apec module
This modules contains the APEC code. It calls many different subroutines from throughout the PyAtomDB module.
It is expected (as of May 2020) that this code will go through a major rewrite to make it more pythonic and to make many helper routines private to declutter the module. Be wary of embedding too many links to this module in your code.
The apec module contains routines crucial for the APEC code. This also includes some interfaces to external C libraries (or will, eventually).
Version 0.1 - initial release Adam Foster September 16th 2015
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_brems_gaunt(E, T, z1, brems_type, datacache=False, settings=False)[source]
calculate the bremstrahulung free-free gaunt factor
- Parameters:
- Efloat
Energy (in keV) to calculate gaunt factor
- Tfloat
Temperature (in K) of plasma
- z1int
Ion charge +1 of ion (e.g. 6 for C VI)
- brems_typeint
Type of bremstrahlung requested: 1 = HUMMER = Non-relativistic: 1988ApJ…327..477H 2 = KELLOGG = Semi-Relativistic: 1975ApJ…199..299K 3 = RELATIVISTIC = Relativistic: 1998ApJ…507..530N 4 = BREMS_NONE = no bremstrahlung
- settingsdict
See description in atomdb.get_data
- datacachedict
Used for caching the data. See description in atomdb.get_data
- Returns:
- gaunt_fffloat
The gaunt factor for the free-free process.
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_ee_brems(E, T, N)[source]
calculate the electron-electron bremsstrahlung.
- Parameters:
- Earray (float)
energy grid (keV)
- Tfloat
Electron temperature (keV)
- Nfloat
electron density (cm^-3)
- Returns:
- array(float)
ee_brems in photons cm^s s^-1 keV-1 at each point E. This should be multiplied by the bin width to get flux per bin.
Need to check this!
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_full_ionbal(Te, tau=False, init_pop='ionizing', Te_init=False, Zlist=False, teunit='K', extrap=True, cie=True, settings=False, datacache=False)[source]
Calculate the ionization balance for all the elements in Zlist.
One of init_pop or Te_init should be set. If neither is set, assume all elements start from neutral.
- Parameters:
- Tefloat
electron temperature in keV or K (default K)
- taufloat
N_e * t for the non-equilibrium ioniziation (default False, i.e. off)
- init_popdict of float arrays, indexed by Z
initial populations. E.g. init_pop[6]=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.2,0.0,0.0]
- Te_initfloat
initial ionization balance temperature, same units as Te
- Zlistint array
array of nuclear charges to include in calculation (e.g. [8,26] for oxygen and iron)
- teunit{‘K’ , ‘keV’}
units of temperatures (default K)
- extrapbool
Extrappolate rates to values outside their given range. (default False)
- ciebool
If true, collisional ionization equilbrium calculation (tau, init_pop, Te_init all ignored)
- Returns:
- final_popdict of float arrays, indexed by Z
final populations. E.g. final_pop[6]=[0.1,0.2,0.3,0.2,0.2,0.0,0.0]
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_ioniz_popn(levpop, Z, z1, z1_drv, T, Ne, settings=False, datacache=False, do_xi=False)[source]
Calculate the level population due to ionization into the ion
- Parameters:
- levpop: array(float)
The level population of the parent ion. Should already have abundance and ion fraction built in.
- Z: int
- z1: int
- z1_drv: int
- T: float
- Ne: float
- settings: dict
- datacache: dict
- do_xi: bool
Include collisional ionization
- Returns:
- levpop_out: array(float)
The level populations of the Z,z1 ion
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_recomb_popn(levpop, Z, z1, z1_drv, T, dens, drlevrates, rrlevrates, settings=False, datacache=False, dronly=False, rronly=False)[source]
Calculate the level population of a recombined ion
- Parameters:
- levpop: array(float)
Level populations, already taking into account elemental abundance and ion fraction of z1_drv
- Z: int
- z1: int
- z1_drv: int
- T: electron temperature (K)
- dens: electron density (cm^-3)
- drlevrates: array(float)
Rates into each level from DR calculations
- rrlevrates: array(float)
Rates into each level from RR calculations
- Returns:
- array(float)
Level population
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_satellite(Z, z1, T, datacache=False, settings=False)[source]
Calcaulate DR satellite lines
- Parameters:
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element Z: int
- z1int
Recombined Ion charge +1 of ion (e.g. 5 for C VI -> C V)
- te: float
The electron temperature (K)
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- Returns:
- array(linelist)
List of DR lines
- array(levlistin)
Rates into each lower level, driven by DR
- pyatomdb.apec.calc_total_coco(cocodata, settings)[source]
Calculate the total emission in erg cm^3 s^-1
- pyatomdb.apec.compress_continuum(xin, yin, tolerance, minval=0.0)[source]
Compress the continuum into linear interpolatable grids
- Parameters:
- xinarray(float)
The bin edges (keV)
- yinarray(float)
The continuum in photons (or ergs) cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1. Should be 1 element shorter then xin
- tolerancefloat
The tolerance of the final result (if 0.01, the result will always be within 1% of the original value)
- Returns:
- xoutarray (float)
The energy points of the compressed energy grid (keV)
- youtarray (float)
The continuum, in photons(or ergs) cm^3 s^-1 keV^-1
- pyatomdb.apec.continuum_append(a, b)[source]
Join two continuum arrays together, expanding arrays as necessary
- Parameters:
- a: numpy.array(dtype=continuum)
The first array
- b: numpy.array(dtype=continuum)
The second array
- Returns
- c: numpy.array(dtype=continuum)
The two arrays combined, with continuum arrays resized as required.
- pyatomdb.apec.do_brems(Z, z1, T, abund, brems_type, eedges)[source]
Calculate the bremstrahlung emission in units of photon cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- Parameters:
- Zint
nuclear charge for which result is required
- z1int
ion charge +1
- Tfloat
temperture (Kelvin)
- abundfloat
elemental abundance (should be between 1.0 and 0.0)
- brems_typeint
Type of bremstrahlung requested: 1 = HUMMER = Non-relativistic: 1988ApJ…327..477H 2 = KELLOGG = Semi-Relativistic: 1975ApJ…199..299K 3 = RELATIVISTIC = Relativistic: 1998ApJ…507..530N 4 = BREMS_NONE = no bremstrahlung
- eedgesarray(float)
The energy bin edges for the spectrum (keV)
- Returns:
- array(float)
bremstrahlung emission in units of photon cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- pyatomdb.apec.do_lines(Z, z1, lev_pop, N_e, datacache=False, settings=False, z1_drv_in=-1)[source]
Convert level populations into line lists
- Parameters:
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- z1int
Ion charge +1 of ion (e.g. 6 for C VI)
- lev_poparray(float)
The level population for the ion. Should already have elemental abundance and ion fraction multiplied in.
- N_efloat
Electron Density (cm^-3)
- datacachedict
Used for caching the data. See description in atomdb.get_data
- settingsdict
See description in atomdb.get_data
- z1_drv_inint
the driving ion for this calculation, if not z1 (defaults to z1)
- Returns:
- linelist: numpy.dtype(linetype)
The list of lines and their emissivities. see generate_datatypes
- twophot: array(float)
The two-photon continuum on the grid specified by the settings If settings[‘TwoPhoton’] is False, then returns a grid of zeros.
- pyatomdb.apec.extract_gauntff(Z, gamma2, gaunt_U, gaunt_Z, gaunt_Ng, gaunt_g2, gaunt_gf)[source]
Extract the appropriate Gaunt free-free factor from the relativistic data tables of Nozawa, Itoh, & Kohyama, 1998 ApJ, 507,530
- Parameters:
- Zint
Z for which result is required
- gamma2array(float)
gamma^2 in units of Z^2 Rydbergs/kT
- gaunt_Uarray(float)
- gaunt_Zarray(int)
nuclear charge
- gaunt_Ngarray(int)
number of gamma^2 factors
- gaunt_g2array(float)
gamma^2 factors
- gaunt_gfarray(float)
ff factors
- Returns:
- array(float)
Gaunt factors.
Nozawa, Itoh, & Kohyama, 1998 ApJ, 507,530
- pyatomdb.apec.gather_rates(Z, z1, te, dens, datacache=False, settings=False, do_la=True, do_ai=True, do_ec=True, do_pc=True, do_ir=True)[source]
fetch the rates for all the levels of Z, z1
- Parameters:
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- z1int
ion charge +1
- tefloat
temperture (Kelvin)
- dens: float
electron density (cm^-3)
- settingsdict
See description in atomdb.get_data
- datacachedict
Used for caching the data. See description in atomdb.get_data
- Returns:
- up: numpy.array(float)
Initial level of each transition
- lo: numpy.array(float)
Final level of each transition
- rate: numpy.array(float)
Rate for each transition (in s-1)
- pyatomdb.apec.generate_apec_headerblurb(settings, linehdulist, cocohdulist)[source]
Generate all the headers for an apec run, and apply them to the HDUlist.
- Parameters:
- settings: dict
The output of read_apec_parfile
- hdulistlist or array of fits HDUs
The hdus to have headings added.
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.generate_cie_outputs(settings, Z, linelist, contlist, pseudolist)[source]
Convert a linelist and continuum values into an equilibrium AtomDB fits output
- Parameters:
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- linelist: numpy.array(dtype=linelisttype)
The list of lines, separated by ion
- contlist: dict
Dictionary with the different continuum contributions from each ion. Each is an array of ph cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- pseudolist: dict
Dictionary with the different pseudocontinuum contributions from each ion. Each is an array of ph cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.generate_datatypes(dtype, npseudo=0, ncontinuum=0)[source]
returns the various data types needed by apec
- Parameters:
- dtypestring
One of “linetype”, “cielinetype”, “continuum”
- npseudoint (default=0)
Number of pseudocontinuum points for “continuum” type
- ncontinuumint (default=0)
Number of continuum points for “continuum” type
- Returns:
- numpy.dtype
The data dtype in question
- pyatomdb.apec.generate_nei_outputs(settings, Z, linelist, contlist, pseudolist, ionfrac_nei)[source]
Convert a linelist and continuum values into a non-equilibrium AtomDB fits output
- Parameters:
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- linelist: numpy.array(dtype=linelisttype)
The list of lines, separated by ion
- contlist: dict
Dictionary with the different continuum contributions from each ion. Each is an array of ph cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- pseudolist: dict
Dictionary with the different pseudocontinuum contributions from each ion. Each is an array of ph cm^3 s^-1 bin^-1
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.kurucz(uin, gam)[source]
Correction factors to Kellogg bremstrahlung calculation by Bob Kurucz
- Parameters:
- uinarray(float)
energy grid, units of E/kT (both in keV)
- gamarray(float)
Z**2/T, in units of Rydbergs
- Returns:
- array(float)
gaunt factors at high gam (> 0.1)
- pyatomdb.apec.make_vector(linear, minval, step, nstep)[source]
Create a vector from the given inputs
- Parameters:
- linear: boolean
Whether the array should be linear or log spaced
- minval: float
initial value of the array. In dex if linear==False
- step: float
step between points on the array. In dex if linear==False
- nstep: int
number of steps
- Returns:
- array(float)
array of values spaced out use the above parameters
- pyatomdb.apec.make_vector_nbins(linear, minval, maxval, nstep)[source]
Create a vector from the given inputs
- Parameters:
- linear: boolean
Whether the array should be linear or log spaced
- minval: float
initial value of the array. In dex if linear==False
- maxval: float
maximum value of the array. In dex if linear==False
- nstep: int
number of steps
- Returns:
- array(float)
array of values spaced out use the above parameters
- pyatomdb.apec.parse_par_file(fname)[source]
Parse the apec.par input file for controlling APEC
- Parameters:
- fnamestring
file name
- Returns:
- dict
The settings in “key:value” pairs.
- pyatomdb.apec.return_ionbal(Z, Te, init_pop=False, tau=False, teunit='K', filename=False, datacache=False, fast=True, settings=False, debug=False, extrap=True)[source]
Solve the ionization balance for a element Z.
- Parameters:
- Zint
atomic number of element
- Tefloat or array
electron temperature(s), default in K
- init_popfloat array
initial population of ions for non-equlibrium calculations. Will be renormalised to 1.
- taufloat or array
N_e * t for the non-equilibrium ioniziation, in cm^3 s^-1.
- Te_initfloat
initial ionization balance temperature, same units as Te
- teunit{‘K’ , ‘keV’}
units of temperatures (default K)
- filenamestring
Can optionally point directly to the file in question, i.e. to look at older data look at $HEADAS/../spectral/modelData/eigenELSYMB_v3.0.fits. If not set, download from AtomDB FTP site.
- datacachedict
Used for caching the data. See description in atomdb.get_data
- fastbool
If true, use precalculated eigenvector files to obtain CIE and NEI results
- Returns:
- final_popfloat array
final populations.
- pyatomdb.apec.run_apec(fname)[source]
Run the entire APEC code using the data in the parameter file fname
- Parameters:
- fnamestring
file name
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.run_apec_element(settings, te, dens, Z)[source]
Run the APEC code using the settings provided for one element
- Parameters:
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- te: float
The electron temperature (K)
- dens: float
The electron density (cm^-3)
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.run_apec_ion(settings, te, dens, Z, z1, ionfrac, abund)[source]
Run the APEC code using the settings provided for an individual ion.
- Parameters:
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- te: float
The electron temperature (K)
- dens: float
The electron density (cm^-3)
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- z1: int
The ion charge +1 of the ion
- ionfrac: float
The fractional abundance of this ion (between 0 and 1)
- abund: float
The elemental abundance of the element (normalized to H)
- Returns:
- linelistnumpy array
List of line details and emissivities
- continuumarray
Continuum emission in photons bin-1 s-1. This is a 3-item dict, with “rrc”, “twophot”, “brems” entries for each continuum source
- pseudocontarray
Pseudo Continuum emission in photons bin-1 s-1
- pyatomdb.apec.run_wrap_run_apec(fname, Z, iTe, iDens)[source]
After running the APEC code ion by ion, use this to combine into FITS files.
- Parameters:
- fnamestring
file name of par file
- Z: int
The atomic numbers
- iTe: int
The temperature index
- iDens: int
The density index
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.solve_ionbal(ionrate, recrate, init_pop=False, tau=False)[source]
solve_ionbal: given a set of ionization and recombination rates, find the equilibrium ionization balance. If init_pop and tau are set, do an non-equilibrium calculation starting from init_pop and evolving for n_e * t = tau (cm^-3 s)
- Parameters:
- ionratefloat array
the ionization rates, starting with neutral ionizing to +1
- recratefloat array
the recombination rates, starting with singly ionized recombining to neutral
- init_popfloat array
initial population of ions for non-equlibrium calculations. Will be renormalised to 1.
- taufloat
N_e * t for the non-equilibrium ioniziation
- Returns:
- final_popfloat array
final populations.
Note that init_pop & final_pop will have 1 more element than ionrate and recrate.
- pyatomdb.apec.solve_level_pop(init, final, rates, settings)[source]
Solve the level population
- Parameters:
- initarray(int)
The initial level for each transition
- finalarray(int)
The initial level for each transition
- ratesarray(float)
The rate for each transition
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- Returns:
- array(float)
The level population
- pyatomdb.apec.wrap_run_apec(fname, readpickle=False, writepickle=False)[source]
After running the APEC code ion by ion, use this to combine into FITS files.
- Parameters:
- fnamestring
file name
- readpicklebool
Load apec results by element from pickle files, instead of regenerating
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.wrap_run_apec_element(settings, te, dens, Z, ite, idens, writepickle=False, readpickle=False)[source]
Combine wrap_run_apec_ion results for an element
- Parameters:
- settings: dictionary
The settings read from the apec.par file by parse_par_file
- te: float
The electron temperature (K)
- dens: float
The electron density (cm^-3)
- Z: int
The nuclear charge of the element
- ite: int
The temperature index
- idens: int
The density index
- writepickle: bool
Dump data into a pickle file. Useful for rapidly combining data after runs.
- readpickle: bool
Read data from a pickle file. Useful for rapidly combining data after runs. Usually the result of a previous call using writepickle=True
- Returns:
- None
- pyatomdb.apec.wrap_update_one_ion(fname, linefile, cocofile, fnameout=None)[source]
After running the APEC code ion by ion, use this to combine into FITS files.
- Parameters:
- fnamestring
file name of pickle file
- linefilestring
file name of line file to update
- cocofilestring
file name of cont file to update
- Returns:
- None