR','XD']: colldata = get_data(Z,z1-1,'IR', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif dtype == 'EC': colldata = get_data(Z,z1,'EC', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) elif dtype == 'PC': colldata = get_data(Z,z1,'PC', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) else: print("Error: unknown dtype %s"%(dtype)) return False else: print("Error: must specify dtype, Z and z1 to load file") return False # OK, at this point we have the colldata. Yay. # check colldata is real if colldata==False: print("No collisional data found. Returning zeros") ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_arr), dtype=float) if dtype in ['EC','PC']: if not(isiter): ret = ret[0] if exconly: return ret else: return ret, ret else: return ret # now to sort out Z, z1 if Z<0: Z = colldata[1].header['ELEMENT'] if z1<0: if dtype in ['EC','PC','EA','CI','XI']: z1 = colldata[1].header['ION_STAT']+1 elif dtype in ['XR','DR','RR','XD']: z1 = colldata[1].header['ION_STAT']+2 # Now get the correct transition if index>=0: if (finallev | initlev): print("Error: specify index or upperlev and lowerlev") return False # If I have the index, set the dtype if colldata[1].header['HDUCLAS1'] == 'COLL_STR': dtype = 'EC' elif colldata[1].header['HDUCLAS1'] == 'IONREC': # get the type: dtype = colldata[1].data.field('TR_TYPE')[index] else: print("ERROR: supplied data is not a collision strength (EC) or "+\ "ionization/recombination (IR) set. Returning") return False if z1<0: if dtype in ['EC','PC','EA','CI','XI']: z1 = colldata[1].header['ION_STAT']+1 elif dtype in ['XR','DR','RR','XD']: z1 = colldata[1].header['ION_STAT']+2 else: if (finallev==False | initlev == False): print("Error: if not specifying index, must specify finallev and ", end=' ') print("initlev") return False else: if dtype=='EC': index = numpy.where((colldata[1].data['lower_lev']==initlev) &\ (colldata[1].data['upper_lev']==finallev))[0] if len(index)==0: print("Warning: no data found for electron excitation from "+\ "level %i to %i"%(initlev, finallev)) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_arr), dtype=float) if not isiter: ret = ret[0] if exconly: return ret else: return ret, ret else: index = index[0] elif dtype =='PC': index = numpy.where((colldata[1].data['lowerlev']==initlev) &\ (colldata[1].data['upperlev']==finallev))[0] if len(index)==0: print("Warning: no data found for proton excitation from "+\ "level %i to %i"%(initlev, finallev)) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_arr), dtype=float) if not isiter: ret = ret[0] if exconly: return ret else: return ret, ret else: index = index[0] elif dtype in ['CI','XI','EA']: index = numpy.where((colldata[1].data['level_init']==initlev) &\ (colldata[1].data['level_final']==finallev) &\ (colldata[1].data['tr_type']==dtype) &\ (colldata[1].data['ion_init']==z1) &\ (colldata[1].data['ion_final']==z1+1))[0] if len(index)==0: print("Warning: no data found for collisional ionization from "+\ "ion %i, level %i to ion %i, level %i"%\ (z1, initlev, z1+1, finallev)) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_arr), dtype=float) if not isiter: ret = ret[0] return ret else: index = index[0] elif dtype in ['RR','XR','DR','XD']: index = numpy.where((colldata[1].data['level_init']==initlev) &\ (colldata[1].data['level_final']==finallev) &\ (colldata[1].data['tr_type']==dtype) &\ (colldata[1].data['ion_init']==z1) &\ (colldata[1].data['ion_final']==z1-1))[0] if len(index)==0: print("Warning: no data found for collisional ionization from "+\ "ion %i, level %i to ion %i, level %i"%\ (z1, initlev, z1-1, finallev)) ret = numpy.zeros(len(Te_arr), dtype=float) if not isiter: ret = ret[0] return ret else: index = index[0] # convert the data. if dtype=='EC': # go through all the different possibilities for collisional excitation data. ecdat = colldata[1].data[index] upind = ecdat['upper_lev'] loind = ecdat['lower_lev'] if not(lvdata): lvdata = get_data(Z,z1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) uplev = lvdata[1].data[upind-1] lolev = lvdata[1].data[loind-1] delta_E = uplev['energy']-lolev['energy'] Ztmp = lvdata[1].header['ELEMENT'] degu = uplev['lev_deg'] degl = lolev['lev_deg'] if delta_E < 0: print("WARNING: delta_E < 0, upind = %i, loind = %i, eup =%e, elo=%e"%\ (upind, loind, uplev['energy'],lolev['energy'])) delta_E *= -1.0 degl =uplev['lev_deg'] degu = lolev['lev_deg'] print("Force_extrap:", force_extrap) zzz = _calc_maxwell_rates(ecdat['coeff_type'],\ ecdat['min_temp'],\ ecdat['max_temp'],\ ecdat['temperature'],\ ecdat['effcollstrpar'],\ delta_E/1e3, Te_arr, Ztmp, degl, degu, \ force_extrap=force_extrap, ladat=ladat, \ levdat=lvdata) exc = zzz[0] dex = zzz[1] if force_extrap: did_extrap = zzz[2] if numpy.isscalar(exc): if dex < 0: dex = 0.0 else: dex[dex<0]=0.0 if exconly: return exc else: return exc, dex elif dtype=='CI': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] if ((cidat['par_type']>const.INTERP_I_UPSILON) & \ (cidat['par_type']<=const.INTERP_I_UPSILON+20)): upind = cidat['upper_lev'] loind = cidat['lower_lev'] if not(lvdata): lvdata = get_data(z,z1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if not(lvdatap1): lvdatap1 = get_data(z,z1+1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) uplev = lvdatap1[1].data[upind-1] lolev = lvdata[1].data[loind-1] # get the ionization potential if not(ionpot): # print "fixing ionpot" ionpot = colldata[1].header['IONPOT'] # else: # print "I don't need to fix ionpot, it is ", ionpot delta_E = ionpot + uplev['energy']-lolev['energy'] Ztmp = lvdata[1].header['ELEMENT'] degl = lolev['lev_deg'] degu = uplev['lev_deg'] ci, dex = _calc_maxwell_rates(cidat['par_type'],\ cidat['min_temp'],\ cidat['max_temp'],\ cidat['temperature'],\ cidat['ionrec_par'],\ delta_E/1e3, Te_arr, Ztmp, degl, degu) elif ((cidat['par_type']>const.CI_DERE) &\ (cidat['par_type']<=const.CI_DERE+20)): ionpot = float(colldata[1].header['IP_DERE']) ci = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat, Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap, ionpot=ionpot) else: ci = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(ci))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: CI(%10s -> %10s): Te out of range min->max=%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ cidat['min_temp'], cidat['max_temp']),\ Te_arr[numpy.isnan(ci)]) if sum(ci[numpy.isfinite(ci)] < 0)>0: if not silent: s= "calc_ionrec_rate: CI(%10s -> %10s): negative CI found: =%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final'])) for i in numpy.where(ci[numpy.isfinite(ci)] < 0)[0]: s += " %e:%e, " % (Te_arr[i],ci[i]) print(s) return ci elif dtype=='EA': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] ea = _calc_ionrec_ea(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(ea))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: EA(%10s -> %10s): Te out of range min->max=%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ cidat['min_temp'], cidat['max_temp']),\ Te_arr[numpy.isnan(ea)]) if sum(ea[numpy.isfinite(ea)] < 0)>0: if not silent: s= "calc_ionrec_rate: EA(%10s -> %10s): negative EA found: =%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final'])) for i in numpy.where(ea[numpy.isfinite(ea)] < 0)[0]: s += " %e:%e, " % (Te_arr[i],ea[i]) print(s) return ea elif dtype=='DR': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] dr = _calc_ionrec_dr(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(dr))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: DR(%10s -> %10s): Te out of range min->max=%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ cidat['min_temp'], cidat['max_temp']),\ Te_arr[numpy.isnan(dr)]) if sum(dr[numpy.isfinite(dr)] < 0)>0: if not silent: s= "calc_ionrec_rate: DR(%10s -> %10s): negative DR found: =%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final'])) for i in numpy.where(dr[numpy.isfinite(dr)] < 0)[0]: s += " %e:%e, " % (Te_arr[i],dr[i]) print(s) return dr elif dtype=='RR': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] rr = _calc_ionrec_rr(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(rr))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: RR(%10s -> %10s): Te out of range min->max=%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ cidat['min_temp'], cidat['max_temp']),\ Te_arr[numpy.isnan(r)]) if sum(rr[numpy.isfinite(rr)] < 0)>0: if not silent: s= "calc_ionrec_rate: RR(%10s -> %10s): negative RR found: =%e->%e:"%\ (atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ atomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final'])) for i in numpy.where(rr[numpy.isfinite(rr)] < 0)[0]: s += " %e:%e, " % (Te_arr[i],rr[i]) print(s) return rr elif dtype=='XR': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] xr = _calc_ionrec_rr(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(xr))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: xr(%10s -> %10s,T=%9.3e) = %8g"%\ (adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ Te,xr)) return xr elif dtype=='XD': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] xr = _calc_ionrec_dr(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if sum(numpy.isnan(xr))>0: if not silent: print("calc_ionrec_rate: xd(%10s -> %10s,T=%9.3e) = %8g"%\ (adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ Te,xr)) return xr elif dtype=='XI': cidat = colldata[1].data[index] if ((cidat['par_type']>900) & \ (cidat['par_type']<=920)): # sanity check if not(lvdata): # print "calling get lvdata" # print lvdata, Z, z1 lvdata = get_data(Z,z1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) # print lvdata if not(lvdatap1): lvdatap1 = get_data(Z,z1+1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if (lvdata[1].header['ion_stat']+1 != cidat['ion_init']): print("ERROR: lvdata and cidat not for matching ions!") if (lvdatap1[1].header['ion_stat']+1 != cidat['ion_final']): print("ERROR: lvdatap1 and cidat not for matching ions!") upind = cidat['level_final'] loind = cidat['level_init'] uplev = lvdatap1[1].data[upind-1] lolev = lvdata[1].data[loind-1] # get the ionization potential if not(ionpot): ionpot = colldata[1].header['IONPOT'] delta_E = ionpot + uplev['energy']-lolev['energy'] Ztmp = lvdata[1].header['ELEMENT'] degl = lolev['lev_deg'] degu = uplev['lev_deg'] xi, dex = _calc_maxwell_rates(cidat['par_type'],\ cidat['min_temp'],\ cidat['max_temp'],\ cidat['temperature'],\ cidat['ionrec_par'],\ delta_E/1e3, Te_arr, Ztmp, degl, degu) else: xi = _calc_ionrec_ci(cidat,Te_arr, extrap=force_extrap) if (xi < 0.0): print("calc_ionrec_rate: CI(%10s -> %10s,T=%9.3e) = %8g"%\ (adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_init']),\ adbatomic.spectroscopic_name(cidat['element'],cidat['ion_final']),\ Te,xi)) xi=0.0 return xi
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _sigma_hydrogenic(Z, N,L, Ein): """ Calculate the PI cross sections of type hydrogenic. Parameters ---------- N : int n shell L : int l quantum number Z : int nuclear charge Ein : array(float) energy grid for PI cross sections (in keV) Returns ------- array(float) Photoionization cross section (in cm^2) """ # # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster August 28th 2015 # n = N l = L z = Z coeff=1.09768e-19 RYDBERG = 0.013605804 E = numpy.array(Ein) chi = Z*Z*1.0*RYDBERG/(n*n) # print chi, Z, n # zzz=raw_input() Eelec = (E - chi)/RYDBERG sigma = numpy.zeros(len(E), dtype=float) if N>5: return sigma iE = numpy.where(Eelec > 0)[0] if len(iE > 0): eta = Z/numpy.sqrt(Eelec[iE]) rho = eta / n lp1 = l+1.0 # print 'eta', eta # Exponential term expterm = numpy.exp(-4*eta*numpy.arctan(1./rho)) / (1-numpy.exp(-2*numpy.pi*eta)) # Common Factorial commfact1 = 1. commfact2 = 1. if (n+l >= 2*l+2): for iFact in range(2*l+3, n+l+1): commfact1 *= iFact else: for iFact in range(n+l+1, 2*l+3): commfact2 *= iFact for iFact in range(2,2*l+2): commfact2 *= iFact for iFact in range(2,n-l): commfact2 *= iFact # Common Product term prodterm = 1. for iProd in range(1,l+1): prodterm *= (iProd*iProd + eta*eta) # Rho term rhoterm = (rho**(2*l+4.))/ ((1+rho*rho)**(2.*n)) # G terms Gterm_p1 = (l+1-n)*__G_hyd(l+1, n-l-1, eta, rho) +\ ((l+1+n)/(1+rho*rho))*__G_hyd(l+1, n-l, eta, rho) if (l!=0): Gterm_m1 = __G_hyd(l, n-l-1, eta, rho) - \ __G_hyd(l, n-l+1, eta, rho)/((1.+rho*rho)**2) else: Gterm_m1 = 0. sigma_p1 = (coeff/E[iE])*((2)**(4*l+6.)/3.)*(lp1*lp1/(2*l+1.))*\ (commfact1/commfact2)*(prodterm/(lp1*lp1+eta*eta))*\ expterm*rhoterm*eta*eta*Gterm_p1*Gterm_p1 sigma_m1 = 0.0 if (l != 0): sigma_m1 = (l*l/(64.*lp1*lp1))*(2*l+1)*(2*l+2)*(2*l+1)*(2*l)*\ (((1+rho*rho)*(1+rho*rho))/(eta*eta*rho*rho))*\ ((lp1*lp1+eta*eta)/(l*l+eta*eta))*\ (Gterm_m1*Gterm_m1/(Gterm_p1*Gterm_p1))*sigma_p1 sigma[iE] = sigma_m1 + sigma_p1 # for i in range(len(iE)): # print "%6i %e %e %e %e"%(iE,Ein[iE[i]], sigma[iE[i]], sigma_m1, sigma_p1) return sigma #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __G_hyd(l,m, eta, rho): result=0 B_s = __B_hyd(2*m, l, m, eta) result = B_s for s in range(2*m-1,-1,-1): B_s = __B_hyd(s, l, m, eta) result = result*rho + B_s return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __B_hyd(s, l, m, eta): MAX_BHYD = 10000 d = numpy.zeros(MAX_BHYD, dtype=float) if ((s+1)*(s+1) > MAX_BHYD): print(("__B_hyd: Increase MAX_BHYD to at least %d",(s+1)*(s+1))) d[0*(s+1) + 0] = 1.0 for iS in range(1, s+1): for t in range(0,iS+1): term1 = 0. if ((iS > 0)&(t>0)): term1 = d[(iS-1)*(s+1)+t-1] term2 = 0. if ((iS > 1)&((iS-2) >= t)): term2 = d[(iS-2)*(s+1)+t] d[iS*(s+1) + t] = - (1./(iS*(iS+2.*l-1.)))*\ ((4*(iS-1-m)*term1) + (2*m+2-iS)*(2*m+2*l+1-iS)*term2) result = d[s*(s+1)+s] for t in range(s-1,-1,-1): result = result*eta + d[s*(s+1) + t] return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calc_rrc(Z, z1, eedges, Te, lev, xstardat=False, \ xstarlevfinal=1, settings=False, datacache=False,\ returntotal = False): """ Calculate the radiative recombination continuum for a given ion Parameters ---------- Z : int Atomic number z1 : int recombined ion charge eedges : array(float) the bin edges for the spectrum to be calculated on (keV) Te : float The electron temperature (K) lev : int The level of the ion for the recombination to be calculated into xstardat : dict or HDUList The xstar PI data. This can be an already sorted dictionary, as returned by sort_xstar_data, or the raw results of opening the PI file xstarlevfinal : int If you need to identify the recombining level, you can do so here. Should normally be 1. settings : dict See description in read_data datacache : dict See description in read_data returntotal : bool If true, return the total recombination rate as well Returns ------- array(float) The rrc in photons cm^3 s^-1 keV^-1 optional float If returntotal is set, also return total RRC calculated by separate integral from the ionization edge to infinity. """ # Version 0.1 Initial Release # # Version 0.2 # Fixed unit issues # Adam Foster 2015-Oct-23 #OK, let's get the line data. rrc = numpy.zeros(len(eedges)-1) # get temperature in keV kT = Te * const.KBOLTZ lvdat = get_data(Z,z1,'LV',settings=settings, datacache=datacache) ldat = lvdat[1].data[lev-1] #rrc_ph_value(E, Z, z1, rrc_ph_factor, IonE, kT, levdat, \ # xstardata=False, xstarfinallev=False): #Find the I_e for each case, and the gratio (recombined/recombining) I_e=0.0 if ldat['PHOT_TYPE']==const.HYDROGENIC: I_e = const.RYDBERG*Z**2*1.0/(ldat['n_quan']**2) gfin = 1.0 * ldat['lev_deg'] ginit = 1.0 if Z-z1>0: plvdat = get_data(Z, z1+1, 'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if plvdat: ginit = 1.0* plvdat[1].data['lev_deg'][0] gratio = gfin/ginit if ldat['n_quan']>5: if returntotal: return rrc, 0.0 else: return rrc elif ldat['PHOT_TYPE']==const.CLARK: I_e = ldat['phot_par'][1] gfin = 1.0 * ldat['lev_deg'] ginit = 1.0 if Z-z1>0: plvdat = get_data(Z, z1+1, 'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if plvdat: ginit = 1.0* plvdat[1].data['lev_deg'][0] gratio = gfin/ginit elif ldat['PHOT_TYPE']==const.VERNER: I_e = ldat['phot_par'][0] gfin = 1.0 * ldat['lev_deg'] ginit = 1.0 if Z-z1>0: plvdat = get_data(Z, z1+1, 'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if plvdat: ginit = 1.0* plvdat[1].data['lev_deg'][0] gratio = gfin/ginit elif ldat['PHOT_TYPE']==const.XSTAR: # get the xstar data if not xstardat: xstardat = get_data(Z,z1,'PI', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if not isinstance(xstardat,dict): xstardat = __sort_pi_data(xstardat, int(ldat['PHOT_PAR'][0]),\ xstarlevfinal) if xstardat==False: #no photoionization data gratio = 0 I_e = 0 rrc = numpy.zeros(len(eedges)-1,dtype=float) if returntotal: return rrc , 0.0 else: return rrc gratio = xstardat['g_ratio'] I_e = (get_ionpot(Z, z1) - ldat['energy'])/1000.0 else: #no photoionization data rrc = numpy.zeros(len(eedges)-1,dtype=float) if returntotal: return rrc , 0.0 else: return rrc rrc_ph_factor = (const.RRC_COEFF/const.ERG_KEV)*gratio/(Te**1.5) rrc_erg_factor = const.RRC_COEFF*gratio/(Te**1.5) # TOTAL INTEGRAL if returntotal: rr_lev_pop,err = integrate.quad(rrc_ph_value, I_e+1.e-4, numpy.inf,\ epsabs=const.TOT_ABSACC,\ epsrel=const.TOT_RELACC, \ args=(Z, z1, rrc_ph_factor, I_e, kT, ldat, xstardat, xstarlevfinal), limit=100000) # VALUE AT EACH BIN EDGE emission_edges = rrc_ph_value(eedges, Z, z1, rrc_ph_factor, I_e, \ kT, ldat, xstardat, xstarlevfinal) edgebin = numpy.argmin(eedges>I_e)-1 if edgebin > -1: # we have an edge to deal with rrc[edgebin] = integrate.quad(rrc_ph_value, I_e+1.e-4, eedges[edgebin+1],\ epsabs=const.TOT_ABSACC,\ epsrel=const.TOT_RELACC, \ args=(Z, z1, rrc_ph_factor, I_e, kT, ldat, xstardat, xstarlevfinal), limit=100000) rrc[edgebin+1:] = (emission_edges[edgebin+1:-1]+emission_edges[edgebin+2:])/2.0 if returntotal: return rrc, rr_lev_pop else: return rrc
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calc_rad_rec_cont(Z, z1, z1_drv, T, ebins, abund=1.0, ion_pop=1.0, \ settings=False, datacache=False): """ Calculate the radiative recombination continuum for an ion at temperature T Parameters ---------- Z : int nuclear charge z1 : int recombined ion charge+1 z1_drv : int recombining ion charge+1 T : float temperautre (K) ebins : array(float) energy bins (in keV) on which to caclulate the spectrum abund : float elemental abundance, relative to hydrogen ion_pop : float the ion's population fraction of that element (i.e. sum of all ion_pop for an element = 1) Returns ------- array(float) RRC in photons cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1, in an array of length(ebins)-1 array(float) Recombination rates into the excited levels, in s-1 """ # # Version 0.1 Initial Release # Adam Foster 25 Sep 2015 # initlevels = get_data(Z,z1_drv,'LV', settings=settings, datacache = datacache) if (initlevels): hasparent = True else: hasparent = False finallevels = get_data(Z,z1,'LV', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) rrc = numpy.zeros(len(ebins)-1, dtype=float) if not finallevels: return rrc, 0.0 nlev= len(finallevels[1].data) tot_rec_rate = 0.0 rrc = numpy.zeros(len(ebins)-1, dtype=float) LevelRecombRate = numpy.zeros(nlev, dtype=float) LevelRecombRate2 = numpy.zeros(nlev, dtype=float) binwidth = ebins[1:]-ebins[:-1] for iLev in range(nlev): finlev = finallevels[1].data[iLev] if finlev['phot_type'] >=0: pass if finlev['phot_type']==const.NO_PHOT: continue elif finlev['phot_type']==const.HYDROGENIC: if (Z-z1==0): I_e = const.RYDBERG*Z**2*1.0/(finlev['n_quan']**2) lev_deg = finlev['lev_deg'] parent_lev_deg = 1.0 sig_type = const.HYDROGENIC sigma_coeff=numpy.zeros(2, dtype=float) sigma_coeff[0] = finlev['n_quan'] sigma_coeff[1] = finlev['l_quan'] else: continue elif finlev['phot_type']==const.CLARK: I_e = finlev['phot_par'][1] lev_deg = finlev['lev_deg'] if ((hasparent) & (len(initlevels[1].data)>0)): parent_lev_deg = initlevels[1].data['lev_deg'][0]*1.0 else: parent_lev_deg=1.0 sig_type = const.CLARK sigma_coeff = finlev['phot_par'] elif finlev['phot_type']==const.VERNER: I_e = finlev['phot_par'][0] lev_deg = finlev['lev_deg'] hasinitlevels = util.keyword_check(initlevels) parent_lev_deg=1.0 if hasinitlevels: if ((hasparent) & (len(initlevels[1].data)>0)): parent_lev_deg = initlevels[1].data['lev_deg'][0]*1.0 sig_type = const.VERNER sigma_coeff = finlev['phot_par'] elif finlev['phot_type']==const.XSTAR: I_e = (get_ionpot(Z, z1, settings=settings, \ datacache=datacache) -\ finlev['energy'])/1000.0 lev_deg = finlev['lev_deg']*1.0 if (hasparent): parent_lev_deg = initlevels[1].data['lev_deg'][0]*1.0 else: parent_lev_deg = 1.0 #### FIXING HERE xstarlevinit = int(finlev['phot_par'][0]) pidat = get_data(Z,z1,'PI', settings=settings, \ datacache=datacache) # find the possible places to photoionize to: finlev_possible = util.unique(\ pidat[1].data['lev_final'][pidat[1].data['lev_init']==xstarlevinit]) finlev_possible = numpy.array([min(finlev_possible)]) for xstarlevfinal in finlev_possible: # get the numbers sigma_coeff = __sort_pi_data(pidat, xstarlevinit, xstarlevfinal) if not sigma_coeff: continue g_ratio = sigma_coeff['g_ratio'] tmprrc,total = calc_rrc(Z, z1, ebins, T, iLev+1, xstardat=sigma_coeff, \ settings=settings, datacache=datacache, returntotal=True) tmprrc *= abund*ion_pop*binwidth # print "Calculated RRC for Z %i z1 %i iLev %i"%\ # (Z, z1, iLev) # for i in range(len(tmprrc)): # print ebins[i],ebins[i+1], tmprrc[i] # print "ENDCalculated RRC for Z %i z1 %i iLev %i"%\ # (Z, z1, iLev) rr_lev_rate = sum(tmprrc) LevelRecombRate[iLev] += total*abund*ion_pop tot_rec_rate += total*abund*ion_pop rrc += tmprrc else: continue rr_lev_rate = 0.0 g_ratio = lev_deg/parent_lev_deg if ((finlev['phot_type'] != const.NO_PHOT) &\ (finlev['phot_type'] != const.XSTAR)): tmprrc, total = calc_rrc(Z, z1, ebins, T, iLev+1, \ settings=settings, datacache=datacache, returntotal=True) tmprrc *= abund*ion_pop*binwidth rr_lev_rate = sum(tmprrc) # print "Calculated RRC for Z %i z1 %i iLev %i"%\ # (Z, z1, iLev) # for i in range(len(tmprrc)): # print ebins[i],ebins[i+1], tmprrc[i] # print "ENDCalculated RRC for Z %i z1 %i iLev %i"%\ # (Z, z1, iLev) LevelRecombRate[iLev] += total*abund*ion_pop tot_rec_rate += total*abund*ion_pop rrc += tmprrc # for i in xrange(len(tmprrc)): #print "%e %e %e" %(ebins[i], ebins[i+1], tmprrc[i]) #print "phot_type= %i"%(finlev['phot_type']) #print finlev # for i in range(len(LevelRecombRate)): # print "%i %e %e %e"%(i+1, LevelRecombRate[i], LevelRecombRate2[i], LevelRecombRate[i]/ LevelRecombRate2[i]) # zzz=raw_input('argh') return rrc, LevelRecombRate
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def read_filemap(filemap="$ATOMDB/filemap", atomdbroot="$ATOMDB"): """ Reads the AtomDB filemap file in to memory. By default, tries to read $ATOMDB/filemap, replacing all instances of $ATOMDB in the filemap file with the value of the environment variable $ATOMDB Parameters ---------- filemap: str the filemap file to read atomdbroot: str location of files, if not $ATOMDB. """ # # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster August 15th 2015 # # # Version 0.2 - bugfix # added check for "filemap==False" # Adam Foster October 9th 2015 # # parse the options here. if filemap==False: filemap = "$ATOMDB/filemap" fmapfile = os.path.expandvars(filemap) f = open(fmapfile,'r') Z=[] z1=[] eclist=[] lvlist=[] pclist=[] lalist=[] drlist=[] irlist=[] emlist=[] pilist=[] ailist=[] cilist=[] misc=[] misc_type=[] # temporarily store ATOMDB environment variable os.environ['OLDATOMDB'] = os.environ['ATOMDB'] # set ATOMDB to new value os.environ['ATOMDB'] = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot) for i in f: # print i splt = i.split() # print( splt) fname = os.path.expandvars(splt[3]) Z_tmp = int(splt[1]) z1_tmp = int(splt[2]) if Z_tmp < 1: misc.append(fname) misc_type.append(int(splt[0])) else: j = numpy.where((numpy.array(Z)==Z_tmp) & \ (numpy.array(z1)==z1_tmp))[0] if len(j)==0: Z.append(Z_tmp) z1.append(z1_tmp) eclist.append('') lvlist.append('') lalist.append('') pclist.append('') drlist.append('') irlist.append('') emlist.append('') pilist.append('') ailist.append('') cilist.append('') j = numpy.where((numpy.array(Z)==Z_tmp) & \ (numpy.array(z1)==z1_tmp))[0] j=j[0] if int(splt[0]) == 1: irlist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 2: lvlist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 3: lalist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 4: eclist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 5: pclist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 6: drlist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 7: emlist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 8: pilist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 9: ailist[j] = fname if int(splt[0]) == 10: cilist[j] = fname ret={} ret['Z'] = numpy.array(Z) ret['z1'] = numpy.array(z1) ret['ec'] = numpy.array(eclist, dtype='|S160') ret['lv'] = numpy.array(lvlist, dtype='|S160') ret['ir'] = numpy.array(irlist, dtype='|S160') ret['pc'] = numpy.array(pclist, dtype='|S160') ret['dr'] = numpy.array(drlist, dtype='|S160') ret['la'] = numpy.array(lalist, dtype='|S160') ret['em'] = numpy.array(emlist, dtype='|S160') ret['pi'] = numpy.array(pilist, dtype='|S160') ret['ai'] = numpy.array(ailist, dtype='|S160') ret['ci'] = numpy.array(cilist, dtype='|S160') ret['misc'] = numpy.array(misc, dtype='|S160') ret['misc_type'] = numpy.array(misc_type) # restore the ATOMDB variable os.environ['ATOMDB']=os.environ['OLDATOMDB'] x=os.environ.pop('OLDATOMDB') f.close() return ret
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #--#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- #--def get_filemap_file(ftype, Z, z1, filemapfile=False, atomdbroot=False,\ #-- quiet=False, misc=False): #-- """ #-- Gets the filename for the file of type ftype for the ion Z,z1 from the #-- given filemap. #-- #-- INPUTS #-- ftype: string: type of data to read. Currently available: #-- 'IR' - ionization and recombination #-- 'LV' - energy levels #-- 'LA' - radiative transition data (lambda and A-values) #-- 'EC' - electron collision data #-- 'PC' - proton collision data #-- 'DR' - dielectronic recombination satellite line data #-- 'PI' - XSTAR photoionization data #-- 'AI' - autoionization data #-- Z: int : nuclear charge #-- z1: int : ion charge +1 e.g. 5 for C+4, a.k.a. C V #-- #-- KWARGS #-- filemapfile: string: if a particular filemap should be read. Otherwise #-- defaults to $ATOMDB/filemap #-- atomdbroot: string : string to replace $ATOMDB by. If not set, use enviroment #-- variable $ATOMDB instead. #-- quiet : If not set, code will provide warnings where data types not found #-- misc : If data requested is not ion specific but generic data, e.g. #-- bremsstrahlung data sets, set this to true and ftype becomes integer #-- 10 = Abundances #-- 11 = Bremsstrahlung: Hummer #-- 12 = Bremsstrahlung: Kellogg #-- 13 = Bremsstrahlung: Relativistic #-- #-- RETURNS #-- string filename if file exists. #-- zero length string ('') if file does not exist in filemap. #-- #-- Version 0.1 - initial release #-- Adam Foster August 15th 2015 #-- """ #-- fmap=read_filemap(fmapfile, atomdbroot=atomdbroot) #-- #-- #-- if misc: #-- # looking for type 10,11 or 12 data #-- if ftype in [10,11,12,13]: #-- i = numpy.where(fmap['misc_type']==ftype)[0] #-- if len(i)==0: #-- print "Error: file type: %i not found in filemap %s" %(ftype,fmapfile) #-- ret = '' #-- else: #-- ret = fmap['misc'][i[0]] #-- else: #-- i = numpy.where((fmap['Z']==Z)&(fmap['z1']==z1))[0] #-- ret='' #-- if len(i)==0: #-- if not quiet : #-- print "WARNING: there is no data for the ion "+\ #-- atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1) #-- ret='' #-- #-- if len(i)>1: #-- print "ERROR: there are multiple entries for the ion "+\ #-- atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1) #-- ret='' #-- #-- if len(i)==1: #-- i=i[0] #-- ftypel = ftype.lower() #-- #-- if not ftypel in fmap.keys(): #-- #-- print "Error: invalid file type: "+ftype #-- ret = '' #-- #-- else: #-- ret = fmap[ftypel][i] #-- if len(ret)==0: #-- if not quiet : #-- print "WARNING: no data of type "+ftype+" exists for ion "+\ #-- atomic.spectroscopic_name(Z,z1) #-- #-- return ret #-- #--#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_data(Z, z1, ftype, datacache=False, \ settings=False, indexzero=False, offline=False): """ Read AtomDB data of type ftype for ion rmJ of element Z. If settings are set, the filemap can be overwritten (see below), otherwise $ATOMDB/filemap will be used to locate the file. If indexzero is set, all levels will have 1 subtracted from them (AtomDB indexes lines from 1, but python and C index arrays from 0, so this can be useful) Parameters ---------- Z : int Element nuclear charge rmJ : int Ion charge +1 (e.g. 5 for C^{4+}, a.k.a. C V) ftype : string type of data to read. Currently available * 'IR' - ionization and recombination * 'LV' - energy levels * 'LA' - radiative transition data (lambda and A-values) * 'EC' - electron collision data * 'PC' - proton collision data * 'DR' - dielectronic recombination satellite line data * 'PI' - XSTAR photoionization data * 'AI' - autoionization data * 'ALL' - reads all of the above. Does not return anything. Used for bulk downloading. Or, for non-ion-specific data (abundances and bremstrahlung coeffts) * 'ABUND' - abundance tables * 'HBREMS' - Hummer bremstrahlung coefficients * 'RBREMS' - relativistic bremstrahlung coefficitients * 'IONBAL' - ionization balance tables * 'EIGEN' - eigenvalue files filemap : string The filemap to use, if you do not want to use the default one. settings : dict This will let you override some standard inputs for get_data: * settings['filemap']: the filemap to use if you do not want to use the default $ATOMDB/filemap * settings['atomdbroot']: If you have files in non-standard locations you can replace $ATOMDB with this value datacache : dict This variable will hold the results of the read in a dictionary. It will also be checked to see if the requested data has already been cached here before re-reading from the disk. If you have not yet read in any data but want to start caching, provide it as an empty dictionary i.e. mydatacache={} 2 parts of the data ares stored here: * Settings['data'] will store a copy of the data you read in. This means that if your code ends up calling for the same file multiple times, rather than re-reading from the disk, it will just point to this data already in memory. To clear the read files, just reset the data dictionary (e.g. settings['data'] ={}) * settings['datasums'] stores the datasum when read in. Can be used later to check files are the same. Both data and datasums store the data in identical trees, e.g.: settings['data'][Z][z1][ftype] will have the data. indexzero: bool If True, subtract 1 from all level indexes as python indexes from 0, while AtomDB indexes from 1. offline: bool If True, do not search online to download data files - just return as if data does not exist Returns ------- HDUlist the opened pyfits hdulist if succesful. False if file doesn't exist """ # # # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster August 15th 2015 # Version 0.2 - separated "settings" and "datacache" # Adam Foster September 24th 2015 # Version 0.3 - Fixed fmapfile and atomdbroot use to avoid returning # "False" and triggering errors # Adam Foster October 27th 2015 if ftype=='ALL': # call for each dtype #print("Fetching all data for Z=%i, z1=%i"%(Z, z1)) for ftype in ['IR','LV','LA','EC','PC','DR','AI','PI']: tmp=get_data(Z, z1, ftype, datacache=datacache, \ settings=settings, \ indexzero=indexzero, \ offline=offline) #print("All data successfully retrieved") return True d = False didurl=False fmapfile = "$ATOMDB/filemap" atomdbroot="$ATOMDB" # check if data type requested in "miscellanous", i.e. a bremstrahlung # or abundance related file, not an ion-specific file. ismisc = False if ftype.lower() in ['abund','hbrems','rbrems','ionbal','eigen']: ismisc = True if type(datacache) == dict: # make sure that the relevant dictionaries are ready to receive the data if not 'data' in list(datacache.keys()): datacache['data']={} if not ismisc: if not Z in list(datacache['data'].keys()): datacache['data'][Z]={} if not z1 in list(datacache['data'][Z].keys()): datacache['data'][Z][z1]={} else: if not 'misc' in list(datacache['data'].keys()): datacache['data']['misc'] = {} if not 'datasums' in list(datacache.keys()): datacache['datasums']={} if not ismisc: if not Z in list(datacache['datasums'].keys()): datacache['datasums'][Z]={} if not z1 in list(datacache['datasums'][Z].keys()): datacache['datasums'][Z][z1]={} else: if not 'misc' in list(datacache['datasums'].keys()): datacache['datasums']['misc'] = {} if ismisc: havedata = False # if not 'misc' in datacache['data'].keys(): # print "ping1" # datacache['data']['misc']={} if ftype.upper() =='EIGEN': if not 'EIGEN' in list(datacache['data']['misc'].keys()): datacache['data']['misc']['EIGEN']={} datacache['datasums']['misc']['EIGEN']={} havedata = False if ftype.upper() =='EIGEN': if Z in list(datacache['data']['misc']['EIGEN'].keys()): havedata=True elif ((ftype.upper() in list(datacache['data']['misc'].keys())) &\ (ftype.upper() != 'EIGEN')): # this means we have the data cached, no need to fetch it havedata=True if not(havedata): if settings: if settings['FileMap']: fmapfile = settings['FileMap'] if settings['atomdbroot']: atomdbroot = settings['atomdbroot'] fname = get_filemap_file(ftype, False, False, fmapfile=fmapfile,\ atomdbroot=atomdbroot, quiet=True,\ misc = True) if fname=='': # no data exists # This is expected if it's an ionbal file if ftype.lower()=='ionbal': # conversion here: curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if curversion in ['2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.0.2','3.0.0','3.0.1','3.0.2','3.0.3']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v2.0.2_ionbal.fits' elif curversion in ['3.0.4','3.0.5','3.0.6']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v3.0.4_ionbal.fits' else: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v3.0.7_ionbal.fits' elif ftype.lower()=='eigen': # conversion here: curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if curversion in ['2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.0.2','3.0.0','3.0.1','3.0.2','3.0.3']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) elif curversion in ['3.0.4','3.0.5','3.0.6']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.4.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) else: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.7.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) if not 'EIGEN' in list(datacache['data']['misc'].keys()): datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()]={} datacache['datasums']['misc'][ftype.upper()]={} else: datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()] = False if fname!='': # Try and open the files in the following order: # (1) filename # (2) filename+'.gz' # (3) atomdburl/filename+'.gz' if isinstance(fname, str): pass else: fname = fname.decode('ascii') try: d = except IOError: try: d ='.gz') except IOError: if offline: d = False else: url = re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),\ const.FTPPATH,fname)+'.gz' try: d =, cache=False) didurl=True util.record_upload(re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),'',fname)) except urllib.error.URLError: print("Error trying to open file %s. Not found locally or on"%(fname)+\ " server.") d=False # datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()] = False else: if ftype.upper() in list(datacache['data'][Z][z1].keys()): # this means we have the data cached, no need to fetch it pass else: # check for file location overrides if settings: if 'filemap' in list(settings.keys()): if settings['filemap']: fmapfile = settings['filemap'] if 'atomdbroot' in list(settings.keys()): if settings['atomdbroot']: atomdbroot = settings['atomdbroot'] fname = get_filemap_file(ftype, Z, z1, fmapfile=fmapfile,\ atomdbroot=atomdbroot, quiet=True) try: fname = fname.decode('ascii') except: pass if fname=='': # no data exists datacache['data'][Z][z1][ftype.upper()] = False else: # Try and open the files in the following order: # (1) filename # (2) filename+'.gz' # (3) atomdburl/filename+'.gz' try: d = except FileNotFoundError: try: d ='.gz') except FileNotFoundError: if offline: d = False else: url = re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),\ const.FTPPATH,fname)+'.gz' try: d =, cache=False) didurl=True util.record_upload(re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),'',fname)) except urllib.error.URLError: print("Error trying to open file %s. Not found locally or on"%(fname)+\ " server.") d=False else: if settings: if settings['filemap']: fmapfile = settings['filemap'] if 'atomdbroot' in list(settings.keys()): if settings['atomdbroot']: atomdbroot = settings['atomdbroot'] if ismisc: fname = get_filemap_file(ftype, False, False, \ quiet=True, fmapfile=fmapfile,\ atomdbroot=atomdbroot, misc = True) else: fname = get_filemap_file(ftype, Z, z1, \ quiet=True, fmapfile=fmapfile,\ atomdbroot=atomdbroot) # if ftype.lower()=='ionbal': # fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v2.0.2_ionbal.fits' if ftype.lower()=='ionbal': # conversion here: curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if curversion in ['2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.0.2','3.0.0','3.0.1','3.0.2','3.0.3']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v2.0.2_ionbal.fits' elif curversion in ['3.0.4','3.0.5','3.0.6']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v3.0.4_ionbal.fits' else: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/v3.0.7_ionbal.fits' elif ftype.lower()=='eigen': # conversion here: curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if curversion in ['2.0.0', '2.0.1', '2.0.2','3.0.0','3.0.1','3.0.2','3.0.3']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) elif curversion in ['3.0.4','3.0.5','3.0.6']: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.4.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) else: fname = os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot)+'/APED/ionbal/eigen/eigen%s_v3.0.7.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower()) if 'bytes' in str(type(fname)): try: fname = fname.decode() except AttributeError: pass if fname=='': # This is expected if it's an ionbal file pass else: # Try and open the files in the following order: # (1) filename # (2) filename+'.gz' # (3) atomdburl/filename+'.gz' try: d = except IOError: try: d ='.gz') except IOError: if offline: d = False else: url = re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),\ const.FTPPATH,fname)+'.gz' print("trying URL %s"%(url)) try: d =, cache=False) didurl=True util.record_upload(re.sub(os.path.expandvars(atomdbroot),'',fname)) except urllib.error.URLError: print("Error trying to open file %s. Not found locally or on"%(fname)+\ " server.") d=False if didurl: # cache file locally # make directory if required util.mkdir_p(fname.rsplit('/',1)[0]) # save file d.writeto(fname, output_verify='warn') print("wrote file locally to %s"%(fname)) if d: if indexzero: # python indexes from zero. Easiest to just subtract here. if ftype.upper()=='LA': d[1].data.field('lower_lev')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('upper_lev')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='EC': d[1].data.field('lower_lev')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('upper_lev')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='PC': d[1].data.field('lower_lev')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('upper_lev')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='DR': d[1].data.field('lower_lev')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('upper_lev')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='AI': d[1].data.field('level_init')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('level_final')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='IR': d[1].data.field('level_init')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('level_final')[:] -= 1 elif ftype.upper()=='LV': pass elif ftype.upper()=='PI': d[1].data.field('lev_init')[:] -= 1 d[1].data.field('lev_final')[:] -= 1 else: print("Unknown filetype: %s"%(ftype)) # rename columns in older versions of EC & PC files if ftype.upper() in ['PC','EC']: if d[1].header['HDUVERS1']=='1.0.0': try: d[1].columns.change_name('COEFF_OM','EFFCOLLSTRPAR') except: d[1].columns[d[1].data.names.index('COEFF_OM')].name='EFFCOLLSTRPAR' if type(datacache)==dict: if ismisc: if ftype.upper()=='EIGEN': if not Z in list(datacache['data']['misc']['EIGEN'].keys()): datacache['data']['misc']['EIGEN'][Z]=d datacache['datasums']['misc']['EIGEN'][Z] = d[1].header['DATASUM'] return datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()][Z] else: datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()] = d datacache['datasums']['misc'][ftype.upper()] = d[1].header['DATASUM'] return datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()] else: datacache['data'][Z][z1][ftype.upper()] = d datacache['datasums'][Z][z1][ftype.upper()] = d[1].header['DATASUM'] return datacache['data'][Z][z1][ftype.upper()] else: return d else: if type(datacache)==dict: if ismisc: if ftype.upper()=='EIGEN': return datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()][Z] else: return datacache['data']['misc'][ftype.upper()] else: return datacache['data'][Z][z1][ftype.upper()] else: return False
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def __sort_pi_data(pidat, lev_init, lev_final): """ Given the pidat (returned by opening the PI data file, i.e.'XX_YY_PI.fits'), and the initial and final levels, return the PI cross section data. Parameters ---------- pidat : hdulist The photoionization data for the ion lev_init : int The initial level lev_final : int The final level Returns -------- dict: which contains the following information: pi['ion_init'] - the initial ion charge +1 pi['lev_init'] - the initial level pi['ion_final'] - the final ion charge+1 (should be ion_init+1) pi['lev_final'] - the final level pi['pi_type'] - the type. (best to ignore) pi['g_ratio'] - the ratio of the statistical weight of the intitial and final levels pi['energy'] - the array of energies (keV) pi['pi_param'] - the array of pi cross sections in Mbarn. """ # # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster August 15th 2015 # i = numpy.where((pidat[1].data['lev_init'] ==lev_init) &\ (pidat[1].data['lev_final'] ==lev_final))[0] energy = numpy.zeros(0,dtype=float) pi_param = numpy.zeros(0,dtype=float) if len(i)==0: return False for ii in i: energy = numpy.append(energy, pidat[1].data['energy'][ii]) pi_param = numpy.append(pi_param, pidat[1].data['pi_param'][ii]) n_expected = sum(numpy.array(util.unique(pidat[1].data['pi_type'][i]))%10000) n_found = sum(energy>0) if n_found != n_expected: print("WARNING: we do not have the same length of expected and found parameters") print("Expected: %i, found %i"%(n_expected, n_found)) pi_param = pi_param[energy>0] energy = energy[energy>0]/1000.0 # convert to keV i = numpy.argsort(energy) pi_param = pi_param[i] energy = energy[i] pi = {} pi['ion_init'] = pidat[1].data['ion_init'][ii] pi['lev_init'] = pidat[1].data['lev_init'][ii] pi['ion_final'] = pidat[1].data['ion_final'][ii] pi['lev_final'] = pidat[1].data['lev_final'][ii] pi['pi_type'] = pidat[1].data['pi_type'][ii] pi['g_ratio'] = pidat[1].data['g_ratio'][ii] pi['energy'] = energy pi['pi_param'] = pi_param return pi #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def rrc_ph_value(E, Z, z1, rrc_ph_factor, IonE, kT, levdat, \ xstardata=False, xstarfinallev=False): """ Returns RRC in photons cm3 s-1 keV-1 Parameters ---------- E: Z: int Atomic number of element (i.e. 8 for Oxygen) z1: int Ion charge +1 e.g. 5 for C+4, a.k.a. C V rrc_ph_factor: float Conversion factor for RRC. IonE: float Ionization potential of ion kT: float Temperature (keV) levdat: lvdat line Line from the lvdat file xstardata : dict, str or HDUList if the data is XSTAR data (pi_type=3), supply the xstardata. This can be a dictionary with 2 arrays, one "Energy", one "sigma", the file name, or the entire PI file (already loaded):: # load level data lvdata = atomdb.get_data(26, 24, 'LV', settings) # load XSTAR PI data if it exists pidata = atomdb.get_data(26, 24, 'PI', settings) # get pi xsection at energy E for the ground state to ground state sigma_photoion(E, lvdata[1].data['pi_type'][0], lvdata[1].data['pi_param'][0], xstardata=pidata, xstarfinallev=1) xstarfinallev: the level to ionize in to. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- float The RRC in photons cm3 s-1 keV-1 at energy(ies) E. """ isiter=True try: _ = (e for e in E) except TypeError: isiter=False E = numpy.array([E]) igood = numpy.where(((-(E - IonE)/kT)>const.MIN_RRC_EXPONENT)&\ ((-(E - IonE)/kT)<const.MAX_RRC_EXPONENT))[0] ifinite = numpy.isfinite(E[igood]**2*numpy.exp(-(E[igood] - IonE)/kT)) #print kT if sum(ifinite)!=len(igood): print("found %i not finite indices!"%(len(igood)-sum(ifinite))) if levdat['PHOT_TYPE']==const.HYDROGENIC: levdat['PHOT_PAR'][0] = levdat['n_quan'] levdat['PHOT_PAR'][1] = levdat['l_quan'] if levdat['PHOT_PAR'][0]>5: return numpy.zeros(len(E)) result = numpy.zeros(len(E)) result[igood] = rrc_ph_factor*sigma_photoion(E[igood], Z,\ z1,\ levdat['PHOT_TYPE'],\ levdat['PHOT_PAR'],\ xstardata=xstardata,\ xstarfinallev=xstarfinallev)*\ E[igood]**2*numpy.exp(-(E[igood] - IonE)/kT) if not isiter: result=result[0] return result
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def sigma_photoion(E, Z, z1, pi_type, pi_coeffts, xstardata=False, xstarfinallev=1): """ Returns the photoionization cross section at E, given an input of sig_coeffts. Parameters ---------- E: float or array of floats Energy/ies to find PI cross section at (keV) Z: int Atomic number of element (i.e. 8 for Oxygen) pi_type : int the "PI_TYPE" from the energy level file for this level, can be: -1. No PI data 0. Hydrogenic 1. Clark 2. Verner 3. XSTAR pi_coeffts : array(float) the "PI_PARAM" array for this level from the LV file xstardata : dict, str or HDUList if the data is XSTAR data (pi_type=3), supply the xstardata. This can be a dictionary with 2 arrays, one "Energy", one "sigma", the file name, or the entire PI file (already loaded):: # load level data lvdata = atomdb.get_data(26, 24, 'LV', settings) # load XSTAR PI data if it exists pidata = atomdb.get_data(26, 24, 'PI', settings) # get pi xsection at energy E for the ground state to ground state sigma_photoion(E, lvdata[1].data['pi_type'][0], lvdata[1].data['pi_param'][0], xstardata=pidata, xstarfinallev=1) xstarfinallev: the level to ionize in to. Defaults to 1. Returns ------- array(float) pi cross section in cm^2 at energy E. """ # # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster August 15th 2015 # # Version 0.2 - # now accepts vector energy input. # Will attempt to download the PI cross section files if not supplied. # Adam Foster August 28th 2015 # determine whether input is scalar or vector Evec,isvec=util.make_vec(E) # isvec = True # try: # _ = (e for e in E) # except TypeError: # isvec = False # Evec = numpy.array([E]) # result = numpy.zeros(len(Evec), dtype=float) # set up the sigma coefficients if pi_type==const.NO_PHOT: pass elif pi_type==const.VERNER: E_th = pi_coeffts[0] E_0 = pi_coeffts[1] sigma0 = pi_coeffts[2] ya = pi_coeffts[3] P = pi_coeffts[4] yw = pi_coeffts[5] l1 = pi_coeffts[6] Q = 5.5 + l1 - 0.5*P sig_coeffts={} sig_coeffts['E_th'] = E_th sig_coeffts['E_0'] = E_0 sig_coeffts['sigma0'] = sigma0 sig_coeffts['ya'] = ya sig_coeffts['P'] = P sig_coeffts['yw'] = yw sig_coeffts['l1'] = l1 sig_coeffts['Q'] = Q elif pi_type==const.HYDROGENIC: nq = int(round(pi_coeffts[0])) lq = int(round(pi_coeffts[1])) Zel = Z sig_coeffts={} sig_coeffts['nq']=nq sig_coeffts['lq']=lq sig_coeffts['Zel']=Zel elif pi_type==const.CLARK: Zel = Z frac = pi_coeffts[0] IonE = pi_coeffts[1] ip = pi_coeffts[2] n1 = pi_coeffts[3] b1 = pi_coeffts[4] d1 = pi_coeffts[5] b2 = pi_coeffts[6] d2 = pi_coeffts[7] c = numpy.array(pi_coeffts[8:12]) sig_coeffts={} sig_coeffts['Zel'] = Zel sig_coeffts['frac'] = frac sig_coeffts['ip'] = ip sig_coeffts['n1'] = n1 sig_coeffts['b1'] = b1 sig_coeffts['d1'] = d1 sig_coeffts['b2'] = b2 sig_coeffts['d2'] = d2 sig_coeffts['c'] = c sig_coeffts['I_e'] = IonE elif pi_type==const.XSTAR: # now look into type of xstardata if not xstardata: # get the data pidat = get_data(Z, z1, 'PI', settings=settings, datacache=datacache) if not pidat: print("ERROR: cannot find photoionization data requested") return False # just filename if isinstance(xstardata,dict): sig_coeffts = xstardata else: if isinstance(xstardata, str): #yay. pidat = initlevel = int(pi_coeffts[0]) else: pidat = xstardata initlevel = int(pi_coeffts[0]) sigma_coeff = __sort_pi_data(pidat, initlevel, xstarfinallev) sig_coeffts = sigma_coeff # now calculate the sigma. if pi_type==const.NO_PHOT: result = 0.0 elif pi_type == const.VERNER: iE = numpy.where(Evec > sig_coeffts['E_th'])[0] if len(iE) > 0: y = Evec[iE]/sig_coeffts['E_0'] F_y = ((y-1)**2. + sig_coeffts['yw']**2.) * y**(-sig_coeffts['Q']) *\ (1.+numpy.sqrt(y/sig_coeffts['ya']))**(-sig_coeffts['P']) result[iE] = sig_coeffts['sigma0'] * F_y * 1e-18 # conversion to cm2 elif pi_type == const.HYDROGENIC: if (sig_coeffts['nq']<6) & (sig_coeffts['nq']!=0): result = _sigma_hydrogenic(sig_coeffts['Zel'],\ sig_coeffts['nq'],\ sig_coeffts['lq'],\ Evec) # print "Zel=%i, n=%i, l=%i"%(sig_coeffts['Zel'],\ # sig_coeffts['nq'],\ # sig_coeffts['lq']) # for i in range(len(Evec)): # print "%6i, %e %e"%(i, Evec[i], result[i]) elif pi_type == const.CLARK: iE = numpy.where(E > sig_coeffts['I_e'])[0] if len(iE) > 0: x = E[iE]/sig_coeffts['I_e'] term1 = 1/((sig_coeffts['Zel'] + sig_coeffts['b1'] + \ sig_coeffts['d1']/sig_coeffts['Zel']) * \ (sig_coeffts['Zel'] + sig_coeffts['b1'] +\ sig_coeffts['d1']/sig_coeffts['Zel'])) sum1=0.0 for ii in numpy.arange(sig_coeffts['n1'], dtype=int): sum1 += sig_coeffts['c'][ii]* \ x**(sig_coeffts['ip']+ii) term2 = 1/((sig_coeffts['Zel'] + sig_coeffts['b2'] + \ sig_coeffts['d2']/sig_coeffts['Zel']) * \ (sig_coeffts['Zel'] + sig_coeffts['b2'] +\ sig_coeffts['d2']/sig_coeffts['Zel'])) sum2=0.0 for ii in numpy.arange(sig_coeffts['n1'],4, dtype=int): sum2 += sig_coeffts['c'][ii]* \ x**(sig_coeffts['ip']+ii) result[iE] = term1*sum1 + term2*sum2 elif pi_type == const.XSTAR: tmp2=numpy.interp(numpy.log(Evec), \ numpy.log(sig_coeffts['energy']),\ numpy.log(sig_coeffts['pi_param']),\ left=numpy.nan,right=numpy.inf) # deal with the edge cases: zero below ionization potential, # extrappolate as E^-3 at high energy inan = numpy.isnan(tmp2) iinf = numpy.isinf(tmp2) ifin = numpy.isfinite(tmp2) if sum(inan) > 0: result[inan] = 0.0 if sum(iinf) > 0: result[iinf] = sig_coeffts['pi_param'][-1]* \ ((Evec[iinf]/\ sig_coeffts['energy'][-1])**-3.0)*1e-18 if sum(ifin) > 0: # print ifin result[ifin] = 1e-18 * numpy.exp(tmp2[ifin]) else: print("Error") if not isvec: result=result[0] return result
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #def _calc_ionrec_ea(Z, Te, Ne, \ #par_type, ionrec_par, min_temp, max_temp, temperatures): ## Te is in K #T_eV= Te*const.KBOLTZ*1e3 #ret = numpy.zeros(len(T_eV), dtype=float) #if (par_type == const.EA_MAZZOTTA_IRON): #for i in range(len(T_eV)): #y=ionrec_par[0]/T_eV[i] #if (y < 50.0): #f1_val = f1_fcn(y) #ea = (6.69e7/numpy.sqrt(T_eV[i]))*numpy.exp(-y)*1.e-16*\ #(ionrec_par[1]+\ #ionrec_par[2]*(1-y*f1_val)+\ #ionrec_par[3]*(1-y*(1-y*f1_val))+\ #ionrec_par[4]*(1-0.5*(y - y*y + y*y*y*f1_val))+\ #ionrec_par[5]*f1_val) #ret[i] = ea #return ret #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def _A_twoph(A,E0,E): """ Convert the A value into energy distribution for 2-photon transitions Parameters ---------- A : floatF Einstein A for transition E0 : float Energy in keV of transition E : array(float) Energies of each bin to output continuum at (keV) Returns ------- array(float) Distribution of transtion rate amongst bins E (s^-1) References ---------- From Nussbaumer & Schmutz, 1984, A+A, 138,495 Z is the element, and E is the energy of the bin, in keV y is unitless, and is equal to nu/nu0 = lambda0/lambda, where lambda0 = 1215.7 A for hydrogen--the base wavelength of the 2s->1s transition. This fit is accurate to better than 0.6% for 0.01 < y < 0.99 The A_norm is the A value for neutral hydrogen for this transition. For other transitions, we renormalize to the appropriate A value. This routine is used for BOTH hydrogenic and He-like two-photon distributions. This is justified using the result of Derevianko & Johnson, 1997, Phys Rev A, 56, 1288 who show in Figures 5 and 2 of that paper that the difference is everywhere less than 10% between these two for Z=6-28 -- it is about 5% or so. """ C = 202.0 #s^-1 alpha = 0.88 beta = 1.53 gamma = 0.80 A_norm= 8.2249 #s^-1 y = E/E0 i = numpy.where((y>0) & (y<1))[0] result = numpy.zeros(len(E), dtype=float) x = y[i]*(1-y[i]) z = (4*x)**gamma result[i] = C*(x*(1-z) + alpha* (x**beta)*z) result *= (A/A_norm) # Also need R_Z/R_H, but even for Z=26, this is # only 1.0005, so we'll ignore it. return result # in s^-1 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def calc_two_phot(wavelength, einstein_a, lev_pop, ebins): """ Calculate two photon spectrum Parameters ---------- wavelength : float Wavelength of the transition (Angstroms) einstein_a : float The Einstein_A paramater for the transition lev_pop : float The level population for the upper level ebins : array(float) The bin edges for the spectrum (in keV) Returns ------- array(float) The flux in photons cm-3 s-1 bin-1 array is one element shorter than ebins. """ emission = numpy.zeros(len(ebins)-1, dtype=float) E = (ebins[1:]+ebins[:-1])/2.0 E0 = const.HC_IN_KEV_A/wavelength dE= ebins[1:]-ebins[:-1] A_E=_A_twoph(einstein_a,E0,E) # emission = ldat['lev_pop']*(E/E0)*A_E*dE*const.ERG_KEV emission = lev_pop*(E/E0)*A_E*dE*const.ERG_KEV emission[E>=E0]=0.0 # at this point, emission is in erg cm^3/s/bin # convert to photons cm^3/s/bin emission/= (const.ERG_KEV*E) # print "A=%e, E0=%e, lev_pop=%e, wavelength=%e"%(einstein_a, E0, lev_pop, wavelength) i = numpy.where(E<E0)[0] # for ii in i: # print "iBin: %i E: %e A_E: %e Emiss: %e"%(ii, E[ii], A_E[ii], emission[ii]) # print "ENDtwo_photon" return emission
#------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _prep_spline_atomdb(x, y, n): y2 = numpy.zeros(n,dtype=float) u = numpy.zeros(n,dtype=float) y2[0]=0.0 u[0]=0.0 for i in range(1,n-1): sig=(x[i]-x[i-1])/(x[i+1]-x[i-1]) p=sig*y2[i-1]+2.0 y2[i]=(sig-1.0)/p u[i]=(y[i+1]-y[i])/(x[i+1]-x[i]) - (y[i]-y[i-1])/(x[i]-x[i-1]) u[i]=(6.0*u[i]/(x[i+1]-x[i-1])-sig*u[i-1])/p qn=0.0 un=0.0 y2[n-1]=(un-qn*u[n-2])/(qn*y2[n-2]+1.0) for k in range(n-2,0,-1): y2[k]=y2[k]*y2[k+1]+u[k] return y2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def _calc_spline_atomdb(xa, ya, y2a, n, x): klo=0 khi=n-1 while (khi-klo > 1): k=(khi+klo) >> 1 if (xa[k] > x): khi=k else: klo=k h=xa[khi]-xa[klo] if (h == 0.0): print("calc_spline: Bad x array input\n") a=(xa[khi]-x)/h b=(x-xa[klo])/h result=a*ya[klo]+b*ya[khi]+((a*a*a-a)*y2a[klo]+(b*b*b-b)*y2a[khi])*(h*h)/6.0 return result #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __interpol_huntd(x, y, z): #x=xin #y=yin #z=xout inc = x[-1] > x[0] if (( inc & ((z < x[0]) | (z > x[-1]))) |\ (-inc & ((z > x[0]) | (z < x[-1])))): print("__interpol_huntd: Asking for %e, min is %e, max is %e"%\ (z,x[0],x[-1])) print("__interpol_huntd: Cannot extrapolate") return numpy.nan jl = 0 ju = len(x) while (ju - jl > 1): jm = (ju + jl) / 2 if ((z > x[jm]) == inc): jl = jm else: ju = jm #/* ------ Z is sandwiched between JL and JU ------ */ if (((x[jl] > 0.) & (x[ju] > 0.)) & ((y[jl] > 0.) & (y[ju] > 0.))): grad = (numpy.log10(y[ju]) - numpy.log10(y[jl])) /\ (numpy.log10(x[ju]) - numpy.log10(x[jl])) df = grad * (numpy.log10(z) - numpy.log10(x[jl])) d1 = numpy.log10(y[jl]) + df f = 10.0**d1 else: f = y[jl]+(y[ju]-y[jl])*((z-x[jl])/(x[ju]-x[jl])) return f #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_oscillator_strength(Z, z1, upperlev, lowerlev, datacache=False): """ Get the oscillator strength f_{ij} of a transition Parameters ---------- Z : int The atomic number of the element z1 : int The ion charge + 1 of the ion upperlev : int The upper level, indexed from 1 lowerlev : int The lower level, indexed from 1 datacache : dict Used for caching the data. See description in get_data Returns ------- float The oscillator strength. Returns 0 if transition not found. If transition is not found but the inverse transition is present the oscillator strength is calculated for this instead. """ # # Version 0.1 Initial Release # Adam Foster 28 Jul 2016 # lvdat = get_data(Z, z1, 'LV', datacache=datacache) ladat = get_data(Z, z1, 'LA', datacache=datacache) # get the various things i = numpy.where((ladat[1].data['upper_lev']==upperlev) &\ (ladat[1].data['lower_lev']==lowerlev))[0] if len(i) ==0: i = numpy.where((ladat[1].data['upper_lev']==lowerlev) &\ (ladat[1].data['lower_lev']==upperlev))[0] if len(i) > 0: print("WARNING: no transition information found for transition %i->%i"%\ (upperlev, lowerlev), end=' ') print(" but found data for reverse transition. Using this instead.") up = lowerlev lo = upperlev else: print("WARNING: no transition information found for transition %i->%i"%\ (upperlev, lowerlev), end=' ') return 0.0 else: up = upperlev lo = lowerlev i = i[0] Aji = ladat[1].data['einstein_a'][i] g_j = lvdat[1].data['lev_deg'][up-1] g_i = lvdat[1].data['lev_deg'][lo-1] lam = ladat[1].data['wavelen'][i] f_ij = Aji * (g_j*1.0/g_i) * (lam**2/6.6702e15) return f_ij
[docs] def make_lorentz(version = False, do_all=True, cie=False, power=False,\ stronglines=False, neicsd=False, neilines=False,\ neicont=False, levpop=False): """ This makes all the Lorentz data comparison files from the Astrophysical Collisional Plasma Test Suite, version 0.4.0 Parameters ---------- version : string (optional) e.g. "3.0.7" to run the suite for v3.0.7. Otherwise uses latest version. Returns ------- none """ # set the version if util.keyword_check(version): util.switch_version(version) else: version = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] # if one (or more) in particular is specified, turn off "do_all" if sum([cie, power, stronglines, neicsd,neilines, neicont, levpop])>0: do_all=False # if do_all, turn them all on if do_all: cie=True power=True stronglines=True neicsd=True neilines=True neicont = True levpop = True # run the data if cie: _lorentz_cie(version) if power: _lorentz_power(version) if stronglines: _lorentz_stronglines(version) if neicsd: _lorentz_neicsd(version) if neilines: _lorentz_neilines(version) if neicont: _lorentz_neicont(version) if levpop: _lorentz_levpop(version)
def _lorentz_cie(version): """ Calculate the CSD of equilibrium plasmas at 1e6, 6e6K and 4keV. Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ # open the output files f = open('CIE-CSD_atomdb_%s.dat'%(version),'w') f.write('Z Ion 1e6K 6e6K 4.642e7K\n') Zlist = [1,2,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,26,28] ionbal_out = [] for kT in [1e6, 6e6, 4/const.KBOLTZ]: ionbal = apec.calc_full_ionbal(kT, extrap=True, cie=True, \ Zlist=Zlist) ionbal_out.append(ionbal) for Z in Zlist: for z1 in range(Z+1): f.write("%2i %2i %10.6f %10.6f %10.6f\n"%\ (Z, z1, \ max(-20, numpy.log10(ionbal_out[0][Z][z1])),\ max(-20, numpy.log10(ionbal_out[1][Z][z1])),\ max(-20, numpy.log10(ionbal_out[2][Z][z1])))) f.close() def _lorentz_power(version): """ Calculate the power emitted from 13.6eV to 13.6keV in a 1m^3 slab of plasma with n_e=1e6m^-3. Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ Zlist = [1,2,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,26,28] ag89=get_abundance(abundset='AG89') lodd=get_abundance(abundset='Lodd09') # open the output files f = open('Power_atomdb_%s.dat'%(version),'w') ebins = numpy.linspace(0.0136, 13.6, 10001) energy = const.ERG_KEV*(ebins[1:]+ebins[:-1])/2 s = "Z " for iT in range(51): flt = 4.0+(0.1*iT) s += " %.1f"%(flt) f.write("%s\n"%(s)) ses = spectrum.Session(elements=Zlist) ses.set_specbins(ebins, specunits='keV') for iT in range(51): kT = 4.0+(iT*0.1) kT = 10**kT if iT == 0: kT+=1 ses.return_spectra(kT, teunit='K', nearest=True) print(iT) for Z in Zlist: tot_e = numpy.zeros(51) s = "%2i"%(Z) print(Z) for iT in range(2,53): spec = ses.spectra[iT].spectrum_by_Z[Z] e = spec*energy # add corrections for NH != 1, to 1m3 volume, and abundance set # from AG89 to Lodders 2009 tot_e[iT-2] = sum(e)*0.8365*1e6*lodd[Z]/ag89[Z] s+= " %10.6f"%(numpy.log10(tot_e[iT-2])) f.write("%s\n"%(s)) f.close() def _lorentz_stronglines(version): """ Calculate the 100 strongest lines below 1000A from a 1m3 slab of plasma with n_e = 1e6m-3, at 3 different temperatures: 10^6K, 6e6K, 4.642e7K Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ ldat ="$ATOMDB/apec_v%s_line.fits"%(version))) # get the strongest 500 lines llist_type = numpy.dtype({'names':['Lambda','Z','Ion','Flux', 'UpperLev', 'LowerLev'],\ 'formats':[float, int, int, float, int, int]}) lodd=get_abundance(abundset='Lodd09') ag89=get_abundance(abundset='AG89') for ikT, kT in enumerate([1e6, 6e6, 4/const.KBOLTZ]): upind = numpy.where(ldat[1].data['kT']>kT*const.KBOLTZ)[0][0]+2 loind = upind-1 llist_lo = ldat[loind].data llist_up = ldat[upind].data # only include lines below 1000A llist_lo = llist_lo[llist_lo['Lambda']<1000] llist_up = llist_up[llist_up['Lambda']<1000] fname = 'StrongLines%i_atomdb_%s.dat'%(ikT+1, version) f = open(fname, 'w') # now interpolate t1 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][loind-2]) t2 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][upind-2]) r1 = 1- (numpy.log(kT*const.KBOLTZ)-t1)/(t2-t1) r2 = 1- r1 llist_lo.sort(order='Epsilon') llist_lo=llist_lo[::-1] llist_up.sort(order='Epsilon') llist_up=llist_up[::-1] llist_out = numpy.zeros(500, dtype = llist_type) llist_out['Lambda'] = llist_lo['Lambda'][:500] llist_out['Z'] = llist_lo['Element'][:500] llist_out['Ion'] = llist_lo['Ion'][:500]-1 llist_out['Flux'] = numpy.log(llist_lo['Epsilon'][:500])*r1 llist_out['UpperLev'] = llist_lo['UpperLev'][:500] llist_out['LowerLev'] = llist_lo['LowerLev'][:500] for i in range(len(llist_out)): ii = numpy.where((llist_up['Element']==llist_out['Z'][i]) &\ (llist_up['Ion'] == llist_out['Ion'][i]+1)&\ (llist_up['UpperLev'] == llist_out['UpperLev'][i])&\ (llist_up['LowerLev'] == llist_out['LowerLev'][i]))[0] if len(ii) > 0: llist_out['Flux'][i] += numpy.log(llist_up['Epsilon'][ii[0]])*r2 # do abundance abvec = numpy.zeros(max(lodd.keys())+1) for Z in range(1,len(abvec)): abvec[Z] = lodd[Z]/ag89[Z] ab = abvec[llist_out['Z']] llist_out['Flux']=numpy.exp(llist_out['Flux']) llist_out['Flux']*=ab llist_out.sort(order='Flux') llist_out = llist_out[::-1] now = f.write('# Generated %s by %s\n'%(now.strftime("%c"), os.getenv('USER'))) f.write('# 100 strongest lines in collisional plasma with T=%eK\n'%(kT)) f.write('Indx Lambda Z Ion Flux\n') for i in range(100): print("%3i %14f %2i %2i %10.6f"%\ (i+1,\ llist_out['Lambda'][i],\ llist_out['Z'][i],\ llist_out['Ion'][i],\ numpy.log10(llist_out['Flux'][i]*0.8365*1e6))) f.write("%3i %14f %2i %2i %10.6f\n"%\ (i+1,\ llist_out['Lambda'][i],\ llist_out['Z'][i],\ llist_out['Ion'][i],\ numpy.log10(llist_out['Flux'][i]*0.8365*1e6))) f.close() def _lorentz_neicsd(version): """ Charge state distribution of a gas ionizing from 1e4K to 2.321e7K (=2keV) at a fluence ($n_e$ * t, or $\tau$) of $10^{10}$ cm$^-3$ s Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ Te_init = 1e4 Te_final = 2.321e7 tau = 1e10 now = util.switch_version(version) f = open('NEI-CSD_atomdb_v%s.dat'%(version),'w') f.write('# Generated %s by %s\n'%(now.strftime("%c"), os.getenv('USER'))) f.write('# CSD of plasma ionizing from 1e4K to 2.321e7K for ne*t = 1e10 cm^-3 s\n') f.write('Z Ion Pop\n') for Z in [1,2,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,26,28]: print(Z) ionbal = apec.solve_ionbal_eigen(Z, Te_final, tau=tau, Te_init=Te_init, \ teunit='K') for i in range(len(ionbal)): f.write('%2i %2i %e\n'%(Z,i,ionbal[i])) f.close() def _lorentz_neilines(version): """ 100 strongest lines with wavelength < 1000A for a 1cm^3 plasma (1) starting at 1e4K, going to 2.321e7K at a fluence ($n_e$ * t, or $\tau$) of $10^{10}$ cm$^-3$ s (2) starting at 3.5keV, going to 1.5keV at a fluence ($n_e$ * t, or $\tau$) of $10^{10}$ cm$^-3$ s Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ import pickle lodd=get_abundance(abundset='Lodd09') ag89=get_abundance(abundset='AG89') abund = numpy.zeros(len(ag89)+1) for i in list(lodd.keys()): abund[i]=lodd[i]/ag89[i] Te_init_list = [1e4, 3.5/const.KBOLTZ] Te_final_list = [2.321e7, 1.5/const.KBOLTZ] tau_list = [1e10, 1e10] now = util.switch_version(version) for irun in range(len(Te_init_list)): Te_init = Te_init_list[irun] Te_final = Te_final_list[irun] tau = tau_list[irun] f = open('NEI-Lines%i_atomdb_v%s.dat'%(irun+1,version),'w') f.write('# Generated %s by %s\n'%(now.strftime("%c"), os.getenv('USER'))) f.write('# Stong Lines of 1m3 slab of plasma ionizing from %.3eK to %.3eK for ne*t = %.0e cm^-3 s\n'%\ (Te_init, Te_final, tau)) f.write('# Lambda is in Angstroms\n') f.write('Lambda Z Ion Flux\n') ldat ="$ATOMDB/apec_v%s_nei_line.fits"%(version))) upind = numpy.where(ldat[1].data['kT']>Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)[0][0]+2 loind = upind-1 print("upind = %i, %eK" %(upind, ldat[upind].header['TEMPERATURE'])) print("loind = %i, %eK"%(loind, ldat[loind].header['TEMPERATURE'])) print("Te_final = %eK"%(Te_final)) t1 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][loind-2]) t2 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][upind-2]) print("t1 = ", t1) print("t2 = ", t2) print("log(tefinal)", numpy.log(Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)) r1 = 1- (numpy.log(Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)-t1)/(t2-t1) r2 = 1- r1 print("r1= ",r1, "r2 ", r2) llist_lo = ldat[loind].data llist_up = ldat[upind].data # only include lines below 1000A llist_lo = llist_lo[llist_lo['Lambda']<1000] llist_up = llist_up[llist_up['Lambda']<1000] ionbal = {} for Z in range(1,31): ionbal[Z] = numpy.zeros(Z+1) for Z in [1,2,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,26,28]: ionbal[Z] = apec.solve_ionbal_eigen(Z, Te_final, tau=tau, Te_init=Te_init, \ teunit='K') ionbal_square = numpy.zeros([31,31]) for Z in [1,2,6,7,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,26,28]: ionbal_square[Z,:Z+1] = ionbal[Z] scale = abund[llist_lo['ELEMENT']] * ionbal_square[llist_lo['ELEMENT'],llist_lo['ION_DRV']-1] llist_lo['EPSILON'] *= scale print("max scale:", max(scale)) print("max eps:", max(llist_lo['EPSILON'])) scale = abund[llist_up['ELEMENT']] * ionbal_square[llist_up['ELEMENT'],llist_up['ION_DRV']-1] llist_up['EPSILON'] *= scale print("max scale:", max(scale)) print("max eps:", max(llist_up['EPSILON'])) # remove weak lines llist_lo = llist_lo[llist_lo['EPSILON']>1e-30] llist_up = llist_up[llist_up['EPSILON']>1e-30] print("len lo = ", len(llist_lo)) print("len up = ", len(llist_up)) # llist_lo = numpy.array(llist_lo) llist_lo.sort(order = ['Element','Ion','UpperLev','LowerLev', 'Ion_drv']) llist_out_dtype=numpy.dtype({'names':['Lambda','Element','Ion','UpperLev','LowerLev','Epsilon'],\ 'formats':[float, int, int, int, int, float]}) llist_lo_out = numpy.zeros(len(llist_lo), dtype=llist_out_dtype) iline = -1 print("summing NEI lines for lo ind") for i in range(len(llist_lo)): if ( (llist_lo['Element'][i] == llist_lo_out['Element'][iline]) &\ (llist_lo['UpperLev'][i] == llist_lo_out['UpperLev'][iline]) &\ (llist_lo['LowerLev'][i] == llist_lo_out['LowerLev'][iline]) &\ (llist_lo['Ion'][i] == llist_lo_out['Ion'][iline])): llist_lo_out['Epsilon'][iline]+=llist_lo['Epsilon'][i] else: iline+=1 llist_lo_out['Element'][iline] = llist_lo['Element'][i] llist_lo_out['Ion'][iline] = llist_lo['Ion'][i] llist_lo_out['UpperLev'][iline] = llist_lo['UpperLev'][i] llist_lo_out['LowerLev'][iline] = llist_lo['LowerLev'][i] llist_lo_out['Epsilon'][iline] = llist_lo['Epsilon'][i] llist_lo_out['Lambda'][iline] = llist_lo['Lambda'][i] llist_lo_out=llist_lo_out[:iline+1] llist_lo_out=llist_lo_out[llist_lo_out['Epsilon']>1e-20] llist_lo_out.sort(order='Epsilon') print("summing NEI lines for up ind") llist_up.sort(order = ['Element','Ion','UpperLev','LowerLev', 'Ion_drv']) llist_up_out = numpy.zeros(len(llist_up), dtype=llist_out_dtype) iline = -1 for i in range(len(llist_up)): if ( (llist_up['Element'][i] == llist_up_out['Element'][iline]) &\ (llist_up['UpperLev'][i] == llist_up_out['UpperLev'][iline]) &\ (llist_up['LowerLev'][i] == llist_up_out['LowerLev'][iline]) &\ (llist_up['Ion'][i] == llist_up_out['Ion'][iline])): llist_up_out['Epsilon'][iline]+=llist_up['Epsilon'][i] else: iline+=1 llist_up_out['Element'][iline] = llist_up['Element'][i] llist_up_out['Ion'][iline] = llist_up['Ion'][i] llist_up_out['UpperLev'][iline] = llist_up['UpperLev'][i] llist_up_out['LowerLev'][iline] = llist_up['LowerLev'][i] llist_up_out['Epsilon'][iline] = llist_up['Epsilon'][i] llist_up_out['Lambda'][iline] = llist_up['Lambda'][i] llist_up_out=llist_up_out[:iline+1] llist_up_out=llist_up_out[llist_up_out['Epsilon']>1e-20] llist_up_out.sort(order='Epsilon') print("Combining emissivities") # trim to 1000 strongest lines llist_up_out = llist_up_out[-1000:] llist_lo_out = llist_lo_out[-1000:] print('saving llist_up_out to llist_up_out.pkl') pickle.dump(llist_up_out, open('llist_up_out_%i.pkl'%(irun),'wb')) print('saving llist_lo_out to llist_lo_out.pkl') pickle.dump(llist_lo_out, open('llist_lo_out_%i.pkl'%(irun),'wb')) llist_out = numpy.zeros(2000,dtype=llist_out_dtype) llist_out[:1000] = llist_lo_out llist_out['Epsilon']*=r1 iline = 1000 for i in range(len(llist_up_out)): j = numpy.where( (llist_out['Element'] == llist_up_out['Element'][i]) &\ (llist_out['Ion'] == llist_up_out['Ion'][i]) &\ (llist_out['UpperLev'] == llist_up_out['UpperLev'][i]) &\ (llist_out['LowerLev'] == llist_up_out['LowerLev'][i]))[0] if len(j) == 0: llist_out['Element'][iline] = llist_up_out['Element'][i] llist_out['Lambda'][iline] = llist_up_out['Lambda'][i] llist_out['Ion'][iline] = llist_up_out['Ion'][i] llist_out['UpperLev'][iline] = llist_up_out['UpperLev'][i] llist_out['LowerLev'][iline] = llist_up_out['LowerLev'][i] llist_out['Epsilon'][iline] = llist_up_out['Epsilon'][i]*r2 iline+=1 else: print("adding epsilon=%e to %e line"%(llist_up_out['Epsilon'][i]*r2,\ llist_out['Epsilon'][j[0]])) llist_out['Epsilon'][j[0]] += llist_up_out['Epsilon'][i]*r2 print(llist_out[j[0]]) print("Final filtering, keep %i lines"%(iline)) llist_out = llist_out[:iline] llist_out.sort(order='Epsilon') llist_out=llist_out[::-1] llist_out = llist_out[:100] # scale for NH < 1 llist_out['Epsilon']*=0.8365*1e6 for i in range(len(llist_out)): print(llist_out[i]) f.write('%9.5f %2i %2i %e\n'%\ (llist_out['Lambda'][i],\ llist_out['Element'][i],\ llist_out['Ion'][i]-1,\ llist_out['Epsilon'][i])) f.close() def _lorentz_neicont(version): """ Full spectrum of a gas ionizing from 1e4K to 2.321e7K (=2keV) at a fluence ($n_e$ * t, or $\tau$) of $10^{10}$ cm$^-3$ s Parameters ---------- version : string The version string Returns ------- None """ Te_init = 3.5/(const.KBOLTZ) Te_final = 1.5/(const.KBOLTZ) tau = 1e10 # set up 1 ev bins from 10eV to 10keV ebins = numpy.arange(0.01, 10.001, 0.001) now = util.switch_version(version) # make the spectrum. speclo = numpy.zeros(len(ebins)-1) specup = numpy.zeros(len(ebins)-1) ag89 = get_abundance(abundset='AG89') lodd = get_abundance(abundset='Lodd09') ldat ="$ATOMDB/apec_nei_line.fits")) cdat ="$ATOMDB/apec_nei_comp.fits")) upind = numpy.where(ldat[1].data['kT']>Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)[0][0]+2 loind = upind-1 for Z in range(1,31): print("starting element %s"%(atomic.Ztoelname(Z))) ionbal = apec.solve_ionbal_eigen(Z, Te_final, tau=tau, Te_init=Te_init, \ teunit='K') abund = lodd[Z]/ag89[Z] for z in range(len(ionbal)): z1 = z+1 if ionbal[z] > 1e-10: tmp = spectrum.make_ion_spectrum(ebins, loind, Z, z1, linefile=ldat,\ cocofile=cdat) speclo+=tmp*ionbal[z]*abund tmp = spectrum.make_ion_spectrum(ebins, upind, Z, z1, linefile=ldat,\ cocofile=cdat) specup+=tmp*ionbal[z]*abund # now interpolate t1 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][loind-2]) t2 = numpy.log(ldat[1].data['kT'][upind-2]) print("t1 = ", t1) print("t2 = ", t2) print("log(tefinal)", numpy.log(Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)) r1 = 1- (numpy.log(Te_final*const.KBOLTZ)-t1)/(t2-t1) r2 = 1- r1 print("r1= ",r1, "r2 ", r2) spec = speclo*r1+specup*r2 # now scale spectrum by NH to get correct norm, and 1e6 to get to 1m^3 spec *= 0.8365*1e6 f = open('NEI-Cont_atomdb_%s.dat'%(version),'w') f.write('# Generated %s by %s\n'%(now.strftime("%c"), os.getenv('USER'))) f.write('# Full spectrum of 1m3 plasma slab with n_e=1e6m^-3\n') f.write('# recombining from %.3eK to %.3eK for ne*t = %.0e cm^-3 s\n'%\ (Te_init, Te_final, tau)) f.write('# listed on 1eV bins, no broadening applied\n') f.write('# flux in ph cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1\n') f.write('# BinLo BinHi Flux\n') for i in range(len(spec)): f.write("%6.3f %6.3f %e\n"%(ebins[i], ebins[i+1], spec[i])) f.close() def __get_lorentz_levpop(Z,z1,up,lo, Te, Ne, version, linelabel): """ calculate the level population for a particular ion """ abund = get_abundance(abundset='Lodd09')[Z] util.switch_version(version) # first, get the ionization balance datacache={} lvdat = get_data(Z,z1,'LV', datacache=datacache) ionbal = apec.solve_ionbal_eigen(Z,Te, datacache=datacache) settings = apec.parse_par_file(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_v%s.par'%\ (version))) # now find the total rate out of the level la_rates_up, la_rates_lo, la_rates_rates =\ apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache, \ settings=settings, do_la=True, do_ai=False, \ do_ec=False, do_pc=False, do_ir=False) ec_rates_up,ec_rates_lo,ec_rates_rates = \ apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache, \ settings=settings, do_la=False, do_ai=False, \ do_ec=True, do_pc=False, do_ir=False) i = numpy.where((la_rates_up==up-1) &\ (la_rates_lo != up-1))[0] print(la_rates_rates[i]) out = sum(la_rates_rates[i]) print("calc out from LA file %e " %(out)) if 'ARAD_TOT' in lvdat[1].data.names: out = lvdat[1].data['ARAD_TOT'][up-1] print("calc out from LV file %e " %(out)) i = numpy.where((ec_rates_up==up-1) &\ (ec_rates_lo != up-1))[0] print("calc out from EC file %e " %(sum(ec_rates_rates[i]))) out += sum(ec_rates_rates[i]) # ionization if (z1 > 1): ioniz_ionpop = ionbal[z1-2] ionup, ionlo, ionrates = apec.gather_rates(Z, z1-1, Te, Ne, \ datacache=datacache, settings=settings) lev_pop = apec.solve_level_pop(ionup,ionlo,ionrates, settings) # scale by ion pop, abundance lev_pop *= abund*ioniz_ionpop for i in range(len(lev_pop)): print(i, lev_pop[i]) lvdat = get_data(Z,z1-1,'LV', datacache=datacache) if 'AAUT_TOT' in lvdat[1].data.names: iaut = numpy.where(lvdat[1].data['AAUT_TOT']>0)[0] print(iaut) aidat = get_data(Z,z1-1,'AI', datacache=datacache) lvdat2 = get_data(Z,z1,'LV', datacache=datacache) # for i in range(len(lvdat2[1].data)): # k = numpy.where(aidat[1].data['LEVEL_FINAL']==i+1)[0] # if len(k) > 0: # print i+1, sum(aidat[1].data['AUTO_RATE'][k]* # lev_pop[aidat[1].data['LEVEL_INIT'][k]-1]) # # zzz=raw_input() # now find the ionization rates do_xi = True lev_pop_xi=apec.calc_ioniz_popn(lev_pop, Z, z1, z1-1, Te, Ne, \ settings=settings, datacache=datacache, \ do_xi=True) lev_pop_noxi=apec.calc_ioniz_popn(lev_pop, Z, z1, z1-1, Te, Ne, \ settings=settings, datacache=datacache, \ do_xi=False) lev_pop_ci = lev_pop_xi-lev_pop_noxi excitauto = lev_pop_noxi[up-1]*out direction = lev_pop_ci[up-1]*out else: ionlevpop = numpy.zeros(len(lvdat[1].data)) excitauto = 0.0 direction = 0.0 # excitation if True: ionpop = ionbal[z1-1] lvdat=get_data(Z,z1,'LV', datacache=datacache) excup, exclo, excrates = apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache,\ settings=settings) lev_pop = apec.solve_level_pop(excup,exclo,excrates, settings) # scale by ion pop, abundance lev_pop *= abund*ionpop # now gather rates by individual process: ecup, eclo, ecrates = apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache,\ settings=settings, do_la=False, \ do_ai=False, \ do_ec=True, do_pc=False, do_ir=False) k = numpy.where((ecup==0) & (eclo==up-1))[0] print(ecrates[k]) laup, lalo, larates = apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache,\ settings=settings, do_la=True, \ do_ai=False, \ do_ec=False, do_pc=False, do_ir=False) pcup, pclo, pcrates = apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, Te, Ne, datacache=datacache,\ settings=settings, do_la=False, \ do_ai=False, \ do_ec=False, do_pc=True, do_ir=False) # now multiply these rates by their driving populations to get the # contribution # electron excitation and de-excitation iec= numpy.where(ecup == up-1)[0] eexcout = 0.0 edexout = 0.0 eexcin = 0.0 edexin = 0.0 print(ecup[iec]) print(eclo[iec]) print(len(lvdat[1].data)) print("HMM") for ii in iec: if eclo[ii]==ecup[ii]: continue if lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][ecup[ii]] < lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][eclo[ii]]: eexcout += ecrates[ii]*lev_pop[ecup[ii]] else: edexout += ecrates[ii]*lev_pop[ecup[ii]] iec= numpy.where(eclo == up-1)[0] for ii in iec: if eclo[ii]==ecup[ii]: continue if lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][ecup[ii]] < lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][eclo[ii]]: eexcin += ecrates[ii]*lev_pop[ecup[ii]] else: edexin += ecrates[ii]*lev_pop[ecup[ii]] # same for proton collisions ipc= numpy.where(pcup == up-1)[0] pexcin = 0.0 pdexin = 0.0 pexcout = 0.0 pdexout = 0.0 for ii in ipc: if pclo[ii]==pcup[ii]: continue if lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][pcup[ii]] < lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][pclo[ii]]: pexcout += pcrates[ii]*lev_pop[pcup[ii]] else: pdexout += pcrates[ii]*lev_pop[pcup[ii]] ipc= numpy.where(pclo == up-1)[0] for ii in ipc: if pclo[ii]==pcup[ii]: continue if lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][pcup[ii]] < lvdat[1].data['ENERGY'][pclo[ii]]: pexcin += pcrates[ii]*lev_pop[pcup[ii]] else: pdexin += pcrates[ii]*lev_pop[pcup[ii]] # something something radiative transitions ila= numpy.where((lalo == up-1)& (lalo!=laup))[0] lain = sum(larates[ila] * lev_pop[laup[ila]]) for iila in ila: if larates[iila] * lev_pop[laup[iila]] > 1e-17: print(larates[iila], laup[iila], lalo[iila], lev_pop[laup[iila]], larates[iila] * lev_pop[laup[iila]]) else: lain = 0.0 eexcin = 0.0 eexcout = 0.0 edexin = 0.0 edexout = 0.0 pexcin = 0.0 pexcout = 0.0 pdexin = 0.0 pdexout = 0.0 # now do recombination! if z1 < Z+1: # recombination is always from the groudn state so we are ok # no need to caculate level pop ionpop = ionbal[z1] levpop =numpy.ones(1) levpop *= ionpop*abund ebins = apec.make_vector_nbins(settings['LinearGrid'], \ settings['GridMinimum'], \ settings['GridMaximum'], \ settings['NumGrid']) # do the DR satellite lines if settings['DRSatellite']: print("Start calc_satellte run_apec_ion at %s"%(time.asctime())) linelist_dr, drlevrates = apec.calc_satellite(Z, z1, Te, \ datacache=datacache, settings=settings) drlevrates *=ionpop*abund else: linelist_dr = numpy.zeros(0, dtype= generate_datatypes(linetype)) drlevrates = 0.0 print("drlevrates") print(drlevrates) # Radiative Recombination if settings['RRC']: rrc, rrlevrates = calc_rad_rec_cont(Z, z1, z1+1, Te, \ ebins, settings=settings, datacache=datacache) rrlevrates*=ionpop*abund else: rrlevrates=0.0 print("rrlevrates") print(rrlevrates) # if there is recombination to process: tmpdrlevrates,xxx = util.make_vec(drlevrates) tmprrlevrates,xxx = util.make_vec(rrlevrates) sum_rr_out=0.0 sum_dr_out = 0.0 if sum(tmpdrlevrates) + sum(tmprrlevrates)>0: print("Start calc_recomb_popn at %s"%(time.asctime())) levpop_dr=apec.calc_recomb_popn(levpop, Z, z1,\ z1+1, Te, Ne, drlevrates,\ rrlevrates,\ datacache=datacache, \ settings=settings, dronly=True) levpop_rr=apec.calc_recomb_popn(levpop, Z, z1,\ z1+1, Te, Ne, drlevrates,\ rrlevrates,\ datacache=datacache, \ settings=settings, rronly=True) # make into lines ladat = get_data(Z,z1,'LA', datacache=datacache) j = numpy.where(ladat[1].data['LOWER_LEV']==lo)[0] print("levpop_rr, levopo_dr") for i in range(len(levpop_rr)): print(i, levpop_rr[i], levpop_dr[i]) print("levpop", levpop) sum_rr_in = sum(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j] *\ levpop_rr[ladat[1].data['UPPER_LEV'][j]-1]) sum_dr_in = sum(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j] *\ levpop_dr[ladat[1].data['UPPER_LEV'][j]-1]) j = numpy.where(ladat[1].data['UPPER_LEV']==up)[0] print("up=", up) print(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j]) sum_rr_out = sum(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j] *\ levpop_rr[up-1]) sum_dr_out = sum(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j] *\ levpop_dr[up-1]) rate_out = sum(ladat[1].data['EINSTEIN_A'][j]) print(sum_rr_in) print(sum_dr_in) print(sum_rr_out) print(sum_dr_out) print(rate_out) print("ionbal", ionbal) # print "levpop = %e"%(lev_pop[up-1]) print("DI in = %e"%(direction)) print("Excit-Auto in = %e"%(excitauto)) print("Rad in = %e"%(lain)) print("Rad out = %e" %(out)) print("E_excite in = %e" %(eexcin)) print("E_excite out = %e"%(eexcout)) print("E_dexcite in = %e"%(edexin)) print("E_dexcite out = %e"%(edexout)) print("P_excite in = %e"%(pexcin)) print("P_excite out = %e"%(pexcout)) print("P_dexcite in = %e"%(pdexin)) print("P_dexcite out = %e"%(pdexout)) print("RR in = %e"%(sum_rr_out)) print("DR in = %e"%(sum_dr_out)) cfactor = 0.8365 s = "%i %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e %e\n"%\ (linelabel, Te, Ne, eexcin*cfactor, edexout*cfactor, \ pexcin * cfactor, pdexout*cfactor,\ lain * cfactor, out, \ sum_rr_out * cfactor, sum_dr_out*cfactor, \ (direction+excitauto)*cfactor) print(s) return s def _lorentz_levpop(version): """ Calculate the level populating processes for each line in the stronglines Files. This will require a significant rerun of APEC. Hmmmmm Processes to be tracked: electron excitation, electron de-excitation, proton excitation and dexcitation, cascade into the level, radiative out, recombination (incl. cascade) in, DR (incl cascade) in, and inner-shell ionization in (why only inner shell?) """ # Method: # For each line, calculate the population of the level completely (i.e run most # of apec) from each of a range of sources (ionization, recombination, # excitation). Apply appropriate modifiers to get a plasma with the relevant # density, abundance and othe animals # this is just a test call for now: linelist = {} linelist['ID']=[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17] linelist['Z']= [26,26,26,26,26, 8 ,8, 8, 8,26,26,26,26, 8, 8,26,26] linelist['z1']=[17,17,17,17,17, 7, 7, 7, 7,25,25,25,25, 8, 8,26,26] linelist['up']=[27,23, 5, 3, 2, 7, 6, 5, 2, 7, 6, 5, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4] linelist['lo']=[ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1] Telist = [1e6, 6e6, 4.642e7] Nelist = [1e0, 1e12] now = f = open('LevelPop_atomdb_%s.dat'%(version),'w') f.write('# Generated %s by %s\n'%(now.strftime("%c"), os.getenv('USER'))) f.write('# Populating processes for lines listed in table 2 of\n') f.write('# the Lorentz standards, at T=1e6, 6e6 and 2.321e7K,\n') f.write('# and n_e=1e6 and 1e18m^-3\n') f.write('# Rates are given in units of per m^3 s^-1\n') f.write('# we include here all direct and excitation-ionization processes\n') f.write('# and subsequent cascade under inner shell ionization/excitation\n') f.write('# columns are:\n') f.write('# LineID (from Table 2)\n') f.write('# Temperature (K)\n') f.write('# Electron Density (cm^-3)\n') f.write('# Electron excitation into level (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Electron de-excitation out of level (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Proton excitation into level (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Electron excitation out of level (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Excitation-Cascade from higher levels (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Radiative decay out (s^-1)\n') f.write('# Radiative Recombination into level (and cascade from capture to higher levels) (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Dielectronic Recombination into level (and cascade from capture to higher levels) (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write('# Ionization into the level (cm^-3 s^-1)\n') f.write(' Num Te Ne EExc EDeExc PExc PDeexc CascadeTo RadiativeOut RRin DRin ISIon\n') for iNe in range(len(Nelist)): for iTe in range(len(Telist)): for iline in range(len(linelist['ID'])): s=__get_lorentz_levpop(linelist['Z'][iline],\ linelist['z1'][iline],\ linelist['up'][iline],\ linelist['lo'][iline],\ Telist[iTe],\ Nelist[iNe], version, linelist['ID'][iline]) f.write(s) f.close()
[docs] def format_level(level): """ Take the output of a level from a level file and format it nicely Parameters ---------- level : array The single line from an atomdb LV file corresponding to a level Returns ------- str The formatted string. Example ------- # Read in O VII levels >>> a = pyatomdb.atomdb.get_data(8,7,'LV') # Format level 15 nicely >>> s = pyatomdb.atomdb.format_level(a[1].data[15]) # Print >>> print(s) """ llist = "SPDFGHIKLMNOPQRTUVWXYZ" s = "" s += "%40s $"%(level['ELEC_CONFIG']) if level['S_QUAN'] != -1: s+="^{%i}"%(int(level['S_QUAN']*2)+1) if level['L_QUAN'] != -1: s+="%s"%(llist[level['L_QUAN']]) if level['LEV_DEG'] != -1: if level['LEV_DEG']%2 == 0: s+="_{%i}"%(level['LEV_DEG']/2) else: s+="_{%i/%i}"%(level['LEV_DEG'],2) s+='$' return(s)