Source code for pyatomdb.util

""" contains a range of miscellaneous helper codes that assist in running
other AtomDB codes but are not in any way part of a physical calculation.

Version -.1 - initial release
Adam Foster July 17th 2015

import numpy, os, errno, hashlib
import requests, urllib.request, urllib.parse, urllib.error, time, subprocess, shutil, wget, glob
import datetime
from . import const, atomic, atomdb
from io import StringIO
import ftplib
  import as pyfits
  import pyfits

#  Python Module
#  Name:
#  Decription:  Python codes that I use.
#  Module contents (and 1 line description: see individual modules for more):
#     differentiate
#          Differentiate line.
#  First Version:
#       Adam Foster, 07-Jun-2010


[docs] def figcoords(lowxpix, lowypix, highxpix, highypix, lowxval, lowyval, highxval, highyval, xpix, ypix, logx=False, logy=False): if logx: lxval = numpy.log10(lowxval) hxval = numpy.log10(highxval) else: lxval = lowxval*1.0 hxval = highxval*1.0 if logy: lyval = numpy.log10(lowyval) hyval = numpy.log10(highyval) else: lyval = lowyval*1.0 hyval = highyval*1.0 dx = (hxval-lxval)/(highxpix-lowxpix) dy = (hyval-lyval)/(highypix-lowypix) xout = lxval + (xpix-lowxpix)*dx yout = lyval + (ypix-lowypix)*dy if logx: xout = 10**xout if logy: yout = 10**yout return xout, yout
[docs] def unique(s): """Return a list of the elements in s, but without duplicates. For example, unique([1,2,3,1,2,3]) is some permutation of [1,2,3], unique("abcabc") some permutation of ["a", "b", "c"], and unique(([1, 2], [2, 3], [1, 2])) some permutation of [[2, 3], [1, 2]]. For best speed, all sequence elements should be hashable. Then unique() will usually work in linear time. If not possible, the sequence elements should enjoy a total ordering, and if list(s).sort() doesn't raise TypeError it's assumed that they do enjoy a total ordering. Then unique() will usually work in O(N*log2(N)) time. If that's not possible either, the sequence elements must support equality-testing. Then unique() will usually work in quadratic time. Parameters ---------- s : list type object List to remove the duplicates from Returns ------- list type object ...with all the duplicates removed References ---------- Taken from Python Cookbook, written by Tim Peters. """ n = len(s) if n == 0: return [] # Try using a dict first, as that's the fastest and will usually # work. If it doesn't work, it will usually fail quickly, so it # usually doesn't cost much to *try* it. It requires that all the # sequence elements be hashable, and support equality comparison. u = {} try: for x in s: u[x] = 1 except TypeError: del u # move on to the next method else: return list(u.keys()) # We can't hash all the elements. Second fastest is to sort, # which brings the equal elements together; then duplicates are # easy to weed out in a single pass. # NOTE: Python's list.sort() was designed to be efficient in the # presence of many duplicate elements. This isn't true of all # sort functions in all languages or libraries, so this approach # is more effective in Python than it may be elsewhere. try: t = list(s) t.sort() except TypeError: del t # move on to the next method else: assert n > 0 last = t[0] lasti = i = 1 while i < n: if t[i] != last: t[lasti] = last = t[i] lasti += 1 i += 1 return t[:lasti] # Brute force is all that's left. u = [] for x in s: if x not in u: u.append(x) return u
[docs] def mkdir_p(path): """ Create a directory. If it already exists, do nothing. Parameters ---------- path : string The directory to make Returns ------- none """ try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as exc: # Python >2.5 if exc.errno == errno.EEXIST: pass else: raise
[docs] def question(question, default, multichoice = []): """ Ask question with default answer provided. Return answer Parameters ---------- question : str Question to ask default : str Default answer to question multichoice : str if set, answer must be one of these choices Returns ------- str The answer. """ # Version 0.1 - initial release # Adam Foster September 23rd 2015 if len(multichoice) > 0: mclower = [] for i in multichoice: mclower.append(i.lower()) qstring = question+' (' for i in multichoice: qstring+=i+'/' qstring=qstring[:-1] qstring+=') [%s]'%(default) while True: ans = input(qstring) if ans=='': ans=default if ans.lower() in mclower: break else: ans = input("%s [%s] :" %(question, default)) if ans =='': ans = default return ans
[docs] def record_upload(fname): """ Transmits record of a file transfer to AtomDB This simply transmits the USERID, filename, and time to AtomDB. If USERID=0, then the user has chosen not to share this information and this is skipped Parameters ---------- fname : string The file name being downloaded. Returns ------- None """ # # Version 0.1 Initial Release # Adam Foster 24th September 2015 # try: tmp = load_user_prefs() userid = tmp['USERID'] except KeyError: print(load_user_prefs()) if int(userid) > 0: postform = { 'TYPE' : const.FILEDOWNLOAD,\ 'USERID': int(userid),\ 'FILE': fname,\ 'TIME': time.time()} r ='',\ data = postform) return
[docs] def md5Checksum(filePath): """ Calculate the md5 checksum of a file Parameters ---------- filepath : str the file to calculate the md5sum of Returns ------- string the hexadecimal string md5 hash of the file References ---------- Taken from """ with open(filePath, 'rb') as fh: m = hashlib.md5() while True: data = if not data: break m.update(data) return m.hexdigest()
[docs] def download_atomdb_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version): """ Download the AtomDB equilibrium emissivity files for AtomDB" This code will go to the AtomDB FTP site and download the necessary files. It will then unpack them into a directory adbroot. It will not overwrite existing files with the same md5sum (to avoid pointless updates) but it will not know this until it has downloaded and unzipped the main file. Parameters ---------- adbroot : string The location to install the data. Typically should match $ATOMDB userid : string An 8 digit ID number. Usually passed as a string, but integer is also fine (provided it is all numbers) version : string The version string for the release, e.g. "3.0.2" Returns ------- None """ # # Version 0.1 Initail Release # Adam Foster 24th September 2015 # import tarfile # set up remote file name fname = "atomdb_v%s.tar.bz2"%(version) # set up temporary directory to hold data if adbroot[0] != '/': # is a relative path adbroot = "%s/%s"%(os.getcwd(), adbroot) mkdir_p(adbroot) if adbroot[-1]=='/': tmpdir = adbroot+'installtmp' else: tmpdir = adbroot+'/installtmp' print("making directory %s"%(tmpdir)) mkdir_p(tmpdir) # get the files urllib.request.urlcleanup() fnameout ='%s/releases/%s'%(const.FTPPATH,fname), out="%s/%s"%(tmpdir, fname)) # collect user statistics if allowed. record_upload(fname) #uncompress print("") print("Uncompressing ... ", end=' ') tf =, mode='r:bz2') tf.extractall(path=tmpdir) print("Uncompressed") # copy the files dirname = 'atomdb_v%s'%(version) for l in os.listdir('%s/%s'%(tmpdir, dirname)): print("moving %s/%s/%s to %s/%s"%(tmpdir, dirname, l, adbroot, l)) shutil.move("%s/%s/%s"%(tmpdir, dirname, l), "%s/%s"%(adbroot, l)) print("...done") shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
[docs] def download_atomdb_nei_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version): """ Download the AtomDB non-equilibrium emissivity files for AtomDB" This code will go to the AtomDB FTP site and download the necessary files. It will then unpack them into a directory adbroot. It will not overwrite existing files with the same md5sum (to avoid pointless updates) but it will not know this until it has downloaded and unzipped the main file. Parameters ---------- adbroot : string The location to install the data. Typically should match $ATOMDB userid : string An 8 digit ID number. Usually passed as a string, but integer is also fine (provided it is all numbers) version : string The version string for the release, e.g. "3.0.2" Returns ------- None """ # # Version 0.1 Initail Release # Adam Foster 24th September 2015 # import tarfile # set up remote file name fname = "atomdb_v%s_nei.tar.bz2"%(version) # set up temporary directory to hold data if adbroot[0] != '/': # is a relative path adbroot = "%s/%s"%(os.getcwd(), adbroot) mkdir_p(adbroot) if adbroot[-1]=='/': tmpdir = adbroot+'installtmp' else: tmpdir = adbroot+'/installtmp' mkdir_p(tmpdir) # get the files urllib.request.urlcleanup() fnameout ='%s/releases/%s'%(const.FTPPATH,fname), out="%s/%s"%(tmpdir, fname)) # collect user statistics if allowed. record_upload(fname) print("") print("Uncompressing ... ", end=' ') tf =, mode='r:bz2') tf.extractall(path=tmpdir) print("Uncompressed") # copy the files dirname = 'atomdb_v%s'%(version) for l in os.listdir('%s/%s'%(tmpdir, dirname)): print("moving %s/%s/%s to %s/%s"%(tmpdir, dirname, l, adbroot, l)) shutil.move("%s/%s/%s"%(tmpdir, dirname, l), "%s/%s"%(adbroot, l)) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) print("... done")
[docs] def load_user_prefs(adbroot="$ATOMDB"): """ Loads user preference data from $ATOMDB/userdata Parameters ---------- adbroot : string The AtomDB root directory. Defaults to environment variable $ATOMDB. Returns ------- dictionary keyword/setting pairs e.g. settings['USERID'] = "12345678" """ # # Version 0.1 Adam Foster # Initial Release 24th Sep 2015 # ret = {} fname = os.path.expandvars(adbroot+'/userdata') with open(fname,'r') as f: for l in f: #remove trailing/leading whitespace ls = l.strip() # remove everything after a "#" ls = ls.split('#')[0] if len(ls) > 0: ls = ls.split('=') if len(ls) != 2: print("Error: cannot parse line in userdata file: %s\n%s"%(fname, l)) else: ret[ls[0].strip()]=ls[1].strip() return ret
[docs] def write_user_prefs(prefs, adbroot="$ATOMDB"): """ Write user preference data to $ATOMDB/userdata. This will overwrite the entire file. Therefore you should use "load_user_prefs", then add in additional keywords, the call write_user_prefs. Parameters ---------- prefs: dictionary keyword/setting pairs e.g. settings['USERID'] = "12345678" adbroot : string The AtomDB root directory. Defaults to environment variable $ATOMDB. Returns ------- None """ # # Version 0.1 Adam Foster # Initial Release 24th Sep 2015 # fname = os.path.expandvars(adbroot+'/userdata') l = open(fname,'w') #remove trailing/leading whitespace for i in list(prefs.keys()): l.write("%s = %s\n" %(i,prefs[i])) l.close() return
[docs] def initialize(): """ Initialize your AtomDB Setup This code will let you select where to install AtomDB, get the latest version of the filemap, and download the emissivity files needed for various functions to work. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- None """ import curl if 'ATOMDB' in os.environ: adbroot_init = os.environ['ATOMDB'] else: adbroot_init = os.path.expandvars("$HOME/atomdb") adbroot = question("Location to install AtomDB files",\ adbroot_init) anondat = '' while not anondat in ['yes','no']: anondat = question("Allow reporting of anonymous usage statistics","yes",multichoice=["yes","no","info"]) if anondat=='info': print("We like to know how many people use our data. To enable this, we will generate a random number which will be transmitted with your requests to download data files in the future. We will record and transmit no other data beyond this number and what files you are downloading, and we will have no way of connecting this number to you. If you decline, this number will be set to 0") if anondat == 'no': userid = '00000000' else: userid = "%08i"%(numpy.random.randint(1e8)) print("You are about to install:") print("AtomDB installation location: %s"%(adbroot)) print("Transmit anonymous user data: %s"%(anondat)) print("Randomly generated userid: %s"%(userid)) proceed = question("Is this ok?","y",\ multichoice=["y","n"]) if proceed == 'n': print("Aborting") return if proceed == 'y': print("Temporarily setting $ATOMDB environment variable to %s."%(adbroot), end=' ') print(" It is *strongly* recommended that you add this to your environment ", end=' ') print(" permanently.") os.environ['ATOMDB'] = adbroot print("creating directory %s"%(adbroot), end=' ') mkdir_p(adbroot) print("...done") print("creating user data file %s/userdata"%(adbroot), end=' ') userdatafname = "%s/userdata"%(adbroot) if os.path.exists(userdatafname): print("... user data file already exists. Will update, not overwrite", end=' ') userprefs = load_user_prefs(adbroot=adbroot) else: userprefs={} userprefs['USERID'] = userid userprefs['LASTVERSIONCHECK'] = time.time() write_user_prefs(userprefs, adbroot=adbroot) print("...done") print("finding current version of AtomDB. ", end=' ') a=curl.Curl() version=a.get('%s/releases/LATEST'%(const.FTPPATH))[:-1].decode(encoding='ascii') a.close() # ftp = ftplib.FTP('') # x = ftp.login() # r = StringIO() # ftp.retrbinary('RETR README', open('README', 'wb').write) # x = ftp.retrlines('RETR /AtomDB/releases/LATEST', r.write) # version = r.getvalue().strip() # x = ftp.quit() print("Latest version is %s"%(version)) get_new_files=question(\ "Do you wish to download the emissivity data for these files (recommended)?",\ "y",multichoice=["y","n"]) if get_new_files=='y': download_atomdb_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version) get_new_nei_files=question(\ "Do you wish to download the non-equilibrium emissivity data for these files (recommended)?",\ "y",multichoice=["y","n"]) if get_new_nei_files=='y': download_atomdb_nei_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version)
[docs] def check_version(): """ Checks if there is a more recent version of the database to install. Parameters ---------- None. Returns ------- None """ import curl try: adbroot_init = os.environ['ATOMDB'] except KeyError: print("You must set the ATOMDB environment variable for this to work!") raise a=curl.Curl() newversion=a.get('%s/releases/LATEST'%(const.FTPPATH))[:-1].decode(encoding='ascii') a.close() curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if (curversion != newversion): ans = question("New version %s is available. Upgrade?"%(newversion),"y",["y","n"]) if ans=="y": get_new_files=question(\ "Do you wish to download the emissivity data for these files (recommended)?",\ "y",multichoice=["y","n"]) if get_new_files=='y': download_atomdb_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version) get_new_nei_files=question(\ "Do you wish to download the non-equilibrium emissivity data for these files (recommended)?",\ "y",multichoice=["y","n"]) if get_new_nei_files=='y': download_atomdb_nei_emissivity_files(adbroot, userid, version) else: print("Current version %s is up to date" %(curversion)) # now update the time the last version check happened. userprefs = load_user_prefs() userprefs['LASTVERSIONCHECK'] = time.time() write_user_prefs(userprefs)
[docs] def switch_version(version, force=False): """ Changes the AtomDB version. Note this will overwrite several links on your hard disk, and will *NOT* be repaired upon quitting python. The files affect are the VERSION file and the soft links $ATOMDB/apec_line.fits, $ATOMDB/apec_coco.fits, $ATOMDB/filemap and $ATOMDB/apec_linelist.fits Parameters ---------- version: string The version of AtomDB to switch to. Should be of the form "2.0.2" force : bool If True, force a re-download of all the relevant files regardless of whether they already exist or not. Returns ------- None """ # # Intial version November 4th 2015 # Adam Foster # import re try: adbroot_init = os.environ['ATOMDB'] except keyError: print("You must set the ATOMDB environment variable for this to work!") raise # check the AtomDB version string is a suitable string if not re.match('^\d\.\d\.\d$',version): print("Error: version number must be of format %i.%i.%i, e.g. 3.0.2") return # check current version curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if curversion == version: if not(force): print("Already using version %s. Not changing anything!" %(version)) return # ok, otherwise we must do things! startdir = os.getcwd() # check for existing local files. If so we can just change the pointers mustdownload = False flist = ['apec_vVERSION_line.fits', 'apec_vVERSION_coco.fits',\ 'filemap_vVERSION', 'apec_vVERSION_linelist.fits'] if version[0] == '3': flist.append('apec_vVERSION_nei_line.fits') flist.append('apec_vVERSION_nei_comp.fits') for f in flist: fname_test = re.sub('VERSION',version, os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/%s"%(f))) if os.path.exists(fname_test): print("%s already exists"%(fname_test)) pass else: print("We are missing some files for this version, downloading now") mustdownload = True if force: mustdownload=True if mustdownload: # go find the files ftproot = const.FTPPATH # get the filename if version[0] =='2': fname = re.sub('VERSION',version,'atomdb_vVERSION_runs.tar.gz') dirname = 'releases/old' elif version[0] =='3': fname = re.sub('VERSION',version,'atomdb_vVERSION.tar.bz2') dirname = 'releases' localfile = os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp/%s"%(fname)) # create temporary folder mkdir_p(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp")) print("Attempting to download %s to %s"%('%s/%s/%s'%(ftproot,dirname,fname), localfile)) if os.path.isfile(localfile): os.remove(localfile) # get the file try:'%s/%s/%s'%(ftproot,dirname,fname), localfile) except IOError: print("Cannot find file %s/%s/%s on server. Please check that version %s is a valid version."%(ftproot,dirname,fname, version)) return # ok, now open up the relevant file and copy the things we need print("\nUncompressing %s..." %(localfile)) cwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp")) if fname.split('.')[-1] == 'gz':["tar", "-xvzf", "%s"%(fname)]) elif fname.split('.')[-1] == 'bz2':["tar", "-xvjf", "%s"%(fname)]) print("...done") urllib.request.urlcleanup() if version[0] =='3': fname = re.sub('VERSION',version,'atomdb_vVERSION_nei.tar.bz2') dirname = 'releases' localfile = os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp/%s"%(fname)) # create temporary folder mkdir_p(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp")) print("Attempting to download %s to %s"%('%s/%s/%s'%(ftproot,dirname,fname), localfile)) # get the file if os.path.isfile(localfile): os.remove(localfile) try:'%s/%s/%s'%(ftproot,dirname,fname), localfile) except IOError: print("Cannot find file %s/%s/%s on server. Please check that version %s is a valid version."%(ftproot,dirname,fname, version)) return # ok, now open up the relevant file and copy the things we need print("\nUncompressing %s..." %(localfile)) cwd=os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/tmp")) if fname.split('.')[-1] == 'gz':["tar", "-xvzf", "%s"%(fname)]) elif fname.split('.')[-1] == 'bz2':["tar", "-xvjf", "%s"%(fname)]) os.chdir(os.path.expandvars(re.sub('VERSION',version, "$ATOMDB/tmp/atomdb_vVERSION"))) urllib.request.urlcleanup() for ifile in glob.glob('*%s*'%(version)): outfile = os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB/%s"%(ifile)) if os.path.exists(outfile): try: if md5Checksum(outfile) == md5Checksum(ifile): print("file %s already exists, not overwriting"%(ifile)) # these files are the same, don't bother copying or # asking about copying them. continue except IOError: print("outfile = %s, ifile = %s"%(outfile, ifile)) raise overwrite = question("file %s already exists. Overwrite?"%(outfile),"y",["y","n"]) if overwrite: os.remove(outfile) shutil.move(ifile,outfile) else: continue else: shutil.move(ifile,outfile) print("...done") os.chdir(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB")) # delete temporary directory shutil.rmtree('tmp') os.chdir(os.path.expandvars("$ATOMDB")) # OK, download complete. Now to make symlinks flistlist = ['apec_vVERSION_line.fits', 'apec_vVERSION_coco.fits',\ 'filemap_vVERSION', 'apec_vVERSION_linelist.fits'] if int(version[0]) >=3: flistlist.append('apec_vVERSION_nei_line.fits') flistlist.append('apec_vVERSION_nei_comp.fits') for flist in flistlist: # remove existing link if there is one # print "CHECKING FOR %s/%s"%(os.getcwd(), re.sub('VERSION',version,flist)) # if os.path.exists(re.sub('VERSION',version,flist)): # os.remove(re.sub('VERSION',version,flist)) # print "REMOVING LINK1!" # add new link if os.path.islink(re.sub('_vVERSION','',flist)): os.remove(re.sub('_vVERSION','',flist)) os.symlink(re.sub('VERSION',version,flist), re.sub('_vVERSION','',flist)) # update version a = open('VERSION','w') a.write(version+'\n') a.close() os.chdir(startdir)
[docs] def make_vec(d): """ Create vector version of d, return True or false depending on whether input was vector or not Parameters ---------- d: any scalar or vector The input Returns ------- vecd : array of floats d as a vector (same as input if already an iterable type) isvec : bool True if d was a vector, otherwise False. """ isvec=True try: _ = (e for e in d) vecd=d except TypeError: isvec=False vecd= numpy.array([d]) return vecd,isvec
[docs] def write_lv_file(fname, dat, clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string : The file to write dat : list : The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int : nuclear charge * z1 : int: ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings: comments to append to the file * data : numpy.array: stores all the individual level data, with the following types - elec_config : string (40 char max) : Electron configuration strings\n - energy : float: Level energy (eV)\n - e_error : float : Energy level error (eV)\n - n_quan : int : N quantum number\n - l_quan : int : L quantum number\n - s_quan : float : S quantum number\n - lev_deg : int : level degeneracy\n - phot_type : int : photoionization data type:: -1. none\n 0. hydrogenic\n 1. Clark\n 2. Verner\n 3. XSTAR data - phot_par : float(20) : photoionization paramters (see specific PI type for definition)\n - Aaut_tot : float (optional) : the total autoionization rate out of the level (s^-1)\n - Arad_tot : float (optional) : the total radiative rate out of the level (s^-1)\n - energy_ref : string(20) : energy reference (usually bibcode)\n - phot_ref : string(20) : photoionization reference (bibcode)\n - Aaut_ref : string(20) : total autoionization rate reference (bibcode)\n - Arad_ref : string(20) : total radiative decay rate reference (bibcode)\n clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ # Create primary HDU (it's a dummy one) hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() if 'aaut_tot' in dat['data'].dtype.names: fileversion = '1.1.0' elif 'AAUT_TOT' in dat['data'].dtype.names: fileversion = '1.1.0' else: fileversion = '1.0.0' print(now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header['DATE']= now.strftime('%d/%m/%y') hdu0.header['E_LEVEL']= "Atomic Energy Levels" hdu0.header['FILENAME']="Python routine" hdu0.header['ORIGIN'] = ( "ATOMDB",os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header['HDUCLASS']=("ATOMIC","Atomic Data") hdu0.header['HDUCLAS1']=("E_LEVEL","Atomic Energy levels") hdu0.header['HDUVERS']= (fileversion,"Version of datafile") # do a key case conversion datakey='' for i in list(dat.keys()): if i.lower()=='data': datakey=i keys={} for i in dat[datakey].dtype.names: if i.lower()=='elec_config': keys['elec_config'] = i if i.lower()=='energy': keys['energy'] = i if i.lower()=='e_error': keys['e_error'] = i if i.lower()=='n_quan': keys['n_quan'] = i if i.lower()=='l_quan': keys['l_quan'] = i if i.lower()=='s_quan': keys['s_quan'] = i if i.lower()=='lev_deg': keys['lev_deg'] = i if i.lower()=='phot_type': keys['phot_type'] = i if i.lower()=='phot_par': keys['phot_par'] = i if i.lower()=='energy_ref': keys['energy_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='phot_ref': keys['phot_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='arad_tot': keys['arad_tot'] = i if i.lower()=='aaut_tot': keys['aaut_tot'] = i if i.lower()=='aaut_ref': keys['aaut_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='arad_ref': keys['arad_ref'] = i #secondary HDU, hdu1: if fileversion=='1.0.0': hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='ELEC_CONFIG', format='40A', array=dat[datakey][keys['elec_config']]), pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='1E', unit='eV', array=dat[datakey][keys['energy']]), pyfits.Column(name='E_ERROR', format='1E', unit='eV', array=dat[datakey][keys['e_error']]), pyfits.Column(name='N_QUAN', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['n_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='L_QUAN', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['l_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='S_QUAN', format='1E', array=dat[datakey][keys['s_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='LEV_DEG', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['lev_deg']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_PAR', format='20E', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_par']]), pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['energy_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_ref']])] )) elif fileversion=='1.1.0': hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='ELEC_CONFIG', format='40A', array=dat[datakey][keys['elec_config']]), pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY', format='1E', unit='eV', array=dat[datakey][keys['energy']]), pyfits.Column(name='E_ERROR', format='1E', unit='eV', array=dat[datakey][keys['e_error']]), pyfits.Column(name='N_QUAN', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['n_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='L_QUAN', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['l_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='S_QUAN', format='1E', array=dat[datakey][keys['s_quan']]), pyfits.Column(name='LEV_DEG', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['lev_deg']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_PAR', format='20E', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_par']]), pyfits.Column(name='AAUT_TOT', format='1E', unit='s^-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['aaut_tot']]), pyfits.Column(name='ARAD_TOT', format='1E', unit='s^-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['arad_tot']]), pyfits.Column(name='ENERGY_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['energy_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='PHOT_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['phot_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='AAUT_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['aaut_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='ARAD_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['arad_ref']])] )) hdu1.header['XTENSION']=(hdu1.header['XTENSION'],\ 'Written by '+os.environ['USER']+\ now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header['EXTNAME']= (atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['HDUCLASS'] = ('ATOMIC', 'Atomic Data') hdu1.header['HDUCLAS1'] = ('E_LEVEL','Energy level tables') hdu1.header['ELEMENT']=( dat['Z'], 'Numer of protons in element') hdu1.header['ION_STAT']=( dat['z1']-1,\ 'ion state (0 = neutral)') hdu1.header['ION_NAME']=(atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['N_LEVELS'] = (len(dat[datakey][keys['elec_config']]) , 'Number of energy levels') hdu1.header['HDUVERS1'] = ('1.1.0', 'Version of datafile') if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) # combine hdus hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def write_la_file(fname, dat, clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string The file to write dat : list The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int : nuclear charge * z1 : int : ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings : comments to append to the file * data : numpy.array: stores all the individual level data, with the following types: - upper_lev : int : Upper level of transition - lower_lev : int : Lower level of transition - wavelen : float : Wavelength of transition (A) - wave_err : float : Error in wavelength (A) - einstein_a : float : Einstein A coefficient (s-1) - ein_a_err : float : Error in A coefficient (s-1) - wave_ref : string(20) : wavelength reference (bibcode) - ein_a_ref : string(20) : A-value reference (bibcode) clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ # start generation of new HDU: #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header['DATE']=( now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header['EM_LINES']=( "Emission Line Data") hdu0.header['FILENAME']=( "Python routine") hdu0.header['ORIGIN']=( "ATOMDB",os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header['HDUCLASS']=( "ATOMIC","Atomic Data") hdu0.header['HDUCLAS1']=( "EM_LINES","Emission Line data") hdu0.header['HDUVERS']=( "1.0.0","Version of datafile") # do a key case conversion datakey='' for i in list(dat.keys()): if i.lower()=='data': datakey=i keys={} for i in dat[datakey].dtype.names: if i.lower()=='upper_lev': keys['upper_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='lower_lev': keys['lower_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='upper_lev': keys['upper_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='wavelen': keys['wavelen'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_obs': keys['wave_obs'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_err': keys['wave_err'] = i if i.lower()=='einstein_a': keys['einstein_a'] = i if i.lower()=='ein_a_err': keys['ein_a_err'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_ref': keys['wave_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='wv_obs_ref': keys['wv_obs_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='ein_a_ref': keys['ein_a_ref'] = i #secondary HDU, hdu1: hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='UPPER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['upper_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='LOWER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['lower_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVELEN', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wavelen']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_OBS', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_obs']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_ERR', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='EINSTEIN_A', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['einstein_a']]), pyfits.Column(name='EIN_A_ERR', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['ein_a_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='WV_OBS_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['wv_obs_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='EIN_A_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['ein_a_ref']])] )) hdu1.header['XTENSION']=(hdu1.header['XTENSION'], 'Written by '+os.environ['USER']+now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header['EXTNAME']=(atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['HDUCLASS']=('ATOMIC', 'Atomic Data') hdu1.header['HDUCLAS1']=('EM_LINES', 'Emission line tables' 'Numer of protons in element') hdu1.header['ION_STAT']=(dat['z1']-1, 'ion state (0 = neutral)') hdu1.header['ION_NAME']=(atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['N_LINES']=(len(dat['data']) , 'Number of emission lines') hdu1.header['HDUVERS1']=('1.0.0', 'Version of datafile') if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): print('adding comments') for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) # combine hdus print('combining HDUs') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass print('writing lafile') try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def write_ai_file(fname, dat, clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string The file to write dat : list The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int: nuclear charge * z1 : int: ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings: comments to append to the file * data : numpy.array : stores all the individual level data, with the following types: - ion_init : int : Inital ion state of transition - ion_final : int : Final ion state of transition - level_init : int : Initial level of transition - level_final : int : Final level of transition - auto_rate : float : Autoionization rate (s-1) - auto_err : float : Error in autoionization rate (s-1) - auto_ref : string(20) : Autoionization rate reference (bibcode) clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ # start generation of new HDU: #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header.update('DATE', now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header.update('AUTOION', "Autoionization Data") hdu0.header.update('FILENAME', "Python routine") hdu0.header.update('ORIGIN', "ATOMDB",comment=os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLASS', "ATOMIC",comment="Atomic Data") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLAS1', "AUTOION",comment="Autoionization data") hdu0.header.update('HDUVERS', "1.0.0",comment="Version of datafile") #secondary HDU, hdu1: hdu1 = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='ION_INIT', format='1J', array=dat['data']['ion_init']), pyfits.Column(name='ION_FINAL', format='1J', array=dat['data']['ion_final']), pyfits.Column(name='LEVEL_INIT', format='1J', array=dat['data']['level_init']), pyfits.Column(name='LEVEL_FINAL', format='1J', array=dat['data']['level_final']), pyfits.Column(name='AUTO_RATE', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat['data']['auto_rate']), pyfits.Column(name='AUTO_ERR', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat['data']['auto_err']), pyfits.Column(name='AUTO_REF', format='20A', array=dat['data']['auto_ref'])] )) hdu1.header.update('XTENSION', hdu1.header['XTENSION'], comment='Written by '+os.environ['USER']+now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header.update('EXTNAME', atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), comment='Ion Name', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLASS', 'ATOMIC', comment='Atomic Data', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLAS1', 'AUTOION', comment='Autoionization data tables', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ELEMENT', dat['Z'], comment='Numer of protons in element', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_STAT', dat['z1']-1, comment='ion state (0 = neutral)', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_NAME', atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), comment='Ion Name', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('N_LINES',len(dat['data']) , comment='Number of emission lines', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUVERS1', '1.0.0', comment='Version of datafile', before="TTYPE1") # combine hdus if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): print('adding comments') for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) # combine hdus print('combining HDUs') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass print('writing lafile') try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def write_ec_file(fname, dat, clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string The file to write dat : list The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int : nuclear charge * z1 : int : ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings: comments to append to the file * data : numpy.array : stores all the individual level data, with the following types: - lower_lev : int : Lower level of transition - upper_lev : int : Upper level of transition - coeff_type : int : Coefficient type - min_temp : float : Minimum temperature in range (K) - max_temp : float : Maximum temperature in range (K) - temperature : float(20) : List of temperatures (K) - effcollstrpar : float(20) : Effective collision strength parameters - inf_limit : float (OPTIONAL - if type 1.2.0) : High temperature limit point, if provided. - reference : string(20) : Collisional excitation reference (bibcode) clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ # start generation of new HDU: #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() keys={} keylist = ['upper_lev', 'lower_lev',\ 'coeff_type','min_temp','max_temp','temperature','effcollstrpar',\ 'inf_limit', 'reference'] for i in dat['data'].dtype.names: if i.lower() in keylist: keys[i.lower()] = i else: print("Error: didn't find key %s" %(i.lower())) # get version type if 'inf_limit' in dat['data'].dtype.names: version = '1.2.0' elif 'INF_LIMIT' in dat['data'].dtype.names: version = '1.2.0' else: version = '1.1.0' hdu0.header.update('DATE', now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header.update('COLL_STR', "Collision Strengths") hdu0.header.update('FILENAME', "Python routine") hdu0.header.update('ORIGIN', "ATOMDB",comment=os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLASS', "ATOMIC",comment="Atomic Data") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLAS1', "COLL_STR",comment="e + p Collision Strengths") hdu0.header.update('HDUVERS', version,comment="Version of datafile") print(keys) #secondary HDU, hdu1: if version == '1.2.0': hdu1 = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='LOWER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['lower_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='UPPER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['upper_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='COEFF_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['coeff_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='MIN_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['min_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='MAX_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['max_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='TEMPERATURE', format='20E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['temperature']]), pyfits.Column(name='EFFCOLLSTRPAR', format='20E', array=dat['data'][keys['effcollstrpar']]), pyfits.Column(name='INF_LIMIT', format='E', array=dat['data'][keys['inf_limit']]), pyfits.Column(name='REFERENCE', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['reference']])] )) else: hdu1 = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='LOWER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['lower_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='UPPER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['upper_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='COEFF_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['coeff_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='MIN_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['min_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='MAX_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['max_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='TEMPERATURE', format='20E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['temperature']]), pyfits.Column(name='EFFCOLLSTRPAR', format='20E', array=dat['data'][keys['effcollstrpar']]), pyfits.Column(name='REFERENCE', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['reference']])] )) hdu1.header.update('XTENSION', hdu1.header['XTENSION'], comment='Written by '+os.environ['USER']+now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header.update('EXTNAME', atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'], dat['z1']), comment='Ion Name', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLASS', 'ATOMIC', comment='Atomic Data', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLAS1', 'COLL_STR', comment='Collision Strengths (e,p)', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ELEMENT', dat['Z'], comment='Numer of protons in element', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_STAT', dat['z1']-1, comment='ion state (0 = neutral)', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_NAME', atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'], dat['z1']), comment='Ion Name', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('N_EXCITE',len(dat['data'][keys['upper_lev']]) , comment='Number of collisional excitations', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUVERS1', version, comment='Version of datafile', before="TTYPE1") if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): print('adding comments') for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) # combine hdus hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass print('writing lafile') try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def write_ir_file(fname, dat, clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string The file to write dat : list The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int : nuclear charge * z1 : int : ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings : comments to append to the file * ionpot : float : ionization potential (eV) * ip_dere : float : ionization potential (eV) (from dere, optional) * data : numpy.array : stores all the individual level data, with the following types: - element : int : Nuclear Charge - ion_init : int : Initial ion stage - ion_final : int : Final ion stage - level_init : int : Initial level - level_final : int : Final level - tr_type : string(2) : Transition type:: CI = collisional excitaion EA = excitation autoionization RR = radiative recombination DR = dieclectronic recombination XI = ionization, excluded from total rate calculation XR = recombination, excluded from total rate calculation (XR and XI are used to populate level directly) - tr_index : int : index within the file - par_type : int : parameter type, i.e. how the data is stored - min_temp : float : Minimum temperature in range (K) - max_temp : float : Maximum temperature in range (K) - temperature : float(20) : List of temperatures (K) - ionrec_par : float(20) : Ionization and recombination rate parameters - wavelen : float : Wavelength of emitted lines (A) [not used] - wave_obs : float : Observed wavelength of emitted lines (A) [not used] - wave_err : float : Error in these wavelengths (A) [not used] - br_ratio : float : Branching ratio of this line [not used] - br_rat_err : float : Error in branching ratio [not used] - label : string(20) : Label for the transition - rate_ref : string(20) : Rate reference (bibcode) - wave_ref : string(20) : Wavelength reference (bibcode) - wv_obs_ref : string(20) : Observed wavelength reference (bibcode) - br_rat_ref : string(20) : Branching ratio reference (bibcode) clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header.update('DATE', now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header.update('COLL_STR', "Collision Strengths") hdu0.header.update('FILENAME', "Python routine") hdu0.header.update('ORIGIN', "ATOMDB",comment=os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLASS', "ATOMIC",comment="Atomic Data") hdu0.header.update('HDUCLAS1', "IONREC",comment="Ionization/Recombination rates") hdu0.header.update('HDUVERS', "1.1.0",comment="Version of datafile") keys={} keylist = ['element','ion_init','ion_final','level_init','level_final','tr_index','tr_type','par_type',\ 'min_temp','max_temp','temperature','ionrec_par','wavelen','wave_obs',\ 'wave_err','br_ratio','br_rat_err','label','rate_ref','wave_ref',\ 'wv_obs_ref','br_rat_ref'] for i in dat['data'].dtype.names: if i.lower() in keylist: keys[i.lower()] = i else: print("Error: didn't find key %s" %(i.lower())) #secondary HDU, hdu1: print(keys) hdu1 = pyfits.new_table(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='ELEMENT', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['element']]), pyfits.Column(name='ION_INIT', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['ion_init']]), pyfits.Column(name='ION_FINAL', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['ion_final']]), pyfits.Column(name='LEVEL_FINAL', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['level_final']]), pyfits.Column(name='LEVEL_INIT', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['level_init']]), pyfits.Column(name='TR_TYPE', format='2A', array=dat['data'][keys['tr_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='TR_INDEX', format='1J', array=numpy.arange(1,len(dat['data'][keys['tr_type']])+1)), pyfits.Column(name='PAR_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat['data'][keys['par_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='MIN_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['min_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='MAX_TEMP', format='1E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['max_temp']]), pyfits.Column(name='TEMPERATURE', format='20E', unit='K', array=dat['data'][keys['temperature']]), pyfits.Column(name='IONREC_PAR', format='20E', array=dat['data'][keys['ionrec_par']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVELEN', format='1E', array=dat['data'][keys['wavelen']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_OBS', format='1E', array=dat['data'][keys['wave_obs']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_ERR', format='1E', array=dat['data'][keys['wave_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='BR_RATIO', format='1E', array=dat['data'][keys['br_ratio']]), pyfits.Column(name='BR_RAT_ERR', format='1E', array=dat['data'][keys['br_rat_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='LABEL', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['label']]), pyfits.Column(name='RATE_REF', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['rate_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_REF', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['wave_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='WV_OBS_REF', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['wv_obs_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='BR_RAT_REF', format='20A', array=dat['data'][keys['br_rat_ref']])] )) hdu1.header.update('XTENSION', hdu1.header['XTENSION'], comment='Written by '+os.environ['USER']+now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header.update('EXTNAME', 'IONREC', comment='Ionization/Recombination rates', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLASS', 'ATOMIC', comment='Atomic Data', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUCLAS1', 'IONREC', comment='Ionization/Recombinatoin rates', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ELEMENT', dat['Z'], comment='Numer of protons in element', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_STAT', dat['z1']-1, comment='ion state (0 = neutral)', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('ION_NAME', atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), comment='Ion Name', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('N_ION',len(dat['data'][keys['level_init']]) , comment='Number of rates', before="TTYPE1") hdu1.header.update('HDUVERS1', '1.0.0', comment='Version of datafile', before="TTYPE1") if 'ionpot' in list(dat.keys()): hdu1.header.update('IONPOT', dat['ionpot'], comment='Ionization Potential (eV)', before="TTYPE1") else: print("WARNING: ionpot keyword not found in list") if 'ip_dere' in list(dat.keys()): hdu1.header.update('IP_DERE', dat['ip_dere'], comment='Ionization Potential for Dere Ionization Rates', \ before="TTYPE1") if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): print('adding comments') for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) # combine hdus hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass print('writing irfile') try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def write_dr_file(fname, dat, lvdat = None,clobber=False): """ Write the data in list dat to fname Parameters ---------- fname : string : The file to write dat : list : The data to write. Should be a list with the following keywords: * Z : int : nuclear charge * z1 : int: ion charge + 1 * comments : iterable of strings: comments to append to the file * data : numpy.array: stores all the individual level data, with the following types - upper_lev : int : upper level of transition\n - lower_lev : int : lower level of transition\n - wavelen : float : Wavelength of transtion (A)\n - wave_obs : float : Observed wavelength of transition (A)\n - wave_err : float Error in wavelength (A)\n - dr_type : int : DR data type. 1=Jaconelli, 2 = Safranova\n - e_excite : float : transition excitation energy (keV)\n - eexc_err : float : error in transition excitation energy (keV)\n - satelint : float : intensity factor (s-1)\n - satinterr : float : error in intensity factor (s-1)\n - params : float(10) : parameters - drrate_ref : string(20) : DR rate reference (usually bibcode)\n - wave_ref : string(20) : wavelength reference (bibcode)\n - wv_obs_ref : string(20) : observed wavelength reference (bibcode)\n clobber : bool Overwrite existing file if it exists. Returns ------- none """ # start generation of new HDU: #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header['DATE']=( now.strftime('%d/%m/%y')) hdu0.header['EM_LINES']=( "Emission Line Data") hdu0.header['FILENAME']=( "Python routine") hdu0.header['ORIGIN']=( "ATOMDB",os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header['HDUCLASS']=( "ATOMIC","Atomic Data") hdu0.header['HDUCLAS1']=( "DR_LINES","Dielectronic Satellite Line Data") hdu0.header['N_ELEMEN']=(1,"Number of elements") hdu0.header['N_IONS']=( 1,"Total number of ions") # do a key case conversion datakey='' for i in list(dat.keys()): if i.lower()=='data': datakey=i keys={} for i in dat[datakey].dtype.names: if i.lower()=='upper_lev': keys['upper_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='lower_lev': keys['lower_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='upper_lev': keys['upper_lev'] = i if i.lower()=='wavelen': keys['wavelen'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_obs': keys['wave_obs'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_err': keys['wave_err'] = i if i.lower()=='dr_type': keys['dr_type'] = i if i.lower()=='e_excite': keys['e_excite'] = i if i.lower()=='eexc_err': keys['eexc_err'] = i if i.lower()=='satelint': keys['satelint'] = i if i.lower()=='satinterr': keys['satinterr'] = i if i.lower()=='params': keys['params'] = i if i.lower()=='drrate_ref': keys['drrate_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='wave_ref': keys['wave_ref'] = i if i.lower()=='wv_obs_ref': keys['wv_obs_ref'] = i #secondary HDU, hdu1: hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='UPPER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['upper_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='LOWER_LEV', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['lower_lev']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVELEN', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wavelen']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_OBS', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_obs']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_ERR', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='DR_TYPE', format='1J', array=dat[datakey][keys['dr_type']]), pyfits.Column(name='E_EXCITE', format='1E', unit='keV', array=dat[datakey][keys['e_excite']]), pyfits.Column(name='EEXC_ERR', format='1E', unit='keV', array=dat[datakey][keys['eexc_err']]), pyfits.Column(name='SATELINT', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['satelint']]), pyfits.Column(name='SATINTERR', format='1E', unit='s**-1', array=dat[datakey][keys['satinterr']]), pyfits.Column(name='PARAMS', format='10E', array=dat[datakey][keys['params']]), pyfits.Column(name='DRRATE_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['drrate_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='WAVE_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['wave_ref']]), pyfits.Column(name='WV_OBS_REF', format='20A', array=dat[datakey][keys['wv_obs_ref']])] )) hdu1.header['XTENSION']=(hdu1.header['XTENSION'], 'Written by '+os.environ['USER']+now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header['EXTNAME']=(atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['HDUCLASS']=('ATOMIC', 'Atomic Data') hdu1.header['HDUCLAS1']=('DR_LINES', 'Dielectronic Satlline line data') hdu1.header['ELEMENT']=(dat['Z'], 'Numer of protons in element') hdu1.header['ION_STAT']=(dat['z1']-1, 'ion state (0 = neutral)') hdu1.header['ION_NAME']=(atomic.spectroscopic_name(dat['Z'],dat['z1']), 'Ion Name') hdu1.header['N_LINES']=(len(dat['data']) , 'Number of satellite lines') hdu1.header['HDUVERS1']=('1.0.0', 'Version of datafile') if 'comments' in list(dat.keys()): print('adding comments') for icmt in dat['comments']: hdu1.header.add_comment(icmt) if lvdat != None: hdu2 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='ELEC_CONFIG', format='40A', array=lvdat['ELEC_CONFIG']), pyfits.Column(name='L_QUAN', format='1J', array=lvdat['L_QUAN']), pyfits.Column(name='S_QUAN', format='1E', array=lvdat['S_QUAN']), pyfits.Column(name='LEV_DEG', format='1J', array=lvdat['LEV_DEG']), pyfits.Column(name='DRLEVID', format='1J', array=lvdat['DRLEVID']), pyfits.Column(name='APEDID', format='1J', array=lvdat['APEDID'])] )) print('combining HDUs') hdu2.header['EXTNAME']=('DR_LEVELS') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1, hdu2]) else: # combine hdus print('combining HDUs') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) if clobber: try: os.remove(fname) except OSError: pass print('writing drfile') try: hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=clobber) except TypeError: hdulist.writeto(fname, clobber=clobber) print("file written: "+fname)
[docs] def keyword_check(keyword): """ Returns False is the keyword is in fact false, otherwise returns True Parameters ---------- keyword: any The keyword value Returns ------- bool True if the keyword is set to not False, otherwise False """ # first, check if iterable isbool=True try: it = iter(keyword) return True except TypeError: pass # so it's not iterable if keyword==False: return False else: return True
[docs] def write_develop_data(data, filemapfile, Z, z1, ftype, folder, froot): import string """ Write the data to the next version of the file. Update the filemap. """ # ok. This is hard. # 1 create a new filename # # filename is of type: "folder/APED/elsymb/elsymb_z1/elsymb_z1_ftype_froot_ITERATION.fits" # iteration will be 1 2 3 4 5 etc elsymb = atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z) fname1 = '%s/APED/%s/%s_%i/%s_%i_%s_%s'%\ (folder, elsymb.lower(), elsymb.lower(),z1,elsymb.lower(),z1,ftype,froot) isunique=False i=1 flocation =string.join(fname1.split('/')[:-1],'/') if not os.path.isdir(flocation): mkdir_p(flocation) while not isunique: fname = "%s_%i.fits"%(fname1, i) if not os.path.exists(fname): isunique=True else: i+=1 # ok, we have a unique file # check we can update the filemap ret = atomdb.read_filemap(filemap=filemapfile) j = numpy.where((ret['Z']==Z) & \ (ret['z1']==z1))[0] if len(j)==0: print("Hmm... this data doesn't exist?") else: ret[ftype.lower()][j[0]] = fname atomdb.write_filemap(ret, filemapfile) data.writeto(fname)
[docs] def generate_xspec_ionbal_files(Z, filesuffix, settings = False): """ Generate the eigen files that XSPEC uses to calculate the ionizatoin balances Parameters ---------- Z : int atomic number of element filesuffix : string the filename will be eigenELSYMB_filesuffix.fits settings : dict This will let you override some standard inputs for get_data: * settings['filemap']: the filemap to use if you do not want to use the default $ATOMDB/filemap * settings['atomdbroot']: If you have files in non-standard locations you can replace $ATOMDB with this value Returns ------- none """ import scipy.linalg # get the ion & rec rates Telist = numpy.logspace(4,9,1251) ionlist = numpy.zeros([len(Telist), Z]) reclist = numpy.zeros([len(Telist), Z]) # outputs: feqb = numpy.zeros([len(Telist),Z+1]) vl_out = numpy.zeros([len(Telist),Z**2]) vr_out = numpy.zeros([len(Telist),Z**2]) eig_out = numpy.zeros([len(Telist),Z]) for z1 in range(1,Z+1): iontmp, rectmp = atomdb.get_ionrec_rate(Telist, False, Z=Z, z1=z1, extrap=True, settings=settings) ionlist[:,z1-1] = iontmp reclist[:,z1-1] = rectmp for ite in range(len(Telist)): Te = Telist[ite] ion = ionlist[ite,:] rec = reclist[ite,:] b = numpy.zeros(Z+1, dtype=float) a = numpy.zeros([Z+1,Z+1], dtype=float) for iZ in range(0,Z): a[iZ,iZ] -= (ion[iZ]) a[iZ+1,iZ] += (ion[iZ]) a[iZ,iZ+1] += (rec[iZ]) a[iZ+1,iZ+1] -= (rec[iZ]) # conservation of population for iZ in range(0,Z+1): a[0,iZ]=1.0 b[0]=1.0 c = numpy.linalg.solve(a,b) c[0] = 1-sum(c[1:]) c[c<1e-10]=0.0 feqb[ite] = c ZZ=len(ion)+1 ndim=ZZ AA = numpy.zeros((ndim-1,ndim-1), dtype=float) # populate with stuff for iCol in range(ndim-1): for iRow in range(ndim-1): if (iRow==0): if (iCol==0): if (Z>=2): AA[0,iCol] = -(ion[0] + ion[1] + rec[0]) else: AA[0,iCol] = -(ion[0] + rec[0]) if (iCol==1): AA[0,iCol] = rec[1] - ion[0] if (iCol>1): AA[0,iCol] = -ion[0] else: if (iRow==iCol+1): AA[iRow,iCol]= ion[iRow] if (iRow==iCol): if (iRow+2<ndim): AA[iRow,iCol]=-(ion[iRow+1]+rec[iRow]) else: AA[iRow,iCol]=-rec[iRow] if (iRow==iCol-1): AA[iRow,iCol]= rec[iRow+1] w,vr=numpy.linalg.eig(AA) if (w.dtype!='float64'): print("nooooooooooO", w.dtype) leftevec = numpy.zeros(Z**2) rightevec = numpy.zeros(Z**2) # The value VL in which is stored is not actually the left eigenvecotr, # but is instead the inverse of vr. vl = numpy.matrix(vr)**-1 for i in range(Z): for j in range(Z): leftevec[i*Z+j] = vl[i,j] rightevec[i*Z+j] = vr[j,i] vr_out[ite] = rightevec vl_out[ite] = leftevec eig_out[ite] = w hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header['DATE']= now.strftime('%d/%m/%y') hdu0.header['FILENAME']= "Python routine" hdu0.header['ORIGIN']= ("ATOMDB",os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") #secondary HDU, hdu1: hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='FEQB', format='%iD'%(Z+1), array=feqb), pyfits.Column(name='EIG', format='%iD'%(Z), array=eig_out), pyfits.Column(name='VR', format='%iD'%(Z**2), array=vr_out), pyfits.Column(name='VL', format='%iD'%(Z**2), array=vl_out)] )) hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) hdulist[1].header['EXTNAME']='EIGEN' fname = 'eigen%s_%s.fits'%(atomic.Ztoelsymb(Z).lower(), filesuffix) hdulist.writeto(fname, checksum=True, clobber=True)
[docs] def make_release_filetree(filemapfile_in, filemapfile_out, \ replace_source, destination, versionname): """ Take an existing filemap, copy the files to the atomdbftp folder as required. Parameters ---------- filemapfile_in : string The existing filemap file for the new release filemapfile_out : string The filename for the produced filemap replace_source : string All new files are in this directory. destination : string The folder to store the files in versionname : string The version string for the new files (e.g. 3_0_4) Returns ------- None Notes ----- This code searches for any files which don't have $ATOMDB in the filename and assumes they are new. It updates the file name to be $ATOMDB/elname/elname_ion/elname_ion_FTYPE_versionname.fits Versionname will have its last number stsripped and replaced with "a". So 3_0_4_2 becomes 3_0_4_a. This reflects that 4-number versions are for revisions of a file under development, while 3 number + letter are for released data. And then copies it to the destination folder, compressing it with gzip. """ import re, gzip fmap = atomdb.read_filemap(filemapfile_in) for i in range(len(fmap['Z'])): for key in ['em','ci','pi','la','ai','ir','ec','lv','pc','dr']: if fmap[key][i] =='': continue if"_\d.fits",fmap[key][i]): fin = fmap[key][i] fmapf = re.sub(replace_source, 'XXX', fin) fmapf = re.sub('%s[^ \t\r\n\v\f]*.fits'%(key.upper()),\ '%s_v%s_a.fits'%(key.upper(), versionname),fmapf) fout = re.sub('XXX',destination, fmapf) tmp = open(fin, 'rb') tmpd = print("writing %s ..."%(fout+'.gz'), end=' ') tmpo ='.gz', 'wb') tmpo.write(tmpd) tmp.close() print("done") fmap[key][i] = fmapf atomdb.write_filemap(fmap, filemapfile_out, atomdbroot='XXX') print("Wrote filemap %s"%(filemapfile_out))
[docs] def make_linelist(linefile, outfile): """ Create atomdb linelist file from line.fits file Parameters ---------- linefile : string The filename of the line file outfile : string The output filename of the string Returns ------- none """ # open the line file d = # get temperature units tunit = d[1].header['TUNIT1'] # get temperatures te = d[1].data.field('kT') if tunit.lower()=='kev': te = te /const.KBOLTZ nte = len(te) linedattype = numpy.dtype({'names':['Lambda',\ 'Lambda_Err',\ 'LambdaTh',\ 'dLambdaTh',\ 'Element',\ 'Ion',\ 'UpperLev',\ 'LowerLev',\ 'Arraysize',\ 'PeakIndex',\ 'Temperature',\ 'Density',\ 'Emissivity',\ 'Emissivity_Err'],\ 'formats':[numpy.float,\ numpy.float,\ numpy.float,\ numpy.float,\,\,\,\,\,\,\ (numpy.float,nte),\ (numpy.float,nte),\ (numpy.float,nte),\ (numpy.float,nte)]}) tmpdattype = numpy.dtype({'names':['Lambda',\ 'Lambda_Err',\ 'LambdaTh'],\ 'formats':[numpy.float,\ numpy.float,\ numpy.float]}) # master data ldat_all = numpy.zeros(0, dtype=linedattype) for z0 in range(1,31): # go by element print("Starting Element %s"%(atomic.z0toelsymb(z0))) ldat_list = {} ildat_list = {} for z1 in range(1,z0+1): ldat_list[z1] = numpy.zeros(1000,dtype=linedattype) ildat_list[z1] = 0 tstart = time.time() for it in range(0,nte): i = it + 2 print("it = %i, nlines = %i"%(it, len(ldat_list))) dens = d[i].header['density'] # filter the data by element delem = d[i].data[d[i].data['element']==z0] if len(delem)==0: continue for il in delem: z1 = il['Ion'] ildat = ildat_list[z1] imatch = numpy.where((ldat_list[z1]['UpperLev']==il['UpperLev']) &\ (ldat_list[z1]['LowerLev']==il['LowerLev']))[0] if len(imatch)==0: # no match - new line! # tmpkT = numpy.zeros(51, dtype=numpy.float) # tmpkT[0] = te[it] # tmpNe = numpy.zeros(51, dtype=numpy.float) # tmpNe[0] = dens # tmpEmis = numpy.zeros(51, dtype=numpy.float) # tmpEmis[0] = il['Epsilon'] # tmpEmiserr = numpy.zeros(51, dtype=numpy.float) # tmpEmiserr[:] = numpy.nan # tmp0 = numpy.float(0) # z = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=linedattype) # z['Lambda'] = il['Lambda'] # z['Lambda_Err'] = il['Lambda_Err'] # z['Element'] = il['Element'] # z['Ion'] = il['Ion'] # z['UpperLev'] = il['UpperLev'] # z['LowerLev'] = il['LowerLev'] # z['Arraysize'] = 1 # z['Temperature'] = tmpkT # z['Density'] = tmpNe # z['Emissivity'] = tmpEmis # z['Emissivity_Err'] = tmpEmiserr ldat_list[z1]['Lambda'][ildat] = il['Lambda'] ldat_list[z1]['Lambda_Err'][ildat] = il['Lambda_Err'] ldat_list[z1]['Element'][ildat] = il['Element'] ldat_list[z1]['Ion'][ildat] = il['Ion'] ldat_list[z1]['UpperLev'][ildat] = il['UpperLev'] ldat_list[z1]['LowerLev'][ildat] = il['LowerLev'] ldat_list[z1]['Arraysize'][ildat] = 1 ldat_list[z1]['Temperature'][ildat][0] = d[i].header['temperature'] ldat_list[z1]['Density'][ildat][0] = dens ldat_list[z1]['Emissivity'][ildat][0] = il['Epsilon'] ldat_list[z1]['Emissivity_Err'][ildat][:] = numpy.nan ildat_list[z1]+=1 if ildat_list[z1] == len(ldat_list[z1]): ldat_list[z1] = numpy.append(ldat_list[z1], numpy.zeros(1000, dtype=linedattype)) else: # update existing line imatch = imatch[0] ind = ldat_list[z1]['Arraysize'][imatch] ldat_list[z1]['Temperature'][imatch][ind] = d[i].header['temperature'] ldat_list[z1]['Density'][imatch][ind] = dens ldat_list[z1]['Emissivity'][imatch][ind] = il['Epsilon'] ldat_list[z1]['Arraysize'][imatch] += 1 for z1 in list(ldat_list.keys()): ldat_list[z1] = ldat_list[z1][:ildat_list[z1]] ldat_all = numpy.append(ldat_all, ldat_list[z1]) tend = time.time() tdiff = tend-tstart print('Element %s took %d min %d sec'%(atomic.z0toelsymb(z0),\ int(tdiff)/60, int(tdiff)%60)) # now go through and sort out the peaks for line in ldat_all: line['PeakIndex'] = numpy.argmax(line['Emissivity'])+1 # get number of points maxpoints = numpy.max(ldat_all['Arraysize']) hdu1dat = {} hdu1dat['lambda'] = ldat_all['Lambda'] hdu1dat['lambda_err'] = ldat_all['Lambda_Err'] hdu1dat['lambdath'] = ldat_all['LambdaTh'] hdu1dat['dlambdath'] = ldat_all['dLambdaTh'] hdu1dat['element'] = ldat_all['Element'] hdu1dat['ion'] = ldat_all['Ion'] hdu1dat['upperlev'] = ldat_all['UpperLev'] hdu1dat['lowerlev'] = ldat_all['LowerLev'] hdu1dat['arraysize'] = ldat_all['Arraysize'] hdu1dat['peakindex'] = ldat_all['PeakIndex'] hdu1dat['temperature'] = ldat_all['Temperature'][:,:maxpoints] hdu1dat['density'] = ldat_all['Density'][:,:maxpoints] hdu1dat['emissivity'] = ldat_all['Emissivity'][:,:maxpoints] hdu1dat['emissivity_err']= ldat_all['Emissivity_Err'][:,:maxpoints] hdu2dat = {} hdu2dat['lambda'] = hdu1dat['lambda'] hdu2dat['lambda_err']= hdu1dat['lambda_err'] hdu2dat['lambdath'] = hdu1dat['lambdath'] hdu2dat['dlambdath'] = hdu1dat['dlambdath'] hdu2dat['element'] = hdu1dat['element'] hdu2dat['ion'] = hdu1dat['ion'] hdu2dat['upperlev'] = hdu1dat['upperlev'] hdu2dat['lowerlev'] = hdu1dat['lowerlev'] hdu2dat['peakemissivity'] = numpy.zeros(len(hdu2dat['lambda']), dtype = float) hdu2dat['peakemissivityerr'] = numpy.zeros(len(hdu2dat['lambda']), dtype = float) hdu2dat['peaktemperature'] = numpy.zeros(len(hdu2dat['lambda']), dtype = float) hdu2dat['peakdensity'] = numpy.zeros(len(hdu2dat['lambda']), dtype = float) for i in range(len(hdu2dat['lambda'])): hdu2dat['peakemissivity'][i] = hdu1dat['emissivity'][i,hdu1dat['peakindex'][i]-1] hdu2dat['peakemissivityerr'][i] = hdu1dat['emissivity_err'][i,hdu1dat['peakindex'][i]-1] hdu2dat['peaktemperature'][i] = hdu1dat['temperature'][i,hdu1dat['peakindex'][i]-1] hdu2dat['peakdensity'][i] = hdu1dat['density'][i,hdu1dat['peakindex'][i]-1] # start generation of new HDU: #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header['DATE']= now.strftime('%d/%m/%y') hdu0.header['CONTENT']= ("Emissivity", "Line emission output") hdu0.header['FILENAME']= (linefile, 'Parent File') hdu0.header['ORIGIN']= ("ATOMDB",os.environ['USER']+", AtomDB project") hdu0.header['HDUCLASS']= ("EMISSIVITY","Line Emission Output") hdu0.header['HDUCLAS1']= ("SHORT_LINE","Line Emission Output") hdu0.header['HDUVERS']= ("1.0.0","Version of datafile") #secondary HDU, hdu1: hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='Lambda', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu1dat['lambda']), pyfits.Column(name='Lambda_Err', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu1dat['lambda_err']), pyfits.Column(name='LambdaTh', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu1dat['lambdath']), pyfits.Column(name='dLambdaTh', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu1dat['dlambdath']), pyfits.Column(name='Element', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['element']), pyfits.Column(name='Ion', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['ion']), pyfits.Column(name='UpperLev', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['upperlev']), pyfits.Column(name='LowerLev', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['lowerlev']), pyfits.Column(name='ArraySize', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['arraysize']), pyfits.Column(name='PeakIndex', format='1J', array=hdu1dat['peakindex']), pyfits.Column(name='Temperature', format=repr(numpy.max(hdu1dat['arraysize']))+'E', unit='K', array=hdu1dat['temperature']), pyfits.Column(name='Density', format=repr(numpy.max(hdu1dat['arraysize']))+'E', unit='cm**-3', array=hdu1dat['density']), pyfits.Column(name='Emissivity', format=repr(numpy.max(hdu1dat['arraysize']))+'E', unit='photons cm**3 s**-1', array=hdu1dat['emissivity']), pyfits.Column(name='Emissivity_Err', format=repr(numpy.max(hdu1dat['arraysize']))+'E', unit='photons cm**3 s**-1', array=hdu1dat['emissivity_err'])] )) hdu1.header['XTENSION']=(hdu1.header['XTENSION'],\ 'Written by '+os.environ['USER']+\ now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu1.header['EXTNAME']='EMISSIVITY' hdu1.header['HDUNAME']=('EMISSIVITY','Spectral emission data') hdu1.header['HDUCLASS']=('CXC', 'Spectral data') hdu1.header['HDUCLAS1']=('PARAMETERS','Line Emissivity per Ion') hdu1.header['LOG_TEMP']=(1,'Temperature Space: 1 if log, 0 if linear') hdu1.header['NUM_TEMP']=(nte,'Number of temperatures in grid') hdu1.header['TEMPSTEP']= (d[0].header['dtemp_step'],\ 'Temperature step size, in K or dex') hdu1.header['TEMPSTRT'] = (d[0].header['dtemp_start'],\ 'Starting temperature, in K or logK') hdu1.header['HDUVERS1'] = ('1.0.0','version of format') #tertiary HDU, hdu2: hdu2 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='Lambda', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu2dat['lambda']), pyfits.Column(name='Lambda_Err', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu2dat['lambda_err']), pyfits.Column(name='LambdaTh', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu2dat['lambdath']), pyfits.Column(name='dLambdaTh', format='1E', unit='Angstrom', array=hdu2dat['dlambdath']), pyfits.Column(name='Element', format='1J', array=hdu2dat['element']), pyfits.Column(name='Ion', format='1J', array=hdu2dat['ion']), pyfits.Column(name='UpperLev', format='1J', array=hdu2dat['upperlev']), pyfits.Column(name='LowerLev', format='1J', array=hdu2dat['lowerlev']), pyfits.Column(name='PeakEmissivity', format='1E', unit='photons cm**3 s**-1', array=hdu2dat['peakemissivity']), pyfits.Column(name='PeakEmissivityErr', format='1E', unit='photons cm**3 s**-1', array=hdu2dat['peakemissivityerr']), pyfits.Column(name='PeakTemperature', format='1E', unit='K', array=hdu2dat['peaktemperature']), pyfits.Column(name='PeakDensity', format='1E', unit='cm**-3', array=hdu2dat['peakdensity'])] )) hdu2.header['XTENSION'] =(hdu2.header['XTENSION'],\ 'Written by '+os.environ['USER']+\ now.strftime('%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')+ 'UTC') hdu2.header['EXTNAME']= 'PEAKEMIS' hdu2.header['HDUNAME']= ('PEAKEMIS', 'Spectral emission data') hdu2.header['HDUCLASS']= ('CXC', 'Spectral data') hdu2.header['HDUCLAS1']=('PARAMETERS','Line Emissivity per Ion') hdu2.header['HDUVERS1']=( '1.0.0','version of format') # combine hdus hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1, hdu2]) # write out file (overwrite any existing file) try: os.remove(outfile) except OSError: pass hdulist.writeto(outfile, checksum=True) print("file written: "+outfile)
[docs] def write_ionbal_file(Te, dens, ionpop, filename, Te_linear = False, dens_linear=False): """ Create ionization balance file Parameters ---------- Te : array(float) temperatures (in K) dens : array(float) electron densities (in cm^-3) ionpop : dict of arrays one entry for each element: ionpop[2] = numpy.array(nion,nte, ndens) filename : str filename to write to Te_linear : bool if true, temperature grid is linear dens_linear : bool if true, density grid is linear """ # get list of elements Zlist = unique(list(ionpop.keys())) Zlist.sort() # ok, have a sorted list of elements n = len(Te)*len(dens) Z_element = numpy.zeros([n,len(Zlist)], dtype=int) Z_el1 = numpy.array(Zlist) nZ = len(Zlist) + sum(Zlist) X_ionpot = numpy.zeros([n, nZ], dtype=float) for i in range(n): Z_element[i,:] =Z_el1 iZ = 0 for Z in Zlist: X_ionpot[:,iZ:iZ+Z+1] = ionpop[Z] iZ+=Z+1 # OK, done! Te_vec = numpy.zeros(n) Ne_vec = numpy.zeros(n) for i in range(len(dens)): for j in range(len(Te)): Te_vec[i*len(Te)+j] = Te[j] Ne_vec[i*len(Te)+j] = dens[i] # hdu1 = pyfits.TableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( # [pyfits.Column(name='TEMPERATURE', # format='1E', # unit='K', # array=Te_vec), # pyfits.Column(name='DENSITY', # format='1E', # unit='cm**-3', # array=Ne_vec), # pyfits.Column(name='Z_ELEMENT', # format='%iI'%(len(Zlist)), # array=Z_element), # pyfits.Column(name='X_IONPOP', # format='%iE'%(nZ), # array=X_ionpot)])) hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU.from_columns(pyfits.ColDefs( [pyfits.Column(name='TEMPERATURE', format='1E', unit='K', array=Te_vec), pyfits.Column(name='DENSITY', format='1E', unit='cm**-3', array=Ne_vec), pyfits.Column(name='Z_ELEMENT', format='%iI'%(len(Zlist)), array=Z_element), pyfits.Column(name='X_IONPOP', format='%iE'%(nZ), array=X_ionpot)])) hdu1.header['EXTNAME'] = ('ION_BAL', 'Ionization Balance table') hdu1.header['HDUCLASS'] = ('ION_BAL', 'Ionization Balance table') hdu1.header['HDUVERS1'] = ('1.0.0', 'Version of datafile') if Te_linear: tfirst = Te[0] tdelta = (Te[-1]-Te[0])/(len(Te)-1) else: tfirst = numpy.log10(Te[0]) tdelta = (numpy.log10(Te[-1])-numpy.log10(Te[0]))/(len(Te)-1) if dens_linear: nfirst = dens[0] if len(dens)==1: ndelta = 0.0 else: ndelta = (dens[-1]-dens[0])/(len(dens)-1) else: nfirst = numpy.log10(dens[0]) ndelta = (numpy.log10(dens[-1])-numpy.log10(dens[0]))/(len(dens)-1) hdu1.header['T_FIRST'] = (tfirst, '[K] First temperature') hdu1.header['T_DELTA'] = (tdelta, '[K] Delta temperature') hdu1.header['T_LINEAR'] = (Te_linear, 'Linear (or log) temperature spacing') hdu1.header['T_NUMBER'] = (len(Te), 'Number of temperature grid points') hdu1.header['N_FIRST'] = (nfirst, '[cm**(-3)] First density') hdu1.header['N_DELTA'] = (ndelta, '[cm**(-3)] Delta density') hdu1.header['N_LINEAR'] = (dens_linear, 'Linear (or log) density spacing') hdu1.header['N_NUMBER'] = (len(dens), 'Number of density grid points') hdu1.header['N_ELEMEN'] = (len(Zlist), 'Number of elements') hdu1.header['N_IONS'] = (nZ, 'Total number of ion stages') #primary HDU, hdu0 hdu0 = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() hdu0.header['DATE']= now.strftime('%d/%m/%y') hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([hdu0,hdu1]) hdulist.writeto(filename, checksum=True)
[docs] def make_release_tarballs(ciefileroot, neifileroot, filemap, versionname, \ releasenotes, parfile, neiparfile,makelinelist=False): """ Create tarball for exmissivity files for a new release. Parameters ---------- ciefileroot : string The path to the CIE line and coco files, with the _line.fits and _coco.fits ommitted. neifileroot : string The path to the NEI line and coco files, with the _line.fits and _comp.fits ommitted. filemap : string The filemap file versionname : string The version string for the new files (e.g. 3.0.4). releasenotes : string The file name for the release notes. parfile : string The parameter file used to create the data neiparfile : string The parameter file used to create the NEI data makelinelist : bool Remake the line list from the line file. If not specified, assumes linelist file already exists. Returns ------- None """ import re, gzip, os, shutil, tarfile mkdir_p('tmp') outdir = 'tmp/atomdb_v%s'%(versionname) mkdir_p(outdir) shutil.copy2(ciefileroot+'_coco.fits',outdir+'/apec_v%s_coco.fits'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(ciefileroot+'_line.fits',outdir+'/apec_v%s_line.fits'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(filemap,outdir+'/filemap_v%s'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(releasenotes,outdir+'/Release_Notes.txt') shutil.copy2(parfile,outdir+'/apec_v%s.par'%(versionname)) f=open(outdir+'/VERSION', 'w') f.write("%s\n"%(versionname)) f.close() # make the linelist if makelinelist: make_linelist(outdir+'/apec_v%s_line.fits'%(versionname), outdir+'/apec_v%s_linelist.fits'%(versionname)) mycwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(outdir) # make links os.symlink('apec_v%s_coco.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_coco.fits') os.symlink('apec_v%s_line.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_line.fits') os.symlink('apec_v%s_linelist.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_linelist.fits') os.symlink('filemap_v%s'%(versionname), 'filemap') os.symlink('apec_v%s.par'%(versionname), 'apec.par') # compress os.chdir('..') tar ='%s/atomdb_v%s.tar.bz2'%(mycwd,versionname), mode='w:bz2') tar.add('atomdb_v%s'%(versionname)) tar.close() # make a directory for the nei stuff os.chdir(mycwd) mkdir_p('tmp/nei') outdir = 'tmp/nei/atomdb_v%s'%(versionname) mkdir_p(outdir) shutil.copy2(neifileroot+'_comp.fits',outdir+'/apec_v%s_nei_comp.fits'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(neifileroot+'_line.fits',outdir+'/apec_v%s_nei_line.fits'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(filemap,outdir+'/filemap_v%s'%(versionname)) shutil.copy2(releasenotes,outdir+'/Release_Notes.txt') shutil.copy2(neiparfile,outdir+'/apec_v%s_nei.par'%(versionname)) f=open(outdir+'/VERSION', 'w') f.write("%s\n"%(versionname)) f.close() os.chdir(outdir) # make links os.symlink('apec_v%s_nei_comp.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_nei_comp.fits') os.symlink('apec_v%s_nei_line.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_nei_line.fits') #os.symlink('apec_v%s_linelist.fits'%(versionname), 'apec_v%s_linelist.fits') os.symlink('filemap_v%s'%(versionname), 'filemap') os.symlink('apec_v%s_nei.par'%(versionname), 'apec_nei.par') # compress os.chdir('..') tar ='%s/atomdb_v%s_nei.tar.bz2'%(mycwd,versionname), mode='w:bz2') tar.add('atomdb_v%s'%(versionname)) tar.close() print("Tarballs written")
[docs] def generate_equilibrium_ionbal_files(filename, settings = False): """ Generate the eigen files that XSPEC uses to calculate the ionizatoin balances Parameters ---------- filename : string file to write settings : dict This will let you override some standard inputs for get_data: * settings['filemap']: the filemap to use if you do not want to use the default $ATOMDB/filemap * settings['atomdbroot']: If you have files in non-standard locations you can replace $ATOMDB with this value Returns ------- none """ # get the ion & rec rates Telist = numpy.logspace(4,9,501) Nelist = numpy.array([1.0]) ionbal = {} for Z in range(1,31): ionlist = numpy.zeros([len(Telist), Z]) reclist = numpy.zeros([len(Telist), Z]) # outputs: feqb = numpy.zeros([len(Telist),Z+1]) for z1 in range(1,Z+1): iontmp, rectmp = atomdb.get_ionrec_rate(Telist, False, Z=Z, z1=z1, extrap=True, settings=settings) ionlist[:,z1-1] = iontmp reclist[:,z1-1] = rectmp for ite in range(len(Telist)): Te = Telist[ite] ion = ionlist[ite,:] rec = reclist[ite,:] b = numpy.zeros(Z+1, dtype=numpy.float32) a = numpy.zeros((Z+1,Z+1), dtype=numpy.float32) for iZ in range(0,Z): a[iZ,iZ] -= (ion[iZ]) a[iZ+1,iZ] += (ion[iZ]) a[iZ,iZ+1] += (rec[iZ]) a[iZ+1,iZ+1] -= (rec[iZ]) # conservation of population for iZ in range(0,Z+1): a[0,iZ]=1.0 b[0]=1.0 c = numpy.linalg.solve(a,b) c[0] = 1-sum(c[1:]) c[c<1e-10]=0.0 feqb[ite] = c ionbal[Z] = feqb write_ionbal_file(Telist, Nelist, ionbal, filename, Te_linear = False, dens_linear=True)
[docs] def generate_isis_files(version='', outfile='atomdb_VERSION_lineid.tar.bz2'): """ Generate the atomic data necessary solely for identifying lines in AtomDB. Useful in ISIS, for example. Parameters ---------- version : string version number to generate line ID tarball for. Defaults to version in $ATOMDB/VERSION outfile : string the file to be generated. Defaults to atomdb_VERSION_lineid.tar.bz2 Returns ------- none """ import re, tarfile # get the version number curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if version == '': version = curversion print("Version not specified, so using version %s"%(version)) else: if version != curversion: switch_version(version) # make folders for the data mkdir_p('tmp') foldername = re.sub('VERSION',version,'tmp/atomdb_vVERSION_lineid') mkdir_p(foldername) linefile = os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_linelist.fits') ldat = filemap = os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/filemap') f = atomdb.read_filemap() for i in range(len(f['Z'])): Z = f['Z'][i] z1 = f['z1'][i] lafname = f['la'][i] lvfname = f['lv'][i] drfname = f['dr'][i] if lvfname == '': continue # copy across the LV & DR files if appropriate lvfnameout = re.sub(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB'), foldername, lvfname) tmp='' for k in lvfnameout.split('/')[:-1]: tmp+=(k) mkdir_p(tmp) tmp+='/' if not os.path.isfile(lvfname): a = atomdb.get_data(Z,z1,'LV') shutil.copy2(lvfname, lvfnameout) if drfname != '': # copy across the LV & DR files if appropriate drfnameout = re.sub(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB'), foldername, drfname) if not os.path.isfile(drfname): a = atomdb.get_data(Z,z1,'DR') shutil.copy2(drfname, drfnameout) # now do the hard part lafnameout = re.sub(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB'), foldername, lafname) lafnameout = re.sub('.fits', '_lineid.fits', lafnameout) if not os.path.isfile(lafname): a = atomdb.get_data(Z,z1,'LA') f['la'][i]=lafnameout ladat = # keep only the transitions we care about k = ldat[2].data[(ldat[2].data['Element']==Z) &\ (ldat[2].data['Ion']==z1)] isgood = numpy.zeros(len(ladat[1].data), dtype=bool) for ik in k: ii = numpy.where((ladat[1].data['Upper_lev']==ik['UpperLev']) &\ (ladat[1].data['Lower_lev']==ik['LowerLev']))[0] if len(ii) == 0: if ik['UpperLev'] < 10000: print("ERROR: no match for Z=%i, z1=%i, up=%i, lo=%i"%\ (Z,z1,ik['UpperLev'], ik['LowerLev'])) else: isgood[ii[0]]=True ladat[1].data=ladat[1].data[isgood] ladat[1].header['N_LINES']=sum(isgood) ladat.writeto(lafnameout, checksum=True, clobber=True) print("wrote %s with %i lines instead of %i"%\ (lafnameout, sum(isgood), len(isgood))) f['la'][i] = re.sub(foldername, \ os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB'), \ lafnameout) # now copy across the other things. ionbal = atomdb.get_data(False, False, 'ionbal') mkdir_p('%s/APED/ionbal'%(foldername)) ionbal.writeto('%s/APED/ionbal/v%s_ionbal.fits'%\ (foldername, version), clobber=True, checksum=True) print("Ionbal writen to %s/APED/ionbal/v%s_ionbal.fits"%\ (foldername, version)) # and the abundances abund = atomdb.get_data(False, False, 'abund') shutil.copytree(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/APED/misc'), \ '%s/APED/misc'%(foldername)) print("Misc writen to %s/APED/misc"%(foldername)) atomdb.write_filemap(f, "%s/filemap"%(foldername)) print("Wrote filemap %s/filemap"%(foldername)) d = open("%s/VERSION"%(foldername),"w") d.write('%s\n'%(version)) d.close() # now a pile of hacks that are required by ISIS: shutil.copy2(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_v%s_line.fits'%(version)),\ "%s/"%(foldername)) shutil.copy2(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_v%s_coco.fits'%(version)),\ "%s/"%(foldername)) # Need the MM89 ionization balance for some reason? fnameout ='%s/APED/ionbal/MM98_ionbal.fits'%(const.FTPPATH),\ out="%s/APED/ionbal/%s"%(foldername, 'MM98_ionbal.fits')) # Need to make a link to the abundance file shutil.copy2(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_v%s_coco.fits'%(version)),\ "%s/"%(foldername)) # Need to make a symbolic link from one Abundance file to the other os.symlink("%s/APED/misc/Abundances_v2.0.0a.fits"%(foldername),\ "%s/APED/misc/Abundances.fits"%(foldername)) print("Compressing...") os.chdir('tmp') tar ='atomdb_v%s_lineid.tar.bz2'%(version), mode='w:bz2') tar.add('atomdb_v%s_lineid'%(version)) tar.close() print("Done") os.chdir('../')
#----------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def generate_web_fitsfiles(version='', outdir=''): """ Split the linelist files into many small files and make an index for them Parameters ---------- version : string version number to generate this for. Defaults to version in $ATOMDB/VERSION outdir : string Output files will be placed in this directory. Defaults to 'webonly" Returns ------- none """ import getpass curversion = open(os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/VERSION'),'r').read()[:-1] if version == '': version = curversion print("Version not specified, so using version %s"%(version)) else: if version != curversion: switch_version(version) if outdir=='': outdir = 'webonly' # make folders for the data mkdir_p(outdir) linefile = os.path.expandvars('$ATOMDB/apec_linelist.fits') ldat = nlines = len(ldat[1].data) linesperfile = 1000 nfiles = nlines/linesperfile + 1 rangedatatype = numpy.dtype({'names':['Lambda_lo','Lambda_hi','filename'],\ 'formats':[float, float, '|S40']}) rangedata = numpy.zeros(nfiles, dtype=rangedatatype) isort = numpy.argsort(ldat[1].data['Lambda']) ldat[1].data=ldat[1].data[isort] ldat[2].data=ldat[2].data[isort] for ifile in range(nfiles): # create the lines we need. d1 = ldat[1].data[ifile*linesperfile:min([(ifile+1)*linesperfile, nlines])] d2 = ldat[2].data[ifile*linesperfile:min([(ifile+1)*linesperfile, nlines])] print("Creating file %i of %i"%(ifile+1, nfiles)) hdu1 = pyfits.BinTableHDU(d1) hdu1.header=ldat[1].header hdu2 = pyfits.BinTableHDU(d2) hdu2.header=ldat[2].header prihdr = pyfits.Header() prihdr['CONTENT'] = ('Emissivity','Line emission output') prihdr['FILENAME'] = (linefile,'Parent File') prihdr['ORIGIN'] = ('ATOMDB','%s, AtomDB project'%(getpass.getuser())) prihdr['HDUCLASS'] = ('EMISSIVITY','Line Emission Output') prihdr['HDUCLAS1'] = ('SHORT_LINE','Line Emission Output') prihdr['HDUVERS'] = ('1.0.0','Version of datafile') prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(header=prihdr) hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([prihdu,hdu1,hdu2]) hdulist.writeto('%s/apec_v%s_linelist_split_%i.fits'%\ (outdir, version, ifile+1), checksum=True, clobber=True) rangedata[ifile]['Lambda_lo']=min(d1['Lambda']) rangedata[ifile]['Lambda_hi']=max(d1['Lambda']) rangedata[ifile]['filename'] = "apec_v%s_linelist_split_%i.fits"%\ (version, ifile+1) hdu = pyfits.BinTableHDU(rangedata) prihdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU() hdulist = pyfits.HDUList([prihdu, hdu]) hdulist.writeto('%s/apec_v%s_linelist_split_index.fits'%\ (outdir, version), checksum=True, clobber=True) print("Finished") return
[docs] def convert_spec(spec, specunit, specunitout): """ Convert spectral ranges from specunit to specunitout Parameters ---------- spec : array The units to return specunit : string The input spectral unit ('keV', 'A') specunitout : string The output spectral unit ('keV', 'A') Returns ------- specout : array spec, converted to specunitout """ allowedunits = ['a','ang','angstrom','angstroms','ev','kev'] cfactors = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, const.HC_IN_KEV_A*1000, const.HC_IN_KEV_A] ctype = ['w','w','w','w','e','e'] specunit2 = specunit.lower() specunitout2 = specunitout.lower() # If units are the same, do nothing if specunit2==specunitout2: return spec try: cfac_in = cfactors[allowedunits.index(specunit2)] cfac_out = cfactors[allowedunits.index(specunitout2)] except ValueError: # Assume one of the units is bad if not (specunit2 in allowedunits): raise UnitsError("%s is not a recognized spectroscopic unit %s"%\ (specunit2, allowedunits)) elif not (specunitout2 in allowedunits): raise UnitsError("%s is not a recognized spectroscopic unit %s"%\ (specunitout2, allowedunits)) raise ctype_in = ctype[allowedunits.index(specunit2)] ctype_out = ctype[allowedunits.index(specunitout2)] if ctype_in == 'w': try: spec_ang = cfac_in * spec except TypeError: spec = numpy.array(spec) spec_ang = cfac_in * spec elif ctype_in == 'e': try: spec_ang = cfac_in / spec except TypeError: spec = numpy.array(spec) spec_ang = cfac_in / spec spec_ang = cfac_in / spec if ctype_out == 'w': spec_out = spec_ang * cfac_out elif ctype_out == 'e': spec_out = cfac_out/spec_ang if ctype_out != ctype_in: # invert array if converting between energy and wavelength spec_out = spec_out[::-1] return spec_out
[docs] def convert_temp(Te, teunit, teunitout): """ Convert temperature (Te) from units teunit to teunitout Parameters ---------- Te : float The temperature teunit : string units of Te teunitout : string output temperature units """ teunit2 = teunit.lower() teunitout2 = teunitout.lower() if teunitout2==teunit2: return Te allowedunits = ['ev','kev','k'] cfactors = [1000.,1.0,1/const.KBOLTZ] try: cfac = cfactors[allowedunits.index(teunitout2)]/cfactors[allowedunits.index(teunit2)] except ValueError: # Assume one of the units is bad if not (teunit2 in allowedunits): raise UnitsError("%s is not a recognized temperature unit %s"%(teunit2, allowedunits)) elif not (teunitout2 in allowedunits): raise UnitsError("%s is not a recognized temperature unit %s"%(teunitout2, allowedunits)) raise return cfac*Te
[docs] class UnitsError(ValueError): pass
[docs] class ReadyError(ValueError): pass
[docs] class NotImplementedError(ValueError): pass
[docs] class OptionError(ValueError): pass